Friday, February 28, 2025

Communist Party of Turkey: Statement on the public letter of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan

In a statement about the public letter of jailed PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, who called on his movement to lay down its arms and dissolve itself thus ending a 40-year conflict with the Turkish state, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) stresses out:
Statement by TKP Central Committee on Öcalan's Letter

To Our People,

"Their profits vs our lives"! Huge strike rallies in Greece on the 2nd anniversary of Tempi train crash

The struggle escalates with mass participation in today's nationwide strike
The participation of the workers and youth in today’s 24-hour national general strike on 28 February was huge, exactly two years after the railway crime, when two trains, a freight train and a passenger train, collided in the area of Tempi, near the city of Larissa, killing 57 people, mostly university students.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Rizospastis: The bargaining for Ukraine's mineral wealth exposes the imperialist pretexts

The daily newspaper “Rizospastis”, the organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece, refers on its front page of 26 February 2025 to the developments around the imperialist war in Ukraine and states in its headline: “The bargaining for mineral wealth exposes the imperialist pretexts”.

The article goes on to say that “The US-NATO-EU propaganda in defence of ‘democracy’ and ‘Western values’ is collapsing like a house of cards. The role of the ND government is exposed, as well as that of the social-democratic parties (PASOK, SYRIZA) and others who support the country’s involvement in the war. The positions of the KKE are confirmed”.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Russia's Maria Zakharova lectures French Minister of Foreign Affairs: Why France should thank the USSR

Editor's Note - NM: This site firmly maintains its position about the imperialist character of the war in Ukraine, which is waged between two major imperialist blocs, the Euro-Atlantic one (NATO,USA, EU, Ukraine) and the emerging Eurasian one (capitalist Russia, China and her allies). Within this context, we refrain from publishing statements/declarations or articles from bourgeois state/governmental sources involved in this matter. The text below is an exception that mainly serves historical purposes. All articles on the war can be found in the following tags: Ukraine War and Russia-Ukraine War.

Communist Knesset member Cassif: "They are trying to silence us, there’s a fascist atmosphere in Israel"

Racist Otzma Yehudit MK Almog Cohen announced past week that he would begin collecting lawmakers’ signatures to initiate impeachment proceedings against Hadash MK Ofer Cassif, condemning what he described as the Communist legislator’s “vile and disgraceful comparison of the voluntary emigration program for Gaza residents to the voluntary emigration of Jews from Nazi Germany.” 

In November, Cassif was suspended from the Knesset for six months over comments he made about the Israeli army war in Gaza. Under the terms of his suspension, Cassif is not allowed to enter the Knesset plenum or committee meetings except to vote.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Greeks to flood the streets on 28 February: National strike and demand for Justice for the Tempi train crash

We are going on strike!

This is the widespread call to struggle that the trade unions across the country are sounding for 28 February, the day when the private and public sectors will come to a standstill, two years after the crime in Tempe.

On that day, workers in factories, construction sites, shops, restaurants, services, etc. will participate in the strike en masse, together with the self-employed, small craftsmen and tradesmen.

Government of the Capitalists, by Elon Musk, for some Capitalists

U.S. capitalism is in economic decay. The disintegration of the capitalist republic follows. This article explains the class nature of U.S. "democracy" and its decay, which has accelerated under president Trump. We republish it here because other capitalist parliamentary regimes share the same class nature, and they, too, are in palpable decay. —  IDC.

Abraham Lincoln gave fame to the phrase “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Donald Trump had not been president again for two weeks when the U.S. took big steps to a government of the capitalist class, by Elon Musk, for some capitalists. This regime has already increased the suffering of the people, but it also moves us closer to revolutionary overthrow of capitalism.

Monday, February 24, 2025

KKE on the result of the German Elections: Popular discontent must acquire a radical, anticapitalist content

In a statement concerning the results of the German Federal Elections, which were held on Sunday 23 February, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), points out the following:

"The outcome of the German elections was influenced by two crucial and mutually reinforcing factors: on the one hand, the intensification of international antagonisms that permeate the ruling class of Germany, fueling bourgeois forces that appear as ''Eurosceptics''; on the other hand, the disapproval of the government of the Social Democrats and Greens, who have burdened the German people with the burdens of recession and war involvement.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Greek communist trade unionists blocked the transport of 350 tonnes of explosives destined to Ukraine

On Saturday 15 February, the Labour Centre of the city of Lavrio in eastern Attica, Greece, whose executive board is run by communists, blocked the transport of 350 tonnes of TNT explosives, which would have passed through the city centre without any measures to protect the people of the area.

The explosives were in fact destined for the Hellenic Defence Systems factory for the production of 155 mm artillery shells to be sent to the imperialist war in Ukraine as part of our country’s involvement, under the responsibility of the government, in support of the Zelenskiy regime.  

Free German Youth (FDJ) on German Election 2025: Class struggle instead of election campaigns

In a statement about the 2025 German Federal Elections, which is due to take place on Sunday 23 February, the Central Council of the Free German Youth (Freie Deutsche Jugend - FDJ) points out the following: 

“Only the dumbest calves choose their own butchers" — Bertolt Brecht

One thing in advance: now everyone can see that Merz and the fascists are joining hands and going on a manhunt because the economy is struggling. But resistance to fascism and war must not stop when it comes to other warmongers. Not when it comes to Scholz, not when it comes to Habeck. They are just as drunk on war, diligent expulsionists and part of the state-incited racism.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

British Communist Party: Stop the war in Ukraine — Britain out of NATO!

“A peace settlement is long overdue in Ukraine, so it’s time to stop the war and start the peace!”, Kevan Nelson declared on Tuesday evening (18 February 2025) following that day’s talks between the US and Russian governments, 

“But it’s a bit rich for British and EU politicians to complain about their own exclusion from the Riyadh summit, when they have spent two years fueling the conflict instead of trying to initiate a peace process”, the Communist Party of Britain’s International Secretary told the CP Political Committee.

Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD) on German Election 2025: The revolutionary perspective

We asked from the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands-KPD (Communist Party of Germany - KPD) to provide its position on the upcoming Federal Election that is due to take place on Sunday 23 February: 

KPD: Thoughts on the federal election

On February 23, 2025, the early federal election is approaching—a vote taking place in a time of growing social dissatisfaction and political polarization. People are increasingly and justifiably discontent with the current political landscape. But what are the real alternatives? How can we use our vote meaningfully, and what can we expect from the parties on the ballot?

Kommunistische Partei (KP) on German Election 2025: No vote for the parties of capital!

We asked from the  Kommunistische Partei KP (Communist Party, Germany) to provide its position on the upcoming Federal Election that is due to take place on Sunday 23 February:

No vote for the parties of capital!

On 23 February, the Bundestag will be elected in Germany. Once again, the bourgeois media are talking about a ‘fateful election’. It is said to be about nothing less than saving ‘democracy’. The spectre of a strong AfD is being used to blackmail us into voting for the other parties of the capitalist system as a supposedly lesser evil. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Communist Party of Turkey: NATO is a security threat for Turkey — We must withdraw from it

In a statement for the 73rd anniversary of Turkey's accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) stresses out  the following:

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a statement today for the 73rd anniversary of our country’s accession to NATO. In the statement, it is claimed that at a time when the future of Euro-Atlantic security is being shaped, Turkey with its allies continue to contribute to international stability today as in the past.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Jesús Faría: 30 years since the death of the Venezuelan communist leader

This January 24, 2025, marks the 30th anniversary of the death of the leader of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) Jesús Faría. His name is linked to the most important class struggles of the Venezuelan oil proletariat of the 20th century.

Jesús Faría was born on June 27, 1910, in Borojó, Falcón, in conditions of extreme poverty. In his autobiography Mi línea no cambia, es hasta la muerte (My line does not change, it is until death), he recalls his childhood besieged by snakes and vermin. Since he was a child, he worked in different informal activities to contribute to the sustenance of his home: he was a fruit and firewood seller, bottle collector, limekiln maker….

Monday, February 17, 2025

European Communist Action: On the three years since the formal beginning of the imperialist war in Ukraine

Statement by the European Communist Action on the three years since the beginning of the imperialist war in Ukraine

"The war that formally began three years ago with the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, shedding the blood of two peoples who lived, fought and prospered together under the USSR and who are now suffering under capitalism, after the prevalence of the counter-revolution.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

KKE Party Organization in Germany on the 23 February German Federal Election: What should we vote for?

KKE members and supporters in Berlin (Archive Photo)
In an article published on Friday 14 February on portal (read here in Greek), the Sectoral Party Organization of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in Germany elaborates about the upcoming Federal Elections which are due to be held on Sunday 23 February 2025. 

Below you can read major abstracts of the article, analyzing the political situation and responding to the question "What should we vote for"? 

Friday, February 14, 2025

The Socialist State in Latvia: From the revolutionary triumph to the drama of dissolution

 By Vladimir Frolov*

Latvia has a special place in the history of the revolutionary movement and the socialist construction in Russia, during the 20th century. At the end of the 19th century, the rapid development of capitalism was marked in the Governorates of Livonia and Courland, in the Russian Empire (today parts of modern Latvia). 

Latvia’s population was only equal to 1.5% of the total population of the Russian Empire, while the 5.5% of the total industrial products were produced in Latvia. 62,300 workers were employed in Latvia’s heavy industry. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

German Election 2025: Statement by Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) Organization in Germany

Statement of the TKP Organization in Germany on the upcoming German Federal Election (Bundestagswahl) which is due to be held on 23 February 2025:

Once again, the February elections are being presented as the ‘most important’ ones—a narrative designed to obscure the lack of real choice for the working class. Not only German institutions and organisations, but also many who claim to represent the Turkish community in Germany are calling on people to vote together against the AfD and for democracy.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

80 years since the disgraceful Varkiza Agreement

The signing of the Varkiza Agreement, 12 February 1945
On this day, February 12, 1945, the negotiations between the representatives of EAM and the Plastiras government were concluded and the unacceptable Varkiza Agreement was signed.

In the negotiations, the EAM delegation consisted of G. Siantos (Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and head of the delegation), M. Partsalidis (Secretary of the CC of EAM) and l. Tsirimokos (General Secretary of the Union of People's Democracy party). The government was represented by I. Sofianopoulos (Minister of Foreign Affairs), P. Rallis (Minister of Interior) and Ioannis Makropoulos (Minister of Agriculture).

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Communist Front of Italy: On the nationalist, anti-communist state propaganda of the "foibe massacre"

The Communist Front of Italy (Fronte Comunista) published a statement on the occasion of the February 10 "Remembrance Day" - established by the Italian government - for the so-called Foibe massacre and the exodus of Italians from the territories of Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia:

"The establishment of February 10 as “Remembrance Day” represents the elevation of fascist propaganda to the level of state ideology, with a nationalist, anti-communist and revisionist function.

Monday, February 10, 2025

South African communists blast Trump's imperialist agenda: "We will not bow to imperialist threats"

In a statement issued on 6 February 2025, the South African Communist Party (SACP) condemns U.S President Donald Trump's threats against South Africa and defends the country's national sovereignty. 

The statement reads:

"The South African Communist Party (SACP) unequivocally condemns the right-wing conservative President of the United States, Donald Trump, in the strongest possible terms. We reject his imperialist agenda and the entire United States imperialism and its extension to our country with the contempt it deserves.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

On imperialism and the current situation in the world

By Andreas Sörensen

The development in the world the past year has sharpened the contradictions inherent within the imperialist system and has thus also accentuated the need for a deepened analysis of the mechanisms that push the development forward.

To be able to do this, this presentation will focus on the analysis presented by Lenin in his pamphlet Imperialism as the Highest Stage of Capitalism. Here, he explored the mechanisms that decided and decide the development of international capitalism. In the course of this article, the mechanisms and features that he identified will be discussed, and light will be shed on problematic approaches that readers take to Lenin.