Monday, November 25, 2024

Greek communists stage militant protest against anti-communist event dedicated to "Holodomor"

"In Socialism the peoples of Russia & Ukraine were living in peace"
With a dynamic, yet peaceful, protest held on Saturday 23 November in Mandra, a town west of Athens, members of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and its youth wing, KNE, condemned the unhistorical and anti-communist event in commemoration of the so-called "Holodomor". 

The event titled "Memorial event for the innocent victims of the Stalinist regime-instigated Genocide, HOLODOMOR 1932-1933" was organized by the Municipality of Mandra in collaboration with the Embassy of Ukraine in Greece and the Hellenic-Ukrainian Chamber.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Koutsoumbas: On the escalation of the imperialist war between NATO and Russia — The Greek government should stop supporting the Zelensky regime

In a statement (22/11) concerning the escalation of the imperialist war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Dimitris Koutsoumbas, points out:

“Following the use of American and British weapons against Russia by the Zelensky regime and the modification of Russia’s nuclear doctrine by Putin and their related statements, it is now obvious that there is a major escalation of the imperialist war. The risk of an immediate generalization is more than visible.

KKE delegation meets Hadash MP Ofer Cassif

A delegation from the International Relations Section of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) met with Ofer Cassif, MP of the Hadash Joint List in Israeli Parliament (Knesset) and member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel (Maki), during his brief stay in Athens.

It is reminded that Ofer Cassif is being persecuted in Israel because he publicly condemns Netanyahu government's anti-people policy, opposes the genocide of the Palestinian people and the occupation, as well as the attacks against the other peoples of the region. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thirty years since the reorganization of the Communist Party of Mexico (PCM)

In a statement, the Communist Workers’ Platform USA expresses its congratulations to the Communist Party of Mexico (PCM) on the occasion of the Party's 30th reorganization anniversary:

Little more than thirty years have passed since the counterrevolutionary overthrow of workers’ power in the USSR. This historic tragedy confirmed the warning of J.V. Stalin: that it would result in “the blackest and most savage reaction in all capitalist countries”, a condition which we face today with the looming threat of nuclear confrontation and a generalized conflict between the two major imperialist blocs. The world communist movement facing the counterrevolution 1989-1991 was thus confronted with the ideological and political dominance of the counterrevolution—a crisis which continues to this day. To make matters worse, the Communist Party of Mexico had been dissolved a decade prior in 1981. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The War in Ukraine and the Role of Turkey

By Erhan Nalçacı

The beginning of the war in Ukraine should perhaps be taken as 2014, but in this article [1] we will focus on the period starting with the Russian intervention into Ukrainian territory in February 2022. The war in Ukraine did not take place between two nation states, Ukraine was put forward as a proxy of NATO, in other words of imperialist Euro-Atlantic bloc, so the war took place between NATO and Russia. But more generally, Ukraine was a front in the war of imperialist division, which is a product of the imperialist rivalry that has now taken over the world, a war that has not yet become total.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

KKE: US-NATO decision to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles against Russia is 'a dangerous escalation'

KKE: US-NATO decision to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles against Russia is 'a dangerous escalation'
"The decision made by the United States and other NATO member-states to allow the Zelensky regime to use long-range missiles within Russian territory constitutes an extremely dangerous escalation and is another step towards a generalisation and further expansion of the NATO-Russia war already underway," a statement issued by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) on Monday said. 

Communist Party of Ireland: Statement on the Irish General Election 2024

The forthcoming General Election takes place in the context of multiple crises, such as rising prices, rising rents, and homelessness. The health system is operating beyond all capacity, with excessive waiting times for GP appointments, in A&E departments, over-crowded hospitals, and people waiting years to be referred to a specialist. 
Wages are not keeping pace with the cost of living and precarious employment is rampant. In our schools, class sizes are still too high and long-term absenteeism from school is increasing. Working class communities are preyed upon by criminal gangs that view them as a source of profit. 

Monday, November 18, 2024

Thousands commemorated the 51st anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising in Athens

The militant commemoration of the 51st anniversary of the 1973 Polytechnic Uprising against the US-backed junta culminated once again this year with the mass anti-imperialist march to the US Embassy in Athens on Sunday 17 November and similar events all over the country.

Thousands of people participated in the bloc of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) expressing their solidarity with the people of Palestine and demanded that the massacre in Gaza and Greece’s involvement in imperialist plans be stopped.

Friday, November 15, 2024

The truth behind the infamous "Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation"

By Nikos Mottas

One would think that following the prevalence of the counterrevolution in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the anti-communist campaign that was unfolded during the Cold War would end. Not only did this not happen but, on the contrary, the attempt to slander socialism-communism continued unabated and, in many cases, it was instrumentalized, mainly in the United States and the European Union through the establishment of institutions and foundations, having as a sole purpose the falsification of history. Within this context, by an unanimous decision of the U.S Congress in 1993, the notorious Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) was established, with a stated mission of “educating Americans about the ideology, history and legacy of communism”(1)

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Marco Rubio el gusano, a sworn enemy of Cuban and Venezuelan people

By Nikos Mottas

According to the latest reports, the Republican Senator from Florida, Marco Rubio, will be the next U.S Secretary of State in Trump's administration. Born and raised in Miami, the epicenter of Cuban-American counterrevolutionary activity, Rubio's major political characteristics is his proven enmity towards socialist Cuba.

He was born in 1971 by Cuban immigrants who left the island before the triumph of the Revolution. While studying law, Rubio worked for the notorious Cuban-born Republican Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Among others, Ros-Lehtinen has played a significant role in promoting and strengthening the U.S genocidal blockade against Cuba, while she lobbied for the release and pardon of counterrevolutionary terrorist Orlando Bosch who had been convicted of terrorist acts and has also been accused of involvement in the 1976 bombing of Cubana Flight 455 which killed 73 people.  

Greek Defense Minister says children with autism can be trained for military attacks!

In a shameful, as well as utterly provocative statement, Greece's Defense Minister Nikos Dendias proposed that the Greek Armed Forces could train and employ children on the autism spectrum in skills suitable for military defense, such as image recognition required in AI systems and drones with the aim to identify targets.

Speaking at the Rotary Club of Athens last week, Mr Dendias said that the Defense Ministry intends to train children on the autism spectrum in skills suitable for military defense, such as image recognition required in artificial intelligence systems and drones. Furthermore, he mentioned the example of Israel which, as he said, “has special units for this”. 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

20th death anniversary of Yasser Arafat

The 11th of November marks the 20th anniversary of the death of the iconic Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, the man who led the struggle of the Palestinian people for over half a century. Arafat was born Muhammad Abd al-Ra'uf al-Qudwa al-Husseini but was known popularly as Yasir Arafat and Abu Ammar. His mother was Zahwa Khalil Abu al-Su‘ud.

His brothers are Jamal, Mustafa, and Fathi, and his sisters are In‘am, Yusra, and Khadija; through his father, he also had a half-brother, Muhsin, and two half-sisters, Mirvet and Madiha. His wife is Suha al-Tawil, and his only child is his daughter, Zahwa.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Remembering the 1917 October Revolution: Socialism is the answer, whatever the question

By Nikos Mottas

Today marks the 107th anniversary of the single most important event ofmodern history: The 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution. Its significance lies in the fact that it was historically the first conscious step for the transition from capitalism to socialism and the abolition of man by man. Lenin's slogan “the ice was broken, the road was paved” summarizes the passage of social development to its highest level, that is socialism, the ultimate perspective of which is the classless communist society. 

Ahoo Daryaei and the hijab of capitalism

It isn't the first time that there have been righteous protests against the obscurantist treatment of women by the regime in Iran. However, the rush of the “West” to make the young woman who was protesting the “strict Islamic dress code” at her university go viral in global broadcast, is everything but innocent. The video that captured her protest was promoted with a lighting speed to millions of social media accounts, through official and unofficial “west” governments and embassies, NGOs, “rights' supporters”, etc.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

KKE's General Secretary D. Koutsoumbas on the result of the US elections and its impact on Greece

On 6 November, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, General Secretary of the CC of the KKE, spoke at a mass meeting on the island of Rhodes, on the theme “Rhodes: An upgraded tourist product at the crossroads of NATO plans. The consequences for the lives and rights of the people”.

The GS of the CC of the KKE, among other things, referred in detail to the two imperialist wars in the Middle East and Ukraine and denounced the involvement of the New Democracy government alongside the USA, NATO and the EU.

European Communist Action: Statement on the 107th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

 The Great October Socialist Revolution paved the way

On 7 November 1917 in Petrograd, the revolution triumphed. The Second Congress of Soviets proclaimed the socialist nature of the revolution, and adopted the Decree on Land and the Decree on Peace.

The importance of the Great October Revolution in the history of humanity is immense. It marked a radical shift from the old capitalist world to the new socialist world. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

"You Shall Not Pass!": Greek communists blocked trucks carrying ammunition to Ukraine

They did it once again! Members of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and its Communist Youth, KNE, in the town of Tyrnavos, in Thessaly region, set up a blockade on six trucks carrying ammunition to Ukraine.  

As portal reported, the Communists blocked the road by staying firmly in front of the trucks with banners and flags thus forcing them to stop and retreat. 

Artificial intelligence: In favour of the profits of capital or the needs of the people?

By Makis Papadopoulos

The era of digital transformation of the economy and the development of artificial intelligence (AI) marks an enormous potential to meet the needs of society. Many workers are indignant as they compare this potential with their own condition. They learn, for example, that thanks to AI people who were blind can gain sight, and they make the comparison with the current state of public health systems.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

The destruction of Gaza and what followed did not start on October 7

By Oded Goldreich and Assaf Kfoury

An incendiary war has been raging for more than a year in the Middle East.  It has been indescribably devastating on Gaza and has now extended to the West Bank, to northern Israel and Lebanon, with ominous signs of expanding further into a regional war. This is a war driven by an Israeli government bent on exacting vengeful retribution on all its perceived enemies, unrestrained by its American benefactor and main purveyor of weapons. While this war has been extensively covered by the media, what is mostly understated or forgotten are the circumstances that led to it – a covert decades-long war waged by Israel on the Palestinian people. 

KKE: We draw lessons and inspiration from the history of the labour and communist movement

In a climate of enthusiasm, the opening of the exhibition of Historical - Archival Material of the Attica Party Organization of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), entitled “The liberating - revolutionary 1944”, took place on Saturday 2 November.

The exhibition deals with the heroic action of the KKE under the conditions of the fascist occupation and during the liberation of Greece in 1944 by the partisan People’s Liberation Army (ELAS), which was led by the KKE, as well as with the action of the Party in conditions of revolutionary situation that was formed in the country at that time and in the subsequent conditions of the British imperialist intervention.

Monday, November 4, 2024

New statue of Stalin to be unveiled in the Russian city of Vologda

Good news are coming from the northwestern Russian region of Vologda where a full-size statue of Soviet leader and architect of the People's Antifascist Victory, Joseph Stalin, is going to be installed. 

According to Georgy Filimonov, the region's Governor,  the decision to commission the monument, which he said was nearly complete, had come about following multiple “requests from the public”, adding that it would be installed at a local museum housed in a building where Stalin lived briefly while in exile in 1911–1912. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Trump, Kamala Harris and the "Lesser Evil"

By Nikos Mottas

Here we go again. Another U.S Presidential Election and new false dilemmas are presented before the American people. Following a fierce pre-election period in a polarized political environment, U.S voters are called to choose between the two contestants: Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?

The battle between Harris and Trump, like all previous electoral battles between presidential candidates, isn't a personal one. It's purely political. Trump and Harris represent sectors of the big capital and their fight reflects the aggravation of the intra-bourgeois competition in the United States. It is a competition that is taking place in a period of significant changes within the global imperialist system itself, when the U.S monopoly capital struggles to maintain its primacy against the rapidly growing economic influence of China. 

Friday, November 1, 2024

Spanish communists on the tragedy caused by DANA in Valencia: There are culprits and they must pay

The Communist Party of the Workers of Spain-PCTE on the tragedy caused by the DANA

There are culprits and they must pay

The number of victims caused by the passage of the DANA (Isolated Depression at High Levels) through the East of the peninsula is horrifying. Dozens of towns in the Valencian Country, Castilla-La Mancha, Andalusia, Catalonia, and Aragón have been affected by the catastrophe. The human and material cost is already incalculable.

Palestinian Communist Party denounces Israeli ban on UNRWA

Statement Condemning the Expulsion of UNRWA from Jerusalem and the Prevention of its Work in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

The Palestinian Communist Party strongly condemns the decision by the Israeli Knesset to expel the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and sever all communications with it. This decision poses a direct threat to the rights of Palestinian refugees and exacerbates their humanitarian and social suffering, as UNRWA plays a vital role in providing essential services in education, health, relief, and infrastructure.