Today marks the 107th anniversary of the single most important event ofmodern history: The 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution. Its significance lies in the fact that it was historically the first conscious step for the transition from capitalism to socialism and the abolition of man by man. Lenin's slogan “the ice was broken, the road was paved” summarizes the passage of social development to its highest level, that is socialism, the ultimate perspective of which is the classless communist society.
Friday, November 8, 2024
Ahoo Daryaei and the hijab of capitalism
Thursday, November 7, 2024
KKE's General Secretary D. Koutsoumbas on the result of the US elections and its impact on Greece
The GS of the CC of the KKE, among other things, referred in detail to the two imperialist wars in the Middle East and Ukraine and denounced the involvement of the New Democracy government alongside the USA, NATO and the EU.
European Communist Action: Statement on the 107th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution
On 7 November 1917 in Petrograd, the revolution triumphed. The Second Congress of Soviets proclaimed the socialist nature of the revolution, and adopted the Decree on Land and the Decree on Peace.
The importance of the Great October Revolution in the history of humanity is immense. It marked a radical shift from the old capitalist world to the new socialist world.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
"You Shall Not Pass!": Greek communists blocked trucks carrying ammunition to Ukraine
As portal reported, the Communists blocked the road by staying firmly in front of the trucks with banners and flags thus forcing them to stop and retreat.
Artificial intelligence: In favour of the profits of capital or the needs of the people?
The era of digital transformation of the economy and the development of artificial intelligence (AI) marks an enormous potential to meet the needs of society. Many workers are indignant as they compare this potential with their own condition. They learn, for example, that thanks to AI people who were blind can gain sight, and they make the comparison with the current state of public health systems.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
The destruction of Gaza and what followed did not start on October 7
An incendiary war has been raging for more than a year in the Middle East. It has been indescribably devastating on Gaza and has now extended to the West Bank, to northern Israel and Lebanon, with ominous signs of expanding further into a regional war. This is a war driven by an Israeli government bent on exacting vengeful retribution on all its perceived enemies, unrestrained by its American benefactor and main purveyor of weapons. While this war has been extensively covered by the media, what is mostly understated or forgotten are the circumstances that led to it – a covert decades-long war waged by Israel on the Palestinian people.
KKE: We draw lessons and inspiration from the history of the labour and communist movement
The exhibition deals with the heroic action of the KKE under the conditions of the fascist occupation and during the liberation of Greece in 1944 by the partisan People’s Liberation Army (ELAS), which was led by the KKE, as well as with the action of the Party in conditions of revolutionary situation that was formed in the country at that time and in the subsequent conditions of the British imperialist intervention.
Monday, November 4, 2024
New statue of Stalin to be unveiled in the Russian city of Vologda
According to Georgy Filimonov, the region's Governor, the decision to commission the monument, which he said was nearly complete, had come about following multiple “requests from the public”, adding that it would be installed at a local museum housed in a building where Stalin lived briefly while in exile in 1911–1912.
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Trump, Kamala Harris and the "Lesser Evil"
Here we go again. Another U.S Presidential Election and new false dilemmas are presented before the American people. Following a fierce pre-election period in a polarized political environment, U.S voters are called to choose between the two contestants: Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?
The battle between Harris and Trump, like all previous electoral battles between presidential candidates, isn't a personal one. It's purely political. Trump and Harris represent sectors of the big capital and their fight reflects the aggravation of the intra-bourgeois competition in the United States. It is a competition that is taking place in a period of significant changes within the global imperialist system itself, when the U.S monopoly capital struggles to maintain its primacy against the rapidly growing economic influence of China.
Friday, November 1, 2024
Spanish communists on the tragedy caused by DANA in Valencia: There are culprits and they must pay
There are culprits and they must pay
The number of victims caused by the passage of the DANA (Isolated Depression at High Levels) through the East of the peninsula is horrifying. Dozens of towns in the Valencian Country, Castilla-La Mancha, Andalusia, Catalonia, and Aragón have been affected by the catastrophe. The human and material cost is already incalculable.
Palestinian Communist Party denounces Israeli ban on UNRWA
Statement Condemning the Expulsion of UNRWA from Jerusalem and the Prevention of its Work in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
The Palestinian Communist Party strongly condemns the decision by the Israeli Knesset to expel the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and sever all communications with it. This decision poses a direct threat to the rights of Palestinian refugees and exacerbates their humanitarian and social suffering, as UNRWA plays a vital role in providing essential services in education, health, relief, and infrastructure.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Trump declares Marxists and Communists key enemies of the United States
Trump is countering the Democratic Party in the presidential race by accusing Marxists of being guilty of all the troubles in America. When the bourgeois state fails to manage domestic issues it is always convenient to find an enemy and accuse it of all the sins. Moreover, Trump is unable to come up with any constructive strategy to fight Kamala Harris, so he is bringing back the age-old threat of communism as a political tool.
Cyprus Communist Initiative on Christodoulides-Biden meeting in Washington DC
"Telling the truth is one of the greatest human values. But in this country and in this era, the truth is forbidden, so when we tell the truth, the bourgeois and their parties will discredit the truth, they will vilify us, but we will not take a single step back.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
El KKE expresa su solidaridad con el pueblo español con motivo de las desastrosas inundaciones en Valencia
"El KKE expresa su solidaridad con el pueblo de España, especialmente con los residentes en Valencia, por la trágica pérdida de al menos 64 personas y los importantes daños a viviendas e infraestructuras en la región. Expresamos nuestro más sentido pésame a las familias de quienes perdieron la vida en este gran desastre.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Joint Statement by Communist Parties: Strengthen the struggle against the imperialist blockade of Cuba — increase the solidarity
As a result of the imperialist blockade, of the sanctions imposed by USA, amongst them the inclusion in the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, the Cuban people face today great difficulties, one of them the instability of the electrical grid, that is causing blackouts in a crucial time, as is the hurricane season in the Caribbean that requires the maximum effort of the civilian protection services.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Memorials dedicated to communist guerrillas unveiled by the KKE in northern Greece
Both events were attended by the General Secretary of the CC of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Netanyahu’s far-right regime intends to ban Hadash!
Netanyahu’s coalition decided to ban Hadash and is still unclear which legislation will be used to ban Islamic Ra’am party. This is done under the false accusation of “support for terrorism”.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Joint Statement of Communist Parties: On the acts of torture and State terrorism in Paraguay
In the early morning hours and without warning their lawyers or relatives, they were assaulted in their places of confinement (the Asunción women's prison in the case of the first two and the San Juan Bautista Regional Prison in the case of Laura V. .) by military agents without identification, hooded and with heavy caliber weapons, they took them to the new Minga Guazu Prison, in the department of Alto Paraná.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
KKE: Solidarity with Cuba in the face of the imperialist blockade and Hurricane Oscar
“The KKE expresses its solidarity with the people of Cuba, the government and the Communist Party of Cuba, in their efforts to deal with the problems in the country's electricity supply system, as well as the effects of the simultaneous passing of Hurricane Oscar in the eastern provinces of Cuba.
Monday, October 21, 2024
Communist Party of Turkey on Fethullah Gülen's death
"He was a faithful servant of the capital and the multinational monopolies. His greatest service was the realization of the expansionist ambitions of the capitalist class in Turkey and implementation of regional policies developed in collaboration with the USA. He led a life full of crimes against the people and laid the foundations of conditions in Turkey today, which is built by the AKP government.
Teleconference of the ECA: “The Communists of Europe against the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum”
KKE: Opposition and disobedience to the EU’s brutal institutional framework for refugees and migrants
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Communist Party of Sweden brings back the sickle and hammer on its logo
Since the Communist Party in Sweden was re-established in 1977, our party has used a logo consisting of gears, wheat ears and our initials. The colors have consisted of the red color of socialism and the blue-yellow Swedish colors.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Imperialism: The Example of the Russian Federation
The question of the role of the Russian Federation in the global imperialist system is important now more than ever. The ongoing war in Ukraine, the growing tensions between large capitalist powers and the ongoing crisis in the international communist movement bring the topic to the forefront of the discussion. Being only one aspect of a greater discussion on the nature of imperialism, it highlights how a flawed understanding of a given phenomenon can have far-reaching consequences for the political analysis of the global situation as a whole. This, in turn, can undermine the theoretical and practical work of entire organisations.