Tuesday, January 4, 2022

KKE: Solidarity with the people of Sudan

In a statement about the recent developments in Sudan the International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) points out:

"The KKE denounces the junta in Sudan that was imposed on 25/10/2021 and cost the lives of a total of 53 citizens. The Sudanese junta authorities continue the criminal practice against the people’s demonstrations by brutally repressing them. 

Monday, January 3, 2022

Kim Philby Remembered: A traitor to his class

Photo: rbth.com
Kim Philby, born on January 1st, 1912, is one of the best known double agents of the Cold War era. A man of affluent bourgeois background who decided to cut ties with his class and devote himself to the struggle of the working class by serving the Soviet Union secret services. In his homeland, Britain, he has been labeled as a “traitor”. But, in fact, just for “betraying” the interests of British imperialism, Philby should be regarded as a hero for the working class people.

“I have followed exactly the same line the whole of my adult life. The fight against fascism and the fight against imperialism were fundamentally the same fight”, Kim Philby was quoted as saying. 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

63rd Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution

By Nikos Mottas

The Cuban Revolution inspired and continues to inspire the workers-people's struggles in all over the world, proving the vitality of the Marxist-Leninist worldview and the significance of proletarian internationalism. Figures such as Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Camilo Cienfuegos, Vilma Espin, Fran Pais and others became eternal symbols of the revolutionary working class movement throughout the world.

Under the leadership of Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz and with the decisive contribution of the Soviet Union and other socialist states, Cuba achieved a number of extraordinary – unprecedented in Latin America - achievements in sectors such as Health, Education, Womens' Rights, Culture, Sports, etc. 

Friday, December 31, 2021

Shameful decision: European Court backs Romania’s refusal to register the Communist Party!

A spectre is haunting the “democratic” institutions of the European Union; the spectre of communism. On December 21st the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that the 2014 decision of the Romanian authorities to refuse to register the Romanian Communist Party (RCP) was justified!

In its decision in the case of the “Organizing and Registration Committee of the Romanian Communist Party against Romania” (application no. 20401/15), the ECHR unanimously declared the application inadmissible. In fact, the European Court adopted the preposterous decision of the national courts of Romania according to which “the PCR program and status ignored democratic values and the country's socio-political evolution after 1989” and “allowed totalitarian (sic) and extremist actions that could undermine national security, posed dangers to democratic values”. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

30 years later, 63% of Russians regret the dissolution of the Soviet Union

Thirty years since the victory of the counterrevolution and the overthrow of socialism in the Soviet Union, the supposed "heaven" that capitalism would bring in Russia has been proved nothing more than a deception.

The deeply anti-worker policies of the bourgeois governments, from Boris Yeltsin to the current administration of Vladimir Putin, leads more and more Russians to consider what they lost after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Huge social achievements were abolished, the rich became richer and the poor became poorer, while the income for the working class families shrinks year by year. Capitalism has shown its real, repulsive, barbaric face to the working people of Russia. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

On the passing of Archbishop Desmond Tutu

South African Anglican Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, who died Sunday 26 December at the age of 90, was certainly an interesting and influential religious leader. 

He will be remembered for his active stance against the racist Apartheid, as well as for his reconciliatory role as the chairperson of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Nonetheless, despite his self-identification as a "socialist" and his criticism towards capitalism, the late Archbishop was a staunch anti-communist. In 1985 he stated that he hated Marxism-Leninism "with every fiber of his being", while he used to compare the socialist countries with far-right regimes, even Nazism! 

Monday, December 27, 2021

What does the elected president of Chile come to? Gabriel Boric and his election speech

By Gabriel Lazzari.

On last Sunday night, December 19, the votes for the second round of the Chilean presidential elections were counted. The dispute was between José Antonio Kast, from the Republican Party, defender and legatee of Pinochetism, and Gabriel Boric, from Convergencia Social, member of the Apruebo Dignidad coalition, former student leader who had great national political expression after the student riots of 2011. The campaign, carried out with the mobilization of various sectors and great participation of the Communist Party of Chile, reached its end with the election of Boric by 55,87% of valid votes. 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Red Flag will rise again: 30 years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union

By Nikos Mottas.

It was thirty years ago, on December 26, 1991, when the red flag with the sickle and hammer was lowered from the Kremlin. 

It was then, during the cold days of December, when the first socialist state of the world, the homeland of the world's proletariat, bent under the weight of the counterrevolution. Four days before, on December 22nd, the leaderships of three of the largest Soviet republics had decided the dissolution of the USSR, while the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) had been outlawed on summer of the same year.

Friday, December 24, 2021

European Communist Initiative: On the establishment of the “European Army” and the dangerous imperialist plans

In a statement concerning the plans for the creation of a "European Army" and the dangerous sharpening of inter-imperialist competitions, the Secretariat of the Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties stresses out the following:

We denounce the USA–NATOEU imperialist plans that have been developed in the past period and lead to further sharpening of inter-imperialist competition, putting the peoples at great risk. The confrontation between the USA and China for world supremacy forms dangerous hotbeds in the Indo-Pacific and many other parts of the world.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Boric's triumph in Chile is not a victory for the working class

The following article was originally published in "El Machete", Organ of the CC of the Communist Party of Mexico (PCM), under the title "El triunfo de Boric en Chile no es una victoria para la clase obrera".

By Julio Cota.

The recent electoral victory of Gabriel Boric does not represent a root solution to the current economic and political crisis in Chile. Chilean workers and other popular strata must continue their frontal fight against any capitalist management or government. Maintaining high expectations of change or even settling for the least worst, is a trap for the Chilean working class, imposed by the monopolies and the bourgeoisie. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Russia: Workers honored Stalin's 142nd birthday

Despite snow, the severe cold weather and the pandemic restrictions, hundreds of working men and women in Russia paid tribute to Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin on his 142nd birth anniversary on December 21. 

In many Russian cities, workers, members and cadres of Communist Parties, laid flowers to monuments dedicated to the Soviet leader, expressing their admiration and gratitude to Stalin despite the decades of anti-Soviet, anti-Stalinist propaganda. 

The stance of the KKE in the face of the 1990-91 overthrows in the USSR

Interview with Aleka Papariga, member of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), former General Secretary of the Party from 1991 to 2013, in "Rizospastis" concerning the stance of the KKE during the 1990-91 counterrevolutionary overthrows in the Soviet Union

The interview (here in Greek) was originally published in "Rizospastis" weekend edition (18-19 December 2021). English translation by Nikos Mottas.

The bourgeois parties celebrated when the red flag was lowered from the Kremlin. What were their main declarations at that time?

Monday, December 20, 2021

Chile: Social democrat Gabriel Boric elected president

Gabriel Boric, the candidate of the social democratic coalition "Apruebo Dignidad", which is also supported by the Communist Party, prevailed on Sunday's second round of the presidential elections thus becoming Chile's youngest-ever president.

According to the final results, Gabriel Boric won 56 percent of the votes, compared with 44 percent for the candidate of the neoliberal coalition "Vamos por Chile", Jose Antonio Kast, an ultra-conservative lawyer who claims to be a political successor of fascist dictator Augusto Pinochet. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Germany's social democratic icon Willy Brandt allegedly served as a U.S. agent

Willy Brandt (right) with John F. Kennedy in 1961.
Former German Chancellor Willy Brandt, an icon for Europe's social democracy, is believed to have been an informant for the U.S military intelligence Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) for four years before he came to power in 1969-1974, according to Der Spiegel.

Brandt, who served as leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) from 1964 to 1987, provided intelligence to the CIC from 1948 to March 17, 1952, Der Spiegel has reported.

The magazine wrote that Brandt briefed the CIC about the activities of the FDJ, the youth wing of the German Democratic Republic (DDR) and the ruling Socialist Unity Party (SED).

Venezuela: Attacks against the Communist Party must stop!

In a joint statement more than 20 Communist and Workers' Parties from all over the world express solidarity to the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and demand an end to the various attacks against the political and electoral rights of the PCV, ahead of the January 2022 elections. 

The statement titled "Solidarity with the PCV in the face of the attacks against its political and electoral rights" is the following:

Friday, December 17, 2021

USA: No more workers’ blood for the profits of the bosses!

More than 90 people were killed in several states across the U.S. after tornadoes and heavy rains hit the region. Among them are six employees at AMAZON warehouse in St. Louis, Illinois, were roof collapsed and eight workers at a candle factory in Kentucky. 

In a statement, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and its militant trade unions across the world pledge "to continue the struggle for all necessary measures to protect workers from natural disasters and extreme weather events, measures that the US do not take because they consider them as a “cost”. 

EU Parliament: KKE denounces new anti-Cuban resolution

Another despicable resolution against Cuba was adopted by the European Parliament on December 16th. The text titled “The situation in Cuba” comes as a continuation of the hideous and unacceptable resolution that had been adopted in Strasbourg on September 16, 2021.

Using once again the fake allegations about the so-called “human rights abuses” in Cuba, the new resolution refers to a number of paid U.S. agents – closely related to U.S. governmental and non-governmental anti-Cuban institutions - who are presented as supposed “dissidents” and “freedom fighters”. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

KKE and TKP: Joint press release about the Extraordinary Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties

The teleconference of the extraordinary International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP) took place on 10–11 December 2021, under the theme “The international economic, political, and military developments. The experience from the struggle of Communist and Workers’ Parties and the peoples. Solidarity with Cuba, the Palestinian people, and all the peoples struggling against sanctions, machinations, and imperialist aggression”

Paul Éluard: To the heroes of the Democratic Army of Greece

French communist poet Paul Éluard (1895-1952) was part of the delegation which visited  the strongholds of the communist-led Democratic Army of Greece (DSE) in Vitsi and Grammos mountains of northern Greece in June 1949. 

Back then, DSE was in the midst of a fierce battle against the National Army and its imperialist allies, namely the United States

At the end of his visit, Éluard dedicated the following message to the heroic fighters of the Democratic Army:

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

30th anniversary of the dissolution of the USSR: "Socialism remains the future and the only way out for the people"

“Socialism remains the future and the only actual way out for the people” underlined Kostas Papadakis, MEP of the Communist Party of Greece (ΚΚΕ) during his intervention at the debate on the “30th anniversary of the dissolution of the Soviet Union” held in the Plenary Session of the European Parliament.

In his intervention (here in Greek), the KKE MEP said:

USA: The decay of capitalist education in 24 seconds (VIDEO)

The rottenness and humiliation that follows the commercialization of education has no end!

This is where the measures promoted in our schools, in our children, as supposedly modernizing and innovative, the policy of converting schools into Corporations, in search of “benefactors”, “sponsors” etc.

This policy, which has been fully implemented in the United States and has led to the complete dissolution of Public Education, the categorization of schools, bankruptcies and school closures, has the “proud” of the example that follows.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

IMCWP Teleconference: Contributions by the Communist and Workers' Parties

List of contributions by Communist and Workers' Parties at the Extraordinary Teleconference of the IMCWP held on 10-12 December 2021, under the subject "The international economic, political, and military developments. The experience from the struggle of the Communist and Workers' Parties and the peoples. Solidarity with Cuba, the Palestinian people, and all the peoples struggling against sanctions, machinations, and imperialist aggression."  All contributions have been published in Solidnet.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

"The KKE is at the forefront of the anti-war, anti-imperialist movement and the workers–people’s movement"

The following text is the introductory speech delivered by the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas at the Extraordinary Teleconference of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties (IMCWP), under the subject: 
"The international economic, political, and military developments. The experience from the struggle of the Communist and Workers' Parties and the peoples. Solidarity with Cuba, the Palestinian people, and all the peoples struggling against sanctions, machinations, and imperialist aggression". 

Friday, December 10, 2021

How is it possible that Cuba has survived?

Although many are already predicting the decline of the empire, the United States continues to be one of the most powerful nations in the world from an economic and military point of view.

The government has spent millions and millions of dollars to attack Cuba in every possible way. They have practiced terrorism. They have trained and advised all kinds of opposition leaders, from ladies in white to ex-Marxist intellectuals, to gossipy youtubers and mediocre artists.