Saturday, June 8, 2019

Stalin's monument unveiled in Novosibirsk

A new sculpture - and more specifically a black bust and two plaques - dedicated to the great Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was unveiled in the city of  Novosibirsk, the third largest city of Russia, on May 9th. 

The monument was placed in the facade of the local offices of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, after a decision of the city council. 

At the same time, a record 70 percent of Russians approve of Soviet leader Josef Stalin’s role in Russian history, according to a poll published by the independent Levada Center pollster last April. 

Friday, June 7, 2019

Slander, Lies and Anti-Communism by the ETUC and GSEE Trade Union mafia

The - imposed by court order- social democrat President
of the GSEE Yannis Panagopoulos. 
On Thursday, May 23rd, the Congress of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) gave the floor to the –imposed by court order and not elected- President of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE), Yiannis Panagopoulos.

It is no coincidence that his speech, which began with the defense of Juncker and the ETUC, was spent in slander, lies and anti-communism, while he did not find a word to say about the struggles and demands of Greek workers. Struggles, in which he never took part. Struggles which he opposed and undermined them systematically!

Iraqi Communist Party denounces the attack at the party's offices in Basra

The headquarters of the provincial committee of the Iraqi Communist Party in the province of Basra was subjected to a cowardly attack at 2:15am on Sunday (2 June 2019), with a grenade which caused material damage to the building without casualties.

This treacherous attack came after the blatant assault last month on the offices of our party in the city of Nasiriyah and town of Souk al-Shuyukh, in the province of Nasiriyah.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Stop anti-communist persecution in Poland - Statement by the Communist Party (KPP)

Anti-communist persecution in Poland intensifies as the state authorities attempt to criminalize the communist activity by changes of the penal code. This is an element of the anti-communist campaign aimed at banning the Communist Party of Poland
The legal changes are also a part of the persecution such as a trial of the members of the CPP and the „Brzask" editorial board, lasting for about 3,5 years, despite the fact that the court on January declared them as innocent. At the same time the Polish authorities raise other obstacles to the communist activity as well as falsifying the history and destroying anything connected with communism and the Peoples' Poland.

Monday, June 3, 2019

D. Koutsoumbas: "The KKE joins the battle for the general elections with greater determination and optimism"

On Sunday 2/6, the 2nd round of the local elections was completed in Greece. In Patras, the communist mayor Kostas Peletidis was reelected with 70.22% of the vote, while in the other 4 municipalities where the candidates of "People's Rally" took part in the 2nd round, despite the high vote percentage (Kaisariani-47.18%, Petroupoli-49.01%, Haidari-46.02%, Ikaria-42.82%), the election of a communist mayor was not achieved.

Patras' communist mayor Kostas Peletidis wins a landslide victory with over 70% of the votes

The communist mayor of Patras, Greece's third largest city, Kostas Peletidis, has been re-elected in office in the second round of the local elections that took place on Sunday. 

Peletidis, who has the support of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), gained 70,91% winning a landslide victory over his opponent G. Alexopoulos. 

Friday, May 31, 2019

Greeks Abroad: KKE received 14.09%, emerges in the 3rd place in EU elections vote

Greece’s Ministry of the Interior has published the official results of Sunday’s European Elections for the Greek citizens who were abroad on the day of the election and who voted for Greek candidates instead of the local ones in the EU country of their residency.

According to the official results, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) received 14.09% of the votes, emerging in the 3rd place behind the ruling social democratic SYRIZA party and the conservative opposition of New Democracy (ND). 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) reflects on May 26th electoral results

As the provisory results of the municipal, European and autonomic – in several Autonomous Communities – elections held yesterday are known, and while waiting a more thorough analysis of the whole electoral cycle which will be made in the next weeks, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) states the following:
1) First, we want to thank the thousands of people who have consciously supported our candidacies and also all those companions who, having met the members of the PCTE in the working-class and people's struggles, have accepted to participate in our municipal and autonomic lists. We express as well our warm greeting to the two comrades who have been elected as councillors in the municipality of Degaña, in Asturias.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Greece: Five communist mayors go to second round of local elections on June 2

From left: Peletidis (Patras), Stamelos (Kesariani), Selekos (Haidari), 
Simos (Petroupoli), Lardas (Ikaria).
The five communist (backed by the KKE) mayors are going to the second round of municipal elections in Greece, after the results of May 26th. 

The five mayors, heads of the "People's Rally" (Laiki Sispirosi) lists, will have the opportunity to re-claim their mayorship in the local elections run-off next Sunday 2 July. More specifically:

In Patras, mayor Kostas Peletidis received 40.59% of the votes (approximately 39,500 votes). 

In Kesariani, the heroic district of Athens, mayor Ilias Stamelos received 29.87% (app. 3,525 votes).

Monday, May 27, 2019

Dimitris Koutsoumbas: Statement on the results of the European and local elections of May 26th

In his statement to the mass media, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, General Secretary  of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) noted the following regarding the results for the elections for the European Parliament and local administration: 
“First of all we would like to thank all of those who responded to KKE's call to join forces with it. All of those who honored us, participating in the Party ballot, but also all those who under difficult conditions came to the ballot box and voted for the KKE in the European Parliament elections and for “People's Rally” in the municipal and regional elections. We would especially like to thank all those who took that step for the first time, for the young men and women who gave their very first vote to our Party.

European Elections 2019: KKE gets more than 250,000 votes, elects 2 deputies

Konstantinos Papadakis (upper photo) and Lefteris Nikolaou
are the two MEPs of the KKE.
According to the latest results given by the Greek Ministry of Interior, with 82% of the total electoral centers counted, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) gets 5.48% (252.912 votes) and elects 2 MEPs. 

The eurodeputies elected with the KKE are Kostantinos Papadakis and Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos. 

In yesterday's European elections, the conservative New Democracy (ND) got a comfortable lead (9.5%) over ruling social democratic SYRIZA. According to the latest results, ND gets 33.23% of the votes and elects 7 MEPs, while SYRIZA gets 23.79% and elects 6 MEPs. The center left KINAL (formerly PASOK) party gets 7.61% and elects 2 eurodeputies. 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Athens turned red: Massive rally of the KKE sends message of hope and struggle (Photos)

A really massive and vivid rally of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) took place on Wednesday afternoon in central Athens, just 4 days before the double European and local elections of May 26th. 

Thousands of workers, young men and women, people of every age created a "red river" at Syntagma Square, sending a message of hope and struggle. 

The major speaker at the event was the KKE's General Secretary Dimitris Koutsoumbas. The rally was attended by a delegation of the Communist Party, Italy (PC) headed by the General Secretary Marco Rizzo who delivered a greeting message. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

KKE on the elections for the EU Parliament: Interview with candidate MEP Lefteris Nikolaou

In the wake of the May 26th European elections, the candidate MEP of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and member of the Party's International Relations Section Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos, talked to the International Communist Press. Read the interview below:
1) In Greece, this year May 26 is marked by a "triple election:" the European elections and the elections for regional and local authorities. It is known that the elections for the EP remain generally far from mobilizing people, and consequently, levels of participation remain considerably low. The KKE, even as a party represented in the EP, has always strictly opposed illusions about the character of the EU, which is an imperialist centre that serves the interests of European monopolies. What is the importance of the European elections for the KKE?

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dimitris Koutsoumbas in Rome: "Every vote to the Communist Parties is a contribution to the common struggle of the people" (Video, Photos)

"Every vote to the Communist Parties consists a contribution to the strengthening of the common struggle of the people" said the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas during his greeting speech in Rome. 

Koutsoumbas, along with the KKE MEP Kostas Papadakis, attended an electoral rally of the Communist Party, Italy (Partito Comunista) in San Lorenzo district, where he received a warm welcome by the Italian comrades.

"Against capitalism and the EU, for the Europe of the peoples, of Socialism!" - Joint appeal of 25 Communist Youth Organizations

Τhe Communist Youth Organizations of Europe that sign this text, on the occasion of the upcoming European elections, we address the youth of our countries that sees its life getting worse and its dreams getting crushed by the anti-people policy of the European Union and the governments.
The EU is a union of states that aims to serve the big capital, to assure the profits of the large European business groups by crushing the rights of the people and the youth.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

For the Europe of Socialism - Campaign video by the KKE (2019)

Social Democracy plays a leading role in EU policy that feeds the fascists- Kostas Papadakis

The latest issue (3/2019) of the "Communist Review" (KOMEP), the Communist Party of Greece's (KKE) political and theoretical journal, organ of the Central Committee, includes an extraordinary interview with two of the Party's candidates for the European Parliament electionsMakis Papadopoulos and Kostas Papadakis

Below you can read - translated into english- an excerpt of Kostas Papadakis's answer in the question "aren't there issues for joint action of the communists with social democracy in the wake of the danger of rise of the far-right and fascism?"

Monday, May 13, 2019

"Raise your head" - Dimitris Koutsoumbas and Marco Rizzo to address political event in Rome

The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas is going to address a political meeting organized by the Communist Party, Italy (Partito Comunista) on Saturday 18 May, at 4 pm in Piazzale Tiburtino, at San Lorenzo in Rome (Facebook page). 

The event - which is organized under the slogan "Rialziamo da testa" (Raise your head") will conclude with a speech by the General Secretary of the CC Communist Party, Italy Marco Rizzo. 

Friday, May 10, 2019

Despicable: Tsipras signs EU Council's vulgar anti-communist declaration in Romania

A shameful delcaration was signed yesterday, Thursday 9 May, by the EU leaders at Sibiu, Romania, during an unofficial summit. All together, "liberals" and "social democrats", "conservatives" and "progressives", confirmed the rottenness of the so-called "founding values" of the EU. The declaration of Sibiu, signed on 9 May (on the anniversary of the Great Anti-Fascist Victory), is another memorial of hideous anti-communism

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Declaration of the KKE for the 74 years since the Great Anti-Fascist Victory of the People

In an announcement for the 74 years since the Great Anti-fascist Victory of the peoples, the Press Bureau of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) notes:

The anniversary of May 9, 74 years since the end of World War II, is not"Europe Day", as it has been unhistoricallyattempted to be established in the last few years by the representatives of this reactionary structure. It is the Day of the Great Anti-fascist Victory of the Peoples, the immortal epic of the Soviet Red Army and the Resistance movements of Europe, with the vanguard and decisive role of the Communist Parties.

KKE: Political events about European elections scheduled in Britain, France and Belgium

On the occasion of the 2019 European Elections, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) organizes the following political events in Britain, France and Belgium:


LONDON: Friday 10 May, at 7 pm, at Marx Memorial Library (7A Clerkenwell Green, EC1R 0DU). Speech will be delivered by the KKE candidate MEP Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

"The situation in the Eastern Mediterranean is dangerous"- Statement by the KKE

The Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in its statement on the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean notes:
"The situation in the Eastern Mediterranean is dangerous. This is clear due to the violation of Cyprus' EEZ by the Turkish drilling ship "Fatih" and the search and rescue ship "Barbaros", the threats of the Turkish government regarding Cyprus and the Aegean, as well as due to the intensification of the criminal Israeli aggression against Palestine and its bombing of Gaza.

Istanbul election re-run: Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) slams Erdogan's decision

In a statement the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) calls the people of boycott the election re-run for Istanbul Metropolitian Municipality. Read the full statement below: 

"Supreme Election Council's (YSK) decision means taking away people's right to vote!

YSK announced its decision. To be more precise, Erdogan's decision to cancel the Istanbul elections, which were completed on March 31, is now echoed by the YSK. The fact that the decision is now made does not change that it is unlawful and unreasonable.

Monday, May 6, 2019

PAME: The SYRIZA government washes its hands in the blood of the children of Palestine

On the occasion of the new strikes of the Israeli military forces against Gaza, the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) issued the following statement, strongly condemning the new bombings and accusing the SYRIZA government for being an accomplice in the crime:

PAME condemns the new, murderous raids of Israel against the Palestinian People.

The murderer-State of Israel went on a new escalation of its aggressiveness against Gaza and held dozens of raids the last days, which resulted in dozens killed.