Tuesday, August 23, 2016

European Parliament Group of KKE: Denouncement of the anticommunist events of EU and Slovak Presidency

Source: 902.gr

The European Parliament Group of KKE denounces the anticommunist events organised by the EU and the EU Slovak Presidency. The events are taking place in the framework of the so-called "European Day of Remembrance for victims of the totalitarian regimes" which the EU has set to be observed on August 23rd. Participants in these events are representatives of the Ministries of Justices of the EU member-states, various "institutes" and NGOs which are financed by EU funds having as an ordered mission the slandering of Socialism and the rewriting of History.

A clear aim of this anticommunist gathering is the manipulation of the conciousness of the working people, first and foremost of the youth, using as weapons the counterfeiting of History, the slander against the unprecedented gains of the working people in Socialism. Through the unhistorical equalization of fascism and communism, they finally seek to acquit the fascist monster and the "womb" which gives birth and reproduces it; the capitalist system. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Alexandra Nariño, a Dutch FARC rebel speaks about Colombia's War and Peace

FARC guerrilla fighter and delegate in the peace negotiations, Alexandra Nariño, speaks to teleSUR about her 14 years with the rebel army / Source: telesurtv.net.

Alexandra Nariño is not Colombian, yet the impending end of the South American country’s 50-year civil war between the government and left-wing rebel forces represents “enormous happiness” for her.

That’s because the Dutch national has been fighting within Colombia’s FARC guerilla army for 14 years. After living in the jungle in FARC camps for about a decade, for the last four years Nariño has played a key role in the peace process in Havana, Cuba, that aims to transition Colombia out of the longstanding internal conflict and toward a new era of peace.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Fascism in Ukraine: Eurovision Song Contest winner 'Jamala' performed in neo-Nazi gathering

Left: Nazi collaborator and war criminal Stepan
Bandera; Right: Jamala at the 2016 ESC.
Her full name is Susana Jamaladinova, also known as 'Jamala'. She was the controversial winner of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. According to news reports, Jamala performed in a Neo-Nazi youth music festival called "Banderstadt" in Lutsk, Ukraine. The festival, which took place from 5th to 7th August honors the notorious Ukrainian fascist, war criminal and Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. 

Jamala had triumphed in the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest with a much controversial, politically motivated and certainly anti-communist, song called "1944" which had as a main theme the deportation of Crimean Tatars by Stalin. Of course, the song was by itself a distortion of history: Crimea's Tatars were deported because they were Nazi collaborators

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Interview with Pável Blanco Cabrera, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Mexico (PCM)

Interview of Pavel Blanco, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Mexico (Partido Comunista MexicanoPCM), to the International Communist Press / August 20, 2016.

ICP: In the recent years, violence in Mexico, both related to drug trafficking groups, or as a part of a clearly paramilitary activity against the progressive forces, organizations and people and especially the communists has been on the rise. Your Party, PCM has also suffered attacks of these paramilitary forces. What are the causes of this wave of violence and what will be the consequences of this situation in the context of the class struggle? Can you also comment on the relation of this situation with the U.S. imperialism that never ceased to mark its presence in Mexico?

Pavel Blanco: First of all, I would like to send my brotherly greetings to the Communist Party of Turkey, with whom we share the same line in the revolutionary regrouping of the international communist movement. We will do everything to reiterate our solidarity on the face of the political events that violently convulse the class struggle there.

In Mexico it is possible to literally observe the face of capitalism that Marx was speaking of. It drips mud and blood from all its pores. The wave of violence that shakes us with more than 200,000 dead in 10 years is not a system failure. Rather, it is the logical consequence of capitalism that consists of barbarianism, terror, uncertainties, hunger and death. The so-called war of narco-trafficking, in which the Mexican state is directly involved, is a process of re-accommodation of markets, routes and stakeholders in order to control this business, which is laundered rapidly through financial investments, and sectors such as the real estate and production. Here we don’t only refer to the agricultural industry but also to the branches such as metals, mechanics, iron and steel and extractivism. So, it is a process of amplification of accumulation and a new economic branch that rapidly generates consequences for politics. The money buys the political parties, candidates, elected state officers, mayors, MPs, senators and governors, all of which strongly influence the presidency of the republic.

The Unbearable Truth behind the 2004 Athens Olympics


Twelve years have passed since the glamorous and much celebrated XXVIII Olympiad in Athens. For more than a decade hundreds of articles have been written about the 2004 Olympics' cost- an immense total cost of billion euros- as well as about the abandonded venues. 

However, before going to these issues, we will refer to what we regard as the most significant issue: the cost in human lives. A cost which cannot be counted in euros or olympic medals. At least 13 workers were killed ("work accidents") during the construction works of the Olympic venues. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels- Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) Part IV "Position of the Communists in Relation to the Various Existing Opposition Parties"

Manifesto of the Communist Party.
By Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
First Published: February 1848.
Source: Marx/Engels Selected Works, Vol. One, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1969, pp. 98-137.


Section II has made clear the relations of the Communists to the existing working-class parties, such as the Chartists in England and the Agrarian Reformers in America. 

The Communists fight for the attainment of the immediate aims, for the enforcement of the momentary interests of the working class; but in the movement of the present, they also represent and take care of the future of that movement. In France, the Communists ally with the Social-Democrats# against the conservative and radical bourgeoisie, reserving, however, the right to take up a critical position in regard to phases and illusions traditionally handed down from the great Revolution. 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Nostalgia for the USSR- People in former Soviet republics say life was better in Socialism

A new survey, conducted by Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM), M-Vector, Ipsos, Expert Fikri and Qafqaz in 11 countries of the former Soviet Union, at the request of Sputnik news agency and radio, shows that the residents of 9 out of 11 surveyed former Soviet countries aged over 35 believe that life in the USSR was better than it has been since the breakup of the Soviet Union. 

MOSCOW (sputniknews.com- Some 64% of respondents in Russia who lived in Soviet times believe that the quality of life in the Soviet Union was better. About 60% of respondents in Ukraine agreed with this statement. The survey showed that the highest rates of agreement with this statement are found among respondents in Armenia (71%) and Azerbaijan (69%). Those respondents who do not remember living in the USSR, those aged 18-24, believe that life has improved since the collapse. Some 63% of young people in Russia think so.

Hate, Bigotry, Racism: The 'Jihadists' of the Greek Orthodox Church


This is not a post about religion and faith. Historical materialism, as it has been analyzed in the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and others, represents our perspective on the “opium of the people”. However, this article focuses on the Greek Orthodox Church as an institution and her high ranking representatives. Before going to our major issue, let us remind the following: a) according to article 3.1 of the Constitution of Greece (Hellenic Republic) “the prevailing religion in Greece is that of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ”, b) the Church of Greece is, in fact, an institution tied to the bourgeois Greek state, as long as priests (of all ranks) are civil servants and their salaries are paid from the State. c) the Church of Greece, with an estate of billion euros, is largely benefited by a series of tax exemptions.

The reactionary and regressive role of the Church of Greece through history is, more or less, known. Since the formation of the independent Greek state in 1830, the Orthodox Church has been always part of the establishment- from the Ottoman rule to the formation of the Kingdom of Greece and from the 1940s Nazi occupation to the 1967-1974 military dictatorship, the leadership of the Greek Orthodox Church played its role as a staunch ally of the established order. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

"Viva Hellas! Viva KKE!"- The execution of Nikos Ploumbidis

It was in the dawn of August 14, 1954, in the area of Dafni in Athens, when the bourgeois Greek state murdered a courageous communist: He was Nikos Ploumbidis, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (KKE). 

The following day, the newspapers were writing: "He was executed while cheering for KKE, facing with absolute composure the bullets of the firing squad" while "he denied to have his eyes tied over" during the execution. Just a few seconds before gunfire he shouted: "Viva Hellas! Viva KKE!". It was another murder by the reactionary, post-war bourgeois Greek government and its imperialist allies. Two years earlier, Nikos Beloyannis and his comrades had been executed. 

Ploumbidis was born in 1902 in Langadia, Arcadia in Peloponnese. He was a teacher by profession. From a very young age he developed his activity within the working class movement, thus becoming a KKE member in 1926. In 1938 he became a member of the Central Committee and later member of the Political Bureau. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Declaration of the CC of the KKE: On the 70th anniversary of the Democratic Army of Greece 1946-1949

Athens, February 2016

We are inspired and learn from the 100-year history of the KKE, from the 3-year epic of the DSE.

The CC of the KKE, the entire party and KNE, honours the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the democratic Army of Greece (DSE).

1946 was a year of important developments directly connected to the creation of the DSE, such as:

The 2nd Plenum of the CC of the KKE (12-15 February 1946), which began exactly a year after of the signing of the Varkiza Agreement (12th of February 1945).The 2nd Plenum, even if in a contradictory way, was the one that decided to conduct the armed struggle.

The attack of a group of partisans on the gendarmerie station of Litohoro, on the night of the 30th and early in the morning of the 31st of March 1946, took place on the eve of the parliamentary elections.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The remorse of a dissident: Alexander Zinoviev on Stalin and the dissolution of the USSR


Alexander Zinoviev (1922-2006) was a Russian philosopher, sociologist, mathematician and writer. He is an extraordinary case of a dissident in the Soviet Union who later apologized for his anti-sovietism and anti-stalinism. In his youth, in 1939, he was arrested for allegedly involved in a plot to assassinate Joseph Stalin. As a head and professor of the Logic Department at Moscow State University, Zinoviev acquired a dissident reputation. In 1978 he left the Soviet Union - he lived in Western Europe until 1999. 

Having the opportunity to live both the socialist system in the USSR and Western Europe's capitalism, Zinoviev made a u-turn in his thoughts after the counterrevolutionary events in the Soviet Union (1989-1991). He profoundly regreted for his previous anti-soviet stance and even asked from the Russian people to forgive him for that. 

He wrote in one of his books: 

Friday, August 12, 2016

"Life was better under Communism" says the majority of Russians, Romanians and Eastern Germans


First of all, let us say that the proper phrase is "under Socialism". During the 20th century, the Soviet Union and the socialist countries of Eastern Europe were in the process of socialist construction. According to the Marxist-Leninist theory, "Socialism" consist the first stage (phase) of Communism. 

Having said the above, let's go to the core issue. The people who have lived both under Socialism and Capitalism give their answer to the various bourgeois and petty bourgeois unhistorical slanders. Various polls in former Socialist countries prove that the majority of people, in Russia and Eastern Europe, think that life was better before the counter-revolutions and the restoration of Capitalism. Under Socialism their major problems had been solved: Free education, free healthcare for all, social security, jobs, free vacation and holidays for everyone, etc. The restoration of Capitalism brought an unprecedented barbarity in almost every sector of public life: Social inequalities, unemployment, privatization of major public sectors from healthcare to education, etc. 

On March 2016, a survey conducted by the All-Russia Public Opinion Center (VTsIOM) showed that: 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels- Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) Part III "Socialist and Communist Literature"

Manifesto of the Communist Party.
By Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
First Published: February 1848.
Source: Marx/Engels Selected Works, Vol. One, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1969, pp. 98-137.


A. Feudal Socialism.

Owing to their historical position, it became the vocation of the aristocracies of France and England to write pamphlets against modern bourgeois society. In the French Revolution of July 1830, and in the English reform agitation, these aristocracies again succumbed to the hateful upstart. Thenceforth, a serious political struggle was altogether out of the question. A literary battle alone remained possible. But even in the domain of literature the old cries of the restoration period had become impossible.*

Olympic Games and Fascism- The Olympic Deceit of the ‘Divine Baron’ Pierre de Coubertin

Olympism and Fascism.
By Ljubodrag Simonović.
Source: Excerpt from the book “The Olympic Deceit of the ‘Divine Baron’ – Pierre de Coubertin”
Posters: Vanja Zakanji.

As early as 1929, at the time of the great recession, “father” of the modern Olympic Games Pierre de Coubertin expressed his inclination towards authoritarian regimes, namely his discontent with the inefficiency of the capitalist system in its dealing with the working class :

"First of all, it was necessary to establish the International Olympic Committee with its basic rights, that should have been acknowledged by all the nations. This was not easy, because the Constitution of the Committee was opposed to the ideas of the time. It discarded the principle of delegation, so dear to our parliamentary democracies - the principle which, having done some great good, seems to be less efficient every day". (1)

It should also be noted that Coubertin was cordially accepted and his works published in fascist Germany, in spite of being "a great French patriot", a fact important at the time of German revanchism. Theodor Lewald, the president of the Organizing Committee of the Berlin Olympics, wrote of Coubertin at the end of his Introduction to "Olympische Erinnerungen", published in Berlin in 1938:

"He understood and enthusiastically saluted the development of the
new Germany under her Great Führer". (2)

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

KKE: The "debt regulation" of Greece will be accompanied by new anti-people measures

Regarding Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' message about Greece's debt, the Press Office of the CC of KKE issued the following statement:

"In his unhistorical references, Mr.Tsipras "forgets" to say that the regulation of the debt and the post-war reconstruction of Germany wasn't aimed at it's people prosperity, but, on one hand, it was aimed at the deterrence of the increasing influence of the Soviet Union and the Socialist system- a plan which, among other things, included the utilisation of numerous former members of the Nazi regime- and, on the other hand, to the capitalist recovery of Germany.

Today, the regulation of the Greek debt, which has been agreed by the SYRIZA-ANEL government, will be accompanied by new memorandums of austerity and anti-people measures, for the benefit of the recovery of capitalist profits, while the debt will be paid by those who didn't create it, the people".

(Translation: In Defense of Communism).

Hitler's descendants: Trump supporters, White supremacists and Greek neo-Nazis

Special to In Defense of Communism.

In our post titled “Golden Dawn's Neo-Nazis's admiration for Donald Trump” (April 6) we had described the public admiration that known members of the Greek fascist organisation had expressed for the US Presidential candidate Donald Trump. There is plenty of evidence which shows a connection between far-right, fascist and racist groups in the two sides of the Atlantic; more specifically between American White supremacists and Greek neo-Nazis.

Before going to the ties of Golden Dawn's Nazis with US fascist groups, lets go back to June 2015 when 59 year-old John Russel Houser opened fire at a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. Two women, aged 21 and 33, were killed as a result of this. According to police investigation, Houser had a history of far-right ideas, being a member of the ultra-conservative Tea Party and an admirer of Adolf Hitler and Timothy McVeigh. A research on the web unveiled that, in one of his comments, Houser had praised Golden Dawn. Here is the part of his reference to the Greek nazi-criminal group:

Monday, August 8, 2016

Communist Party, Turkey (KP): Letter to the Peoples of the World - Down with Imperialism!

The Central Committee of Communist Party, Turkey (KP) released a declaration for the peoples of the world in the aftermath of the July 15 coup attempt in Turkey:
"We witnessed an attempted coup in Turkey on the night of July 15. Despite its oddnesses, obscurities and uncertainties about the actors behind it, this was a genuine coup attempt.
That Fethullah Gülen was behind the coup and that Fethullah Gülen has deep ties with the U.S. administration are facts. Additionally, there were more than a few traces of Pentagon and CIA behind the coup attempt.
The failure of this attempted coup is to the benefit of our people. If the coup had succeeded, the working people already burdened with all the imaginable problems laid on them by the capitalist system would have had to face heavier and more destructive conditions. One needs to keep in mind that the coup plotters have a pro-NATO and Islamist orientation and they have been serving the international monopolies for decades.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Hiroshima - Nagasaki 1945: The real reasons behind the 20th century's most horrific war crime

"Having found the bomb we have used it. We have used it against those who attacked us without warning at Pearl Harbor, against those who have starved and beaten and executed American prisoners of war, against those who have abandoned all pretense of obeying international laws of warfare. We have used it in order to shorten the agony of war, in order to save the lives of thousands and thousands of young Americans. We shall continue to use it until we completely destroy Japan's power to make war. Only a Japanese surrender will stop us [...] We must constitute ourselves trustees of this new force--to prevent its misuse, and to turn it into the channels of service to mankind. We thank God that it has come to us, instead of to our enemies; and we pray that He may guide us to use it in His ways and for His purposes".

The above words are the words of an imperialist war criminal. It was August 9, 1945 when U.S. President Harry Truman was delivering a radio address to the American people. Three days ago, the bomber Enola Gay had dropped the "Little Boy" atomic bomb in Hiroshima and another bomb was spreading death and destruction in Nagasaki. Truman actually lied to the American people. The reason behind the use of the atomic bomb wasn't to end WW2 or save lives. It was a warning against the Soviet Union which marked the beginning of the "Cold War"

Friday, August 5, 2016

Greece: Communists honor the victims of the nuclear holocaust in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Statement by the KKE

With mass gatherings and rallies in Athens and Thessaloniki, the Greek Committee for International Peace and Detente (EEDYE) honors the victims of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki nuclear crime. 

In the afternoon of August 9th, a political event have been scheduled in the shadow of the Athens Acropolis, marking the 71th anniversary of the imperialist crime in Japan. The major slogan of the event is "To condemn the US crime in Hiroshima-Nagasaki" and "Condemn the Imperialist Wars and Intervention". A similar event will take place in Thessaloniki's city center. 

On the occasion of the 71 years since the dropping of the atomic bombs in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (6-8 August 1945), the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued the following statement


Distributed by MOSFILM.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Rio Olympic Games- A celebration for the capitalist elites and multinational corporations, not for the people


These days, the beautiful city of Rio De Janeiro is divided by a wall- on one side are the new, luxurious Olympic venues which are ready to host athletes from all over the world; on the other side, there is a complex of multiple favelas where poverty, misery and gangs dominate. This divided face of Rio mirrors the immense class-based inequalities in Brazil; a capitalist country of over 200 million people which is the world's ninth largest economy by nominal GDP. 

More than 20% of Brazil's population lives below poverty line and less than 2 million brazilians (1% of the total population) owns 13% of the total household income. According to Forbes, the 15 richest families in Brazil are worth an estimated $122 billion- that means approximately 5% of the country's GDP. This is the social and economic framework of the country which hosts the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Communist Party, Turkey (KP): On the coup attempt and the Gülen movement (English, Español)

Read the first part here.
The coup attempt and the continuing dispute in its aftermath was not only the concern of Turkey but of the workers’ and communist parties all over the world. Definitely, the course of the events should be considered regarding the class struggle in Turkey but at the same time that very coup attempt also referred to the class struggle around the world, indicating the relentless rivalry and weaknesses within the imperialist order.
In order to share with the international communist movement, the International Relations Bureau of the Communist Party,Turkey has prepared an analysis which consists of 10 critical questions on recent coup attempt and its aftermath in Turkey.
International Bulletin of Communist Party, Turkey No7.
Critical questions on recent coup attempt and its aftermath in Turkey:
3- Were there any chance for the attempt to be successful?

Solzhenitsyn — The rotten legacy of a Fascist

By Nikos Mottas.

It was August 3, 2008 when the “Patriarch” of anti-communism, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, died. The writings of Solzhenitsyn became a major source of anti-Soviet hysteria and blatant slanders against the first socialist state. Even today, Solzhenitsyn's major work “The Gulag Archipelago” is, more or less, regarded as the anti-communist “bible” of the world's apologists of capitalism and anti-soviet propaganda. 

The supposed “honest” testimonies of Solzhenitsyn- which he was never able to prove- were used in the building of an anti-stalinist, anti-communist obsession which the West had so much need to base upon, especially after the end of WW2.

However, who was really this nobel prize-winning Russian and how much credibility do his anti-soviet fairy tales contain?