Friday, November 1, 2024

Spanish communists on the tragedy caused by DANA in Valencia: There are culprits and they must pay

The Communist Party of the Workers of Spain-PCTE on the tragedy caused by the DANA

There are culprits and they must pay

The number of victims caused by the passage of the DANA (Isolated Depression at High Levels) through the East of the peninsula is horrifying. Dozens of towns in the Valencian Country, Castilla-La Mancha, Andalusia, Catalonia, and Aragón have been affected by the catastrophe. The human and material cost is already incalculable.

Palestinian Communist Party denounces Israeli ban on UNRWA

Statement Condemning the Expulsion of UNRWA from Jerusalem and the Prevention of its Work in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

The Palestinian Communist Party strongly condemns the decision by the Israeli Knesset to expel the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and sever all communications with it. This decision poses a direct threat to the rights of Palestinian refugees and exacerbates their humanitarian and social suffering, as UNRWA plays a vital role in providing essential services in education, health, relief, and infrastructure.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Trump declares Marxists and Communists key enemies of the United States

“The enemy from within, the fascists, the Marxists, the communists are more dangerous than Russia and China and other people”, – said Donald Trump on 6 October during his rally in Juneau, Wisconsin.

Trump is countering the Democratic Party in the presidential race by accusing Marxists of being guilty of all the troubles in America. When the bourgeois state fails to manage domestic issues it is always convenient to find an enemy and accuse it of all the sins. Moreover, Trump is unable to come up with any constructive strategy to fight Kamala Harris, so he is bringing back the age-old threat of communism as a political tool.

Cyprus Communist Initiative on Christodoulides-Biden meeting in Washington DC

In a statement (here in Greek) concerning the meeting between the President of the Republic of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides and U.S President Joe Biden in the White House on 30/10, the Communist Initiative of Cyprus (Κομμουνιστική Πρωτοβουλία Κύπρου - Kıbrıs Komünist İnisiyatifi) stresses out:

"Telling the truth is one of the greatest human values. But in this country and in this era, the truth is forbidden, so when we tell the truth, the bourgeois and their parties will discredit the truth, they will vilify us, but we will not take a single step back.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

El KKE expresa su solidaridad con el pueblo español con motivo de las desastrosas inundaciones en Valencia

En un comunicado publicado el miércoles 30 de Octubre, la Oficina de Prensa del Partido Comunista de Grecia (KKE) expresa su solidaridad con el pueblo de España, con motivo de las devastadoras inundaciones en Valencia que han dejado más de 95 muertos y numerosos desaparecidos. El comunicado dice: 

"El KKE expresa su solidaridad con el pueblo de España, especialmente con los residentes en Valencia, por la trágica pérdida de al menos 64 personas y los importantes daños a viviendas e infraestructuras en la región. Expresamos nuestro más sentido pésame a las familias de quienes perdieron la vida en este gran desastre.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Joint Statement by Communist Parties: Strengthen the struggle against the imperialist blockade of Cuba — increase the solidarity

Strengthen the struggle against the imperialist blockade of Cuba, increase the solidarity

As a result of the imperialist blockade, of the sanctions imposed by USA, amongst them the inclusion in the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, the Cuban people face today great difficulties, one of them the instability of the electrical grid, that is causing blackouts in a crucial time, as is the hurricane season in the Caribbean that requires the maximum effort of the civilian protection services.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Memorials dedicated to communist guerrillas unveiled by the KKE in northern Greece

With two events held in the northern provinces of Florina and Kastoria on Sunday 27 October, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) unveiled two new memorials dedicated to the struggle of the Democratic Army of Greece, the communist-backed guerrilla army which fought against the bourgeois forces and their imperialist allies during the 1946-1949 Civil War.

Both events were attended by the General Secretary of the CC of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Netanyahu’s far-right regime intends to ban Hadash!

The Israeli far-right government is working systematically to disqualify Arab and Left-wing representatives from the Knesset to secure a permanent majority. It is trying to prevent public and parliamentary dissent against the occupation of the Palestinian territories and the endless war in Gaza and Lebanon.

Netanyahu’s coalition decided to ban Hadash and is still unclear which legislation will be used to ban Islamic Ra’am party. This is done under the false accusation of “support for terrorism”.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Joint Statement of Communist Parties: On the acts of torture and State terrorism in Paraguay

Since October 12, Francisca Andino, Carmen and Laura Villalba, Paraguayan political prisoners, were the object of a new attack by the penal system and the repressive forces of the Paraguayan State. 

In the early morning hours and without warning their lawyers or relatives, they were assaulted in their places of confinement (the Asunción women's prison in the case of the first two and the San Juan Bautista Regional Prison in the case of Laura V. .) by military agents without identification, hooded and with heavy caliber weapons, they took them to the new Minga Guazu Prison, in the department of Alto Paraná. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

KKE: Solidarity with Cuba in the face of the imperialist blockade and Hurricane Oscar

The International Relations Section of  the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) sends message of solidarity to Cuba on the occasion of the problems caused by the imperialist blockade and the effects of Hurricane Oscar. The statement (here in Greek) reads:

“The KKE expresses its solidarity with the people of Cuba, the government and the  Communist Party of Cuba, in their efforts to deal with the problems in the country's electricity supply system, as well as the effects of the simultaneous passing of Hurricane Oscar in the eastern provinces of Cuba.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Communist Party of Turkey on Fethullah Gülen's death

In a comment posted on social media concerning the death of US-based cleric Fethullah Gülen, the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) stresses out:

"He was a faithful servant of the capital and the multinational monopolies. His greatest service was the realization of the expansionist ambitions of the capitalist class in Turkey and implementation of regional policies developed in collaboration with the USA. He led a life full of crimes against the people and laid the foundations of conditions in Turkey today, which is built by the AKP government. 

Teleconference of the ECA: “The Communists of Europe against the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum”

On Sunday 20 October, the European Communist Action held a teleconference on "The Communists of Europe against the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum". The introductory speech was given by the New Communist Party of the Netherlands. On behalf of the KKE, the speech was given by Katerina Geraki, head of the Inter-sectional Committee of the CC of the KKE on the rights of migrants and refugees.

KKE: Opposition and disobedience to the EU’s brutal institutional framework for refugees and migrants

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Communist Party of Sweden brings back the sickle and hammer on its logo

At an extraordinary Congress held on 19 October, the Communist Party of Sweden (SKP) decided to replace its logo with a new one that depicts the sickle and hammer. A statement published in "Riktpunkt" reads:

Since the Communist Party in Sweden was re-established in 1977, our party has used a logo consisting of gears, wheat ears and our initials. The colors have consisted of the red color of socialism and the blue-yellow Swedish colors.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Imperialism: The Example of the Russian Federation

Article by the Revolutionary Communist Youth League of Russia (Bolsheviks) RKSM(b):


The question of the role of the Russian Federation in the global imperialist system is important now more than ever. The ongoing war in Ukraine, the growing tensions between large capitalist powers and the ongoing crisis in the international communist movement bring the topic to the forefront of the discussion. Being only one aspect of a greater discussion on the nature of imperialism, it highlights how a flawed understanding of a given phenomenon can have far-reaching consequences for the political analysis of the global situation as a whole. This, in turn, can undermine the theoretical and practical work of entire organisations.

Friday, October 18, 2024

KKE's Secretary Koutsoumbas: Mitsotakis must answer regarding Greece's involvement in Ukraine and Middle East wars

The General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas on Friday criticized the government's stance toward the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and called for the immediate briefing of the political parties and parliament.

"In the context of US and NATO's dangerous plans, the New Democracy government is involving Greece without any limits or barriers in the two conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, increasing the danger for the Greek people," he said.

Nikos Mottas on World Marxist Review: The Spectre of Communism. Aspects of Anti -Communist Propaganda in Post-Cold War Era

A SPECTRE is haunting Europe—the spectre of Communism. All the powers of old Eu rope have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre; Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.” With this phrase, written in the beginning of the Manifesto of the Communist Party in 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were pointing out the very first manifestation of the phenomenon of anti-communism (ABSTRACT)

Nikos Mottas: The Spectre of Communism: Aspects of Anti -Communist Propaganda in Post-Cold War Era. (2024). World Marxist Review , 3(3), 41-52.

Greek dockworkers blocked the loading of a container full of bullets bound for Israel

On Thursday 17 October, COSCO dockers at the Port of Piraeus detected a container full of bullets that had entered the country via North Macedonia and was bound for Haifa, Israel, to be used in the massacre of the Palestinian and Lebanese people. 

The COSCO dockers, led by their trade union, the Container Handling Workers’ Union at the Piers of Piraeus (ENEDEP), took decisive action to prevent the container from being loaded onto the ship and demonstrated on the spot, calling on the people of the region to join the demonstration.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The KKE commemorated the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Athens from the Nazis

Thousands of people participated in a mass rally, worthy of the historical 80th anniversary of the liberation of Athens from the Nazi occupiers, organized by the KKE on 12 October 2024.

With their presence in the places that were shaken during the liberation, workers, breadwinners, self-employed, women and young people participating in the rally, picked up the thread of history, sending a resounding and timely message that the people, holding their own flag high, can provide a way out of this system of wars and crises. The rally was at the same time a huge red demonstration against the imperialist war and our country's involvement in the criminal plans of the USA - EU - NATO and the murderous state of Israel.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Stalin is their nightmare: European Parliament regrets "growing cult of Stalin and related increase in Soviet nostalgia in Georgia"!

Joseph Stalin, the architect of Soviet Union's triumph over Nazism in the Second World War and the man who transformed the USSR from a backward, mainly agricultural country, into an industrial superpower, continues, 70 years after his death, to frighten capitalists and their political servants throughout the world. 

In a recently revised version of a draft resolution on Georgia, the European Parliament added a passage speaking about the "growing cult of Stalin and related increase in Soviet nostalgia in Georgia". 

Friday, October 11, 2024

"Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation" glorifies Nazi collaborators and fascists

By Nikos Mottas

The notorious "Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation", an institute created in 1993 by the U.S governmental agencies in collaboration with the... crème de la crème of international anti-communism, has been exposed once again. 

This time, the Department of Canadian Heritage is being told that more than half of the 550 names on the Memorial to the Victims of Communism should be removed because of potential links to the Nazis or questions about affiliations with fascist groups, according to government records. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

GDR at 75: The German Democratic Republic was a milestone in the world revolutionary process

Declaration of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Austria (PdA) on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) on 7 October 1949:

The founding of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) 75 years ago was initially a necessary reaction to the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) by the three Western Allies. With the creation of the FRG, the Western occupying powers - the USA, Great Britain and France - had laid the foundations for the resurgence of German imperialism, albeit under US supervision. Before and after the founding of the GDR, German communists in both countries aimed for a united Germany from which war should never again start.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Joint Statement of Communist and Workers Parties: We stand against the widening of war in the Middle East!

Joint Statement of Communist and Workers Parties

We stand against the widening of war in the Middle East!

We, the undersigned communist and workers parties campaigning for peace and progress in the Middle East, hereby express our most profound concerns over the unprecedented escalation of the situation in the region with the Israeli multi-dimensional attacks on Lebanon and full-scale invasion of the country. This has predictably resulted in the retaliatory missile strikes by Iran on Israeli targets, following on from Israeli attacks on Lebanon and other provocative infringements on Iranian sovereignty.

Online meeting of Palestinian and Israeli communists: Stop the war on Gaza and Lebanon Now!

Stop the war on Gaza and Lebanon Now!

Only by establishing a Palestinian sovereign state will there be peace and stability in the region.

Dear comrades, the Communist Party of Israel and the Palestinian People's Party would like to invite you to an online meeting. We will discuss the escalation in the region, and the situation in Palestine and Israel.


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Greek soldiers lead the way in demonstration against the imperialist war in the Middle East

With large anti-war demonstrations organized by the Communist Party (KKE) in Athens, Piraeus and various districts throughout Attica, Greece on Saturday 5/10, thousands of protesters raised their voice against the imperialist carnage in the Middle East, demanding an immediate end of Greece's participation in the warmongering plans of Israel, US and NATO in the region. 

The demonstrators demanded the immediate return of the Greek frigate "Spetsai" from the Red Sea, the termination of Greece's multifaceted political and military alliance with the State of Israel and expressed their solidarity with the people of Palestine and Lebanon who are being slaughtered by the Netanyahu government and its allies.