Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Karl Marx's grave in London vandalized by fascist cowards

Karl Marx died 136 years ago, but his legacy continues to scare the puppets of capitalism. 
The founder of scientific socialism and writer of the "Capital"- the greatest philosopher in human history- remains a nightmare for the bourgeoisie and her stooges. 
That is why they try to vilify Marxism, Socialism and Communism in any possible way.
This time, some cowards decided to vandalize the tomb of Karl Marx at London's Highgate cemetery, in a targeted attack that means the Grade I-listed monument will “never be the same again”, the Guardian newspaper reports. 

Ukraine's fascist regime denies to register Petro Symonenko as presidential candidate

The Communist Party of Ukraine has issued a statement denouncing the refusal of the Central Election Commission to register the Party's leader, Petro Symonenko, as a candidate for the March 31st presidential elections:
The non-admission to the presidential election of the candidate of the Communist Party that is officially registered by the Ministry of Justice and regularly submits tax reports is a purely political action based on anti-constitutional laws on “de-communization” adopted by the ruling regime o oligarch-Nazis after the February 2014 armed coup. 

Tsipras' government betrays Venezuela - Athens endorses EU stance against Maduro

On January 27th, we were writing about the unbearable hypocrisy of Greece's SYRIZA government over the US-backed coup in Venezuela. More specifically, we were pointing out that on one hand the governmental party, SYRIZA, expresses its "full support and solidarity to the country's legal president"  while, on the other hand, Tsipras' government aligns itself with the official EU policy which is blackmailing Maduro, calling for "urgent elections" in Venezuela

Monday, February 4, 2019

Istanbul to host the European Communist Initiative's meeting on February 16-17

Photo Credit: In Defense of Communism.
According to the new portal soL, the Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties of Europe which continues its activities since 2013 will hold a meeting in Istanbul on February 16-17 with the call of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP). 

The meeting will be held at a time when the 100th anniversary of the founding of Comintern and will host 18 parties of the Initiative. The title of the meeting will be: 'Struggle for Communism: 100 Years of Political Heritage', the meeting will be in the form of a history conference.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

PCM-PCPE Joint Statement: Exposing the role of Obrador and Sánchez governments

On the occasion of the official visit of the Prime Minister of the Spanish Government to Mexico, the Communist Party of Mexico and the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain, united by a fraternal relationship based on the principles of proletarian internationalism, made this public statement.

1. Imperialism has entered a particularly dangerous stage, in which all contradictions increase and the risk of a worldwide confrontation between the different imperialist powers and blocs, in full dispute for a new division of the world, increases. The visit of the Spanish PM to Mexico and the signing of several joint statements between both governments are fully framed in this global dispute, in which both governments defend the interests of the bourgeoisie.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Greece's Communist Youth (KNE) condemns imperialist coup against Venezuela

In a statement, the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) - the youth wing of the KKE- expresses its full solidarity with the people and youth of Venezuela, condemns the imperialist interference in the country and calls for protests on Tuesday 5 February in Athens and Thessaloniki. 

Under the slogan "Solidarity with the people of Venezuela! No submission to imperialism, the people are the only superpower", KNE calls young men and women to condemn the blatant intervention of the USA, the EU and their allied governments in Venezuela. 

Thursday, January 31, 2019

GUE/NGL opportunists propose Tsipras and Zaev for... Nobel Peace Prize

In a previous post, we refered to the congratulations delivered to Prime Ministers of Greece and "North Macedonia", Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev respectively, by the leadership of the "European United Left-Nordic Green Left" (GUE/NGL) party alliance in the European Parliament, over the ratification of the NATO-inspired Prespes Agreement

It must be noted that the GUE/NGL, alongside the Europarliament's Social Democrats and Greens, have also proposed Tsipras and Zaev as potential candidates for the... Nobel Peace Prize. On this occasion, we publish the statement of the delegation of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in the EU Parliament which points out the following (from inter.kke.gr):

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

KKE MEP Papadakis voices solidarity with Venezuelan people against US-led coup

"Only the people of Venezuela have the responsibility to defend their interests and to elect their country's leadership" said Kostas Papadakis, EU Parliament's member from the Communist Party of Greece, during the discussion about the "situation in Venezuela". 

Papadakis denounced "the crude intervention of the USA, EU, NATO and governments of Latin America in Venezuela's internal affairs and their attempt to impose, through a coup d'etat, a puppet-president". The KKE MEP condemned the threats of the imperialists about a possible military intervention, as well as the stance of european governments. 

Communist candidate for mayor of Athens sends powerful message for struggle

"We say ity clearly, powerfully, honestly: A strong KKE in all ballots, in the municipality and the regional government. The "People's Rally", our list, can express a movement of struggle and change in Athens and Attica", said the Communist Party of Greece's (KKE) candidate for mayor of Athens Nikos Sofianos

Sofianos, a member of the Party's Political Bureau and an Athens city councillor since 2010, said that "during the difficult years of austerity, which still persists, we gave the struggle by supporting the people's demands, asserting measures, pressing for solutions on the difficult daily life of our people which is affected by the policy of the municipal authority."

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

European Elections 2019: Joint Appeal of Communist and Workers’ Parties of Europe

For the strengthening of the workers’ - peoples’ struggle, against capitalist exploitation and European Union – For a Europe of the peoples, of socialism!
Workers, self-employed in the cities and the country side women, youth, pensioners, people with disabilities,
We, the Communist and Workers’ Parties that undersign this Declaration, call upon you on the occasion of the European Elections of 2019.

Monday, January 28, 2019

PAME: We support Venezuelan people’s struggle to live in their country without exploitation and interventions (EN, ES)

The All Workers Militant Front (PAME), member of the World Federation of Trade Unions, condemns the USA-EU and their allies’ intervention in the internal affairs of Venezuela.

The operation of imposing a new «banana republic» in Venezuela is a terrible repetition of the bloody coups made with the support of the USA in Greece, Chile, Argentina, Brazil etc. To promote their imperialist plans, US-NATO-EU, support openly coup d’état, proceed to military threats and other measures against the Venezuelan people.

KKE's Koutsoumbas reaffirms solidarity with Venezuela, demands a clear stance from the Greek government

The General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas met earlier today with the charge d'affaires of Venezuela's embassy in Athens Freddy Jesús Fernández Torres at the Party's headquarters. 

According to 902 portal, the main issue of the discussion was the development in Venezuela and the US-backed coup attempt. From his side, Dimitris Koutsoumbas denounced the coup orchestrated by the United States and other Latin American governments, as well as the intervention by the EU and European states. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

SYRIZA government's unbearable hypocrisy on Venezuela US-backed coup

Does the government of SYRIZA in Greece support the legitimate administration of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, or not? The answer in this question exposes the unbearable hypocrisy of Tsipras' government which "steps in two boats" at the same time. 

On one hand, the Greek government is aligned with the official EU policy which is blackmailing Maduro, calling for "urgent elections" in Venezuela. On the other hand, the governmental party, SYRIZA, has expressed its "full support and solidarity to the country's legal president".

Europe's GUE/NGL "socialists" praise NATO expansion in the Balkans

Greece's Parliament ratified on Friday evening the Prespes Agreement between the governments of Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev, with 153 votes for and 146 against. 

The agreement paves the way for the integration of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (now called "North Macedonia") in the imperialist alliances of NATO and the EU. 

Saturday, January 26, 2019

European Communist Initiative: Solidarity with the people & the CP of Venezuela

Statement of the Secretariat of the Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties of Europe in solidarity with Venezuelan people and the CP of Venezuela.

The Secretariat of the Initiative condemns the coup d'etat of the USA, their allied governments and of the Organization of American States (OAS) for the overthrow of the elected President Nicolas Maduro and for the support of the leader of the reactionary forces Juan Guaidó, who proclaimed himself president of the country with their support.

This coup d'etat is a continuation of the planned longterm campaign of destabilization of the country to promote the imperialist designs in the Latin America region and to overthrow governments that are not likable to the USA-NATO and the EU, with the latter intervening in the domestic affairs of Venezuela, supporting the reactionary forces and participating the the scheme to overthrow the elected government.

Friday, January 25, 2019

WFTU, World Peace Council condemn the imperialist intervention in Venezuela

The World Federation of Trade Unions (Federación Sindical Mundial- WFTU) and the World Peace Council (Consejo Mundial de la Paz) have issued statements condemning the US-backed reactionary coup in Venezuela and the attempt to overthrow the government of Nicolas Maduro. 

Below, you can read the statements in both English and Spanish:

KKE leader Koutsoumbas destroys Tsipras during Parliamentary debate: "You should be ashamed, you are the stooges of the U.S"

During a fierce debate in the Greek Parliament regarding the Prespes Agreement (name deal) on Thursday late night, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas responded to the hideous provocations by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

In an effort to defend his pro-imperialist foreign policy and more specifically the unacceptable Prespes deal which bears the signature of NATO, Tsipras unleashed outrageous slanders against the KKE. He even resorted to provocative references to heroic Slav-Macedonian fighters of the Communist-backed 1946-1949 Democratic Army of Greece in order to present the name agreement as an... anti-imperialist achievement! 

Communist Party of Greece holds large rally against Tsipras-Zaev agreement (Photos)

Thousands of members and supporters of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), alonside workers, pensioners, young men and women, said a militant "NO" to the Prespes Agreement, the USA-NATO-EU plans, denouncing irredentism and nationalism, during a massive rally in Athens on Thursday afternoon. 

Under the slogan "This isn't an agreement of the people but an order of imperialists", thousands men and women gathered at Eleftherias Square, where the General Secretary of the CC of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas delivered a speech. The demonstrators marched towards the U.S. embassy where protesters burned the flags of NATO, US and EU. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Communist Parties against US-backed coup in Venezuela - Partidos Comunistas contra el golpe imperialista en Venezuela

Below you can find statements by Communist Parties, members of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties (IMCWP), regarding the US-backed imperialist coup in Venezuela

A continuación puede leer las declaraciones de los Partidos Comunistas, miembros de la Encuentro Internacional de Partidos Comunistas y Obreros (IMCWP), sobre el golpe de Estado imperialista apoyado por Estados Unidos en Venezuela:

KKE denounces the US-backed coup against the government of Venezuela

In a statement regarding the developments in Venezuela, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) condemns the US-backed coup and the stance of imperialist organizations. More specifically:

"The KKE denounces the blatant intervention of the USA, their allied governments in Latin America, the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the EU, in the internal developments in Venezuela."

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Prespes Agreement in the Greek Parliament - KKE MPs expose the truth about the deal

The parliamentary debate on the Prespes Agreement began on Wednesday morning, with the final vote projected to take place late Thursday night. According to the state-run AMNA news agency, the vote is expected to be taken after midnight, during the early hours of Friday 24 January on Friday afternoon (updated).

The deputies of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) are participating in the debate exposing the actual nature of the Prespes name deal between Athens and Skopje as a tool of promoting the imperialist plans in the Balkans. In this post we present a report including the major abstracts of the speeches that have been delivered by the KKE MPs.

Poland: Communist Party cadres, "Brzask" editors, acquitted by the court

On January 18th, the the District Court in Dąbrowa Górnicza acquitted members of the editorial office of the Communist Party of Poland's "Brzask" newspaper and the party website from the accusation of "promoting the totalitarian state system".

After a thorough analysis of the case, the court decided that the allegations formulated by the prosecutor's office do not indicate a crime. 

According to the verdict, one can not rule on propagating totalitarianism on the basis of sentences taken out of the context and fragments of articles. In the justification of the verdict, the court also stated that it was necessary to distinguish propagating a totalitarian state system from propagating communist views.

Monday, January 21, 2019

"No to the Tsipras-Zaev agreement" - KKE calls for rallies against the Prespes deal

The poster of the KKE.
As the vote on Prespes name deal is expected to take place in Greece's Parliament on Thursday night, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) has announced rallies against the agreement on the same day. 

The slogan of the KKE protest is:

"NO to the Tsipras-Zaev agreement - 
No to the plans of US-NATO-EU - 
No to irredentism and nationalism - 
YES to friendship-solidarity and common struggle of the people"

In Athens, the Attica Party Organisation of the KKE has scheduled a demonstration on Thursday at 6.30 pm at Eleftherias Park (former military police EAT-ESA headquarters), while, the Central Macedonia Party Organisation calls for a protest at Venizelos' statue in Thessaloniki.

Moscow: Workers paid tribute to V.I.Lenin on the 95th anniversary of his death

Despite the freezing temperatures, a large number of workers, young men and women, Communist Party (CPRF) members and members of social movements visited Lenin's Mausoleum in Moscow's Red Square, in order to pay tribute to the great leader of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of his death. 

The ceremony was attended by leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, regional parliaments, communists of the Moscow city and Moscow regional branches, representatives of public organizations.