Sunday, January 20, 2019

KKE General Secretary comments on the U.S. State Department report for Greece

Commenting on the Prespes Agreement, which has been submitted to the Parliament for ratification, and the disclosure of the U.S. State Department "Integrated Country Strategy" (ICS) for Greece, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Dimitris Koutsoumbas said:

"The recent publication of the "Integrated Report" of the U.S. State Department for Greece, apart from the fact that it brings into mind old dark times, totally confirms the role undertaken by the government of SYRIZA in the promotion of the US-NATO plans. 

Swedish Communists: "The Left Party paves the way for an anti-worker government"

In a statement, the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Sweden (SKP) refers to the formation of the new government and the role of the Left Party (Vänsterpartiet) in it: 

Jonas Sjöstedt has announced that his party, the Left Party, will abstain from voting in the vote for prime minister. By abstaining, the party secures the government of Stefan Löfven and the Social Democrats. 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Understanding the Macedonia name deal

The so-called "Prespes Agreement" (also: Prespes Accord, Tsipras-Zaev deal) is an accord signed between the governments of Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) in June 17, 2018. 

The major results of the agreement are: 1. The renaming of the current "Republic of Macedonia" into "Republic of North Macedonia" (erga omnes) and 2. The "Republic of North Macedonia" will be able to join NATO, as well as other transnational imperialist alliances.  

Los Angeles Teachers’ Strike - Messages of proletarian solidarity from WFTU and PAME

In a statement issued on January 16th, the Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) expresses its solidarity to the strike of teachers in Los Angeles: 

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), representing 95 million workers in 130 countries across the globe, sends its internationalist and militant greetings to the teachers of Los Angeles who took the streets and organized a huge strike in order to defend their labor rights.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

35th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE)

Statement of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) on the 35th anniversary of its foundation 35 years with our class, with our people, under the banners of Marxism-Leninism:

Between January 13 and 15, 1984, the Congress of Unity of the Communists was held in Madrid. From that Congress arose our Party, first under the denomination Communist Party and, later and due to legal exigencies, like Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE). 

Communist MEP Kostas Papadakis slams Europarliament's anti-communist frenzy

The outcome of the debate under the subject "Comprehensive European education, research and remembrance of the totalitarian past" in the European Parliament was an orgy of anti-communism, reports. The major aim behind the debate was the unacceptable and unhistorical equation of communism with the monster of nazism. 

The MEP of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Kostas Papadakis responded to the anti-communist distortion of history by saying:

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

KKE votes against Tsipras' government and the Prespes Agreement

In its bulletin on the political developments, the Press Bureau of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) states the following:
“The bargaining of the previous days between Tsipras (SYRIZA) – Kammenos (ANEL) ended in a search for a vote of confidence in the Parliament. This is a development that suits both sides, as it provides the possibility, on the one hand for Mr. Tsipras to save his government, with votes from ANEL parliament members,  and on the other hand, allows  Mr. Kammenos to maintain his Parliamentary Group, appearing to stand up against a policy that he has supported throughout all of the previous period.

Communist Party of Turkey: Flag-bearer of egalitarianism, freedom and patriotism

Turkey's local elections will be held on March, 31. According to the announcement of Turkey's Supreme Electoral Council, 13 parties, including the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), are eligible to participate in the local polls, through which metropolitan and district municipal mayors, as well as provincial and municipal councilors, will be elected in all 81 provinces of Turkey

The electoral process officially began on January 1 and the electoral strategies, as well as the candidates, of the parties participating in the elections have been the most discussed issue in Turkey's political atmosphere since then.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Solidarity with the detained cadres of the Communist Party of Swaziland!

In a statement the Communist Party of Swaziland has denounced the arrest of two Party cadres, Mcolisi Ngcamphalala and Njabulo Dlamini, by the local authorities. The full statement is the following:
Today – 11 January 2019 – at around 10h45 the royal Swaziland police arrested two leaders of the Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS), claiming that they were jaywalking. The leaders are Deputy Chairperson Comrade Mcolisi Ngcamphalala and International Organiser Comrade Njabulo Dlamini. They were arrested in Manzini on their way to attend a teachers’ meeting in their capacity as leaders in one of the branches of their union, the Swaziland National Association of Teachers.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Berlin: Thousands of workers paid tribute to Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg on the 100th anniversary since their assassination

One hundred years have been passed since the assassination of the leaders of the German and international communist movement, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht.

In Berlin, members and friends of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Communist Youth (KNE) participated in a large rally in honor of the two murdered leaders that took place on Sunday 13 January. 

Saturday, January 12, 2019

D. Koutsoumbas: Under no circumstance will the KKE vote for the Prespes Agreement

During an interview on ERT earlier on Saturday, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece Dimitris Koutsoumbas repeated the firm stance of the KKE against the Prespes Agreement (between the governments of Greece and FYR of Macedonia), confirming that the Party will not vote in favor of the deal when it comes to the Parliament.

Secretary Koutsoumbas said that from the beginning of the Macedonia naming issue in 1992, the KKE had supported the possibility of an erga omnes-based commonly accepted solution, with a name with a geographic designation, which will not include irredentist aspirations. 

KKE, PAME, Trade Unions denounce violent police attack on demonstrators in Athens

Commenting on the violent attack of riot police forces against a school teachers' demonstration on Friday in downtown Athens, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas pointed out: 

"Today's vicious attack by police forces against educators, which also resulted in the serious injury of KKE's MP Giannis Delis who is hospitalized, proves that the SYRIZA-ANEL government is ruthless. Seems that through this way Mr. Tsipras - like his predecessors- intends to "tie up his loose ends", that is to complete the dirty job he has undertaken".

Friday, January 11, 2019

Sudan's people are not alone! Messages of solidarity by Communist Parties

In a letter to the Communist Party of Sudan, the International Relations Section of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) expresses its solidarity and support:

Dear comrades,
The KKE expresses our support and solidarity with the struggle of the Sudanese people for democratic and social rights against the bourgeois dictatorial regime.

KKE: Merkel's visit is a praise to Tsipras for the anti-people reforms he implemented

"The fact that Mrs. Merkel is the first one who rushes to provide a "confidence vote" to Mr. Tsipras consists by itself a criterion for the need of the people to vote against this government by all means", writes a statement of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) on the occasion of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit in Athens and her common declarations with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Anatoly Lukyanov, last chairman of USSR's Supreme Soviet, dies at 88

Last Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and former member of the Russian State Duma Anatoly Lukyanov has died on Wednesday at the age of 88. 

Born on 7 May 1930 in the city of Smolensk in western Russia, Lukyanov served as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from March 1990 until September 1991. He replaced Mikhail Gorbachev on this post, who was elected as president of the USSR.

He publicly criticised Gorbachev’s policies and was jailed after the 1991 attempt by Communist Party's members and security chiefs who attempted to block the counterrevolutionary process and seize power.

The imperialist intervention against Soviet Russia in 1919 and Greece's participation

The First World War had not yet ended when the imperialists turned militarily against the then-young Soviet power which had been dominated in Russia through the Great October Socialist Revolution on November 7th (October 25th according to the Old Calendar) 1917. 

The first British, French and U.S. troops disembarked in the country in Spring 1918. After the defeat of Germany in November 1918, the intervention was intensified: 14 capitalist states participated in the imperialist campaign with a total force of approximately 300,000 men [1].

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Worker killed on AEK stadium construction site - Another employer's crime in Greece

AEK stadium construction site in west Athens.
A 60 year old worker was killed today at the construction site of the AEK FC new stadium in west Athens. The worker, who was a welder, fell from a high height resulting in fatal injury. 

It must be noted that the man, alongside his fellow workers, were forced to work in dangerous posts, under extremely bad weather conditions. 

When the tragic incident became known, members of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) rushed to the construction site in order to be informed about the circumstances of the death and to express their solidarity to the workers. 

India's working class in the streets - Massive participation in the two day General Strike

In a press release, the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) congratulates and salutes the working class of India for their unprecedented active participation in the two days’ country wide general strike that started on 8th January 2019. 

Around 20 crore workers, from all sectors of the economy – organised sector, both public and private including in the Multinational companies, in the government and quasi government sectors, scheme workers, unorganised sector workers have reported to be participating in the strike across the country. The strike would continue on 9th January.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Yugoslav communist Svetozar Markanovic dies at 88

The Party of "Communists of Serbia" has announced that cde. Svetozar Markanovic, President of the Central Committee, has died at the age of 88. 

Svetozar Markanovic was born in 1931 in Dvar (today Bosnia & Herzegovina). At the age of 15 he joined the National Liberation War (NOB) and in June 1944 he was admitted to the Union of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia. 

After the war, he went to Czechoslovakia where he studied mechanical engineering. In October 1948 he joined the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY).

Monday, January 7, 2019

KKE: Condolences for the death of Cuban hero José Ramón Fernández

According to portal the International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) sent to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) a message of condolences over the death of Cuban communist, Vice President of the Council of Ministers and Bay of Pigs Commander, José Ramón Fernández Álvarez. 

The KKE expresses its "sincere condolences for the death of comrade José Ramón Fernández Álvarez, retired Major General and Hero of Cuba, who played an important role- by the side and under the commands of Fidel - in repelling the counterrevolutionary imperialist intervention of the USA in the Bay of Pigs in 1960". 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

"Fake election with fake ballots": CP of Bangladesh denounces elections' result

The Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) has denounced the 11th Parliamentary elections as a fake election with fake ballots. People will reject this election and the pre-determined result.
CPB President Comrade Mujahidul Islam Selim and General Secretary Comrade Shah Alam said in a briefing on 30th December, 2018 that for ensuring a false victory the ruling AL led government made the blueprint of mockery and electoral fraud much earlier than the election day . They also claimed that the government has destroyed  the minimum basis of democracy in this election.

All India General Strike: Workers to protest NDA government policies on January 8-9

A nationwide national strike throughout India has been scheduled on 8-9 January 2019, against the neoliberal, anti-worker policies of the BJP-led NDA government of Narendra Modi. The strike is organized by 10 Central Trade Unions (CTUs) and a number of independent worker's federations. 

“In order to serve the interests of the multinational companies with Indian corporate, the present government is pursuing blatantly anti-people, anti-workers and anti-national policies at the cost of severely damaging the national economy and destroying its indigenous productive and manufacturing capabilities. Such a regime must be defeated squarely to force the pro-people changes in policies on all fronts,” the CTUs said in statement.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Actual solidarity with Poland's Communist Party expressed by KKE MP Stavros Tassos

KKE MP Stavros Tassos (left) with Beata Karoń, member of the
Secretariat of the CC of KPP and K
rzysztof Szwej, President of KPP.
The court hearing procedure of the anticommunist trial against members of the Communist Party of Poland (KPP) and its newspaper "Brzask" has been concluded, portal reported earlier today. 

The defendants- members of the Communist Party- firmly rebutted the false accusations regarding the supposed promotion of "totalitarian ideologies" and defended socialism, the Soviet Union and the Communist Parties against the falsification of history. 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Mexican Communist leader Pavel Blanco Cabrera's interview in Rizospastis

On the occasion of the 20th IMCWP which took place in Athens in November, the First Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Mexico (Partido Comunista de Mexico) Pavel Blanco Cabrera talked to “Rizospastis”, the official newspaper of the KKE

In the following interesting interview, the Mexican communist leader talks about the situation in his country, the new illusions created by the “left-wing” AMLO government, the tasts of Mexican communists in a large country, a member of G20 and the 2nd most developed economy of Latin America, with nearly 130 million people and tens of millions of immigrants in the United States: