Since the outbreak of the pandemic, working people all around the world are envisaging numerous attacks against their rights. Their right to healthcare is getting vandalized by capitalist governments who are promoting private health industry instead of public healthcare.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Youth in Survival Against Pandemic and Capitalism: SOCIALISM or BARBARISM
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, working people all around the world are envisaging numerous attacks against their rights. Their right to healthcare is getting vandalized by capitalist governments who are promoting private health industry instead of public healthcare.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Venezuela's Communist Party slams reformist "Plataforma de la Clase Obrera Antiimperialista (PCOA)"
"Together with class conscious trade unionism, the PCV will participate in initiatives of unity of anti-imperialist action.
The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), as the party of the working class and the Venezuelan working people, clarifies its position regarding Venezuela's launch of a supposed Platform of the Anti-imperialist Working Class (PCOA), which lacks the presence of class conscious trade union organizations from our country or representatives of national historical labor currents.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) held virtual meeting
They were accompanied by the Greek side by Aris Evangelidis, head of Latin America of the Department of International Relations of the KKE and by the Cuban side by Ileana Hernández, Head of Europe of the Department of International Relations of the PCC, Silvia Colunga official of the department and Cuba's ambassador to Greece Zelmys María Dominguez Cortina.
Friday, November 20, 2020
KKE MEP Nikolaou-Alavanos: "EU and bourgeois governments defend healthcare's commercialization against people's needs"
This program seeks to legitimize the inadequacy of public health systems that was proved painfully in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and is even more dramatically confirmed in the second. It lays down, among other, the air transportation of doctors from one country with a disintegrated public health system "of one disease" to another, perpetuating the patch of gaps, opening others, while in each case the private health groups are growing richer, destroying the people's income.
All India Strike on November 26th: Workers and peasants rise against Modi's anti-people policies
The working class is all geared up for a massive countrywide general strike on November 26, 2020. The declaration adopted in the online joint national convention of workers has strongly condemned the BJP government’s attacks on the basic workplace, democratic and constitutional rights of the workers and the people of our country.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Slovakia's reactionary drift: Parliament passes monstrous anti-communist amendment
More specifically, the amendment, which was prepared by the conservative coalition government of Igor Matovič and passed by the Parliament on November 4th, declares the Czechoslovak Communist Party (as well as the current Communist Party of Slovakia) as “criminal organizations”! The amendment is added to the 1996 anti-communist law on “Immorality and Illegality of the Communist System” and will be put into effect on December 1st.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Solidarity with the KKE — Communist and Workers' Parties denounce Greek government's authoritarianism
A few days ago the conservative New Democracy (ND) government, escalating authoritarianism and repression, banned anti-imperialist demonstrations and any gathering of more than three people across the country, on the pretext that the march would be a health 'time bomb' due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The KKE performed its rally, in an organized way and observing all the necessary social distancing measures. But the police, on the orders of the government, unleashed an unprovoked attack with batons, tear gas, water cannons and stun grenades. The police did not hesitate to attack KKE MPs, while also injuring protesters and proceeding to dozens of arrests.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Greece: Brutal and unprovoked attack of riot police against KKE demonstration (VIDEO)
Police forces tried to disperse the demonstration by using excessive violence and tear gas and proceeded to the arrest of a few protestors.
According to information published by 902 portal, the General Secretary of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas, as well as Party MPs who were on the spot, protested to police officers demanding the release of those arrested.
Monday, November 16, 2020
47 years since the Athens Polytechnic Uprising — KKE blasts Greek government's ban on public gatherings
Trade unions and mass people's organizations have made clear that the anti-imperialist march on Tuesday, November 17 will take place by observing all health protection measures, as it happened on May Day.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
AKEL condemns Erdogan's provocative visit to occupied Cyprus
"AKEL unequivocally condemns the provocative visit of Tayyip Erdogan to the occupied territories, the celebrations for the 37th anniversary of the proclamation of the so-called “TRNC” and the “picnic” planned tomorrow within the fenced off city of Famagusta.
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Solidarity with the workers and staff in U.S. airlines — No to layoffs, pay cuts and anti-labor measures!
The 90,000 job losses will bring U.S. airlines employment to its lowest level since the mid-1980s by year's end as a result of more than 30,000 furloughs at airlines such as United and American and thousands of other workers from Southwest, Delta Airlines and other carriers accepting buyouts, CNBC reported.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics data that the trade group compiled show the drop from pre-COVID peak in March of 460,000 full-time jobs to 370,000 full-time jobs by year's end.
Friday, November 13, 2020
Hanna Gharib: The socialist ideology has succeeded in the battle against Covid-19, whereas capitalism failed
Hanna Gharib referred on how states like China, Cuba and Vietnam succeeded against the COVID-19 pandemic, in sharp contrast with the failure of most capitalist states to protect their people. (Read here his speech)
KKE: Statement for the Nagorno-Karabakh peace deal
In a statement issued on Thursday, the Press Bureau of the CC of the KKE refers to the the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict as the outcome of competitions between the bourgeois classes in the region and stresses out the dangers that arise from the intersection of interests of Turkey and Russia in the broader region.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
How America's Communist and Workers parties reacted to the outcome of the Presidential election
Below, you can read statements and commentary by major parties and organizations of the U.S. Communist Left on the outcome of the Presidential election, the victory of Joe Biden and the defeat of incumbent President Donald Trump.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Serbia: Communist Youth leader received death threats by fascists
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Lockdown capitalist policies! KKE slams Greek government's handling of the pandemic
Alongside the lockdown, as the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) mentions, the government has committed crimes against the people's health and safety in order to serve the interests of the capital in a number of industry branches.
Monday, November 9, 2020
Russian communists paid tribute to the October Revolution in Moscow
Wearing red masks due to the pandemic, workers, members and supporters of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) marched through Red Square in order to pay tribute to the most significant event of modern history.
"There has been nothing more magnificent than the Great October", said CPRF chairman Gennady Zyuganov during his address, praising the achievements of the 1917 Revolution.
Sunday, November 8, 2020
KKE General Secretary on U.S. Presidential election: "Trump has lost but the policy that serves imperialism is here"
More specifically, the statement of Dimitris Koutsoumbas is as follows:
Friday, November 6, 2020
Nostalgia for Socialism: Most Russians say that life would be better if Perestroika had never happened
According to a poll conducted by Levada Center, 47% of Russians acknowledge that life in the country was better before Gorbachev's destructive reform plan, with just 39% disagreeing. A 14% of the participants found "difficult to answer".
Gus Hall: A great figure of the U.S. communist movement
The 13th of October marked the 20th anniversary since the death of American communist and long-time leader of the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA) Gus Hall.
General Secretary of the CPUSA from 1959 to 2000, Hall was one of the most brilliant figures of the U.S. communist movement, alongside William Z. Foster, Paul Robeson, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, W.E.B. Du Bois and others.
His birthname was Kustaa Halberg and was born in 1910 in Saint Louis County, Minesota. Son of Finnish immigrants, he grew up in a working class family and was involved early on in the labor movement. He left school at the age of 15 in order to support his poor ten-child family by working in mines, railroads and lumber camps.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Vienna Attack: Statement by the Party of Labour of Austria
We condemn yesterday's attack in Vienna, which according to initial information was carried out by a sympathizer of the "Islamic State". Our sympathy goes to the victims of this heinous terrorist attack, all civilians and police officers who were injured and all relatives who lost people.
Religious fundamentalism, as we see it today, is a product of imperialism and serves capital as an instrument of domination and power. In the countries of the Near and Middle East, it is precisely the most reactionary religious groups and states which are the closest allies of imperialism in the struggle against democratic and revolutionary movements.
Monday, November 2, 2020
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Armenian communists call for an unconditional ceasefire
The statement reads:
We call on communists from all parties across the world to join us in demanding an end to the war and for the resolution of all outstanding disputes between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Republic of Armenia through dialogue and diplomacy based on the UN Charter and respect for the rights of nations to self-determination.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Under the Shadow of the Revolution: Berlin, Warsaw, Ankara 1920 — Book by Kemal Okuyan
Originally published in Turkish in 2019, this work does not only analyzes the achievements but also the shortcomings of the communist movement during the rise of the revolutionary wave in the early 20th century.
Australia's Communist Party celebrated its 100th anniversary
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Source: Communist Party of Australia. |
In a press release, the Communist Party points out:
"Only one conclusion can be drawn on surveying 100 years of Communist; that the party has has a colourful and successful past. In the first decade the Party struggled with the boom of the early 20s but as the depression hit the Party gained much notice as the organisers of the unemployed, providing food and pressure on Government to provide resources for the unemployed. They ran eviction struggles and these made headlines in Sydney and in other parts of Australia.