with Kemal Okuyan, First Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party,
Turkey (KP) on the coup attempt in Turkey.
Source: International Communist Press,
17th July 2016.
is the interview of the soL news
portal with Kemal Okuyan First Secretary of the CC of the Communist
Party, Turkey (KP) on the coup attempt in Turkey:
Was the coup attempt surprising for you?
KO: Nothing
happening in Turkey should surprise anyone. But more importantly, the
possibility of a military coup had been increasing gradually. There
are international actors and some power groups in Turkey, who are
frustrated by Erdoğan. We have indicated the causes of this
discontent several times, we are not making those up. Those are
documented, reported facts. Could there be a rule for the capitalists
saying there cannot be any conflict within imperialists, no giving
away of their own politicians? Recep Tayyip Erdoğan served a lot for
the international monopolies, he is still serving them though… But
both he himself has made mistakes and also the inner conflicts of the
imperialism have been deepened creating various tendencies some of
which are not happy with a Turkey with Erdoğan. In that sense, a
coup was predictable. Yet obviously there are surprising things about
this attempt.
Some consider everything as a scenario?
KO: It
is not a comparison but: I don't understand how certain people take
Talat Aydemir’s interventions* seriously but not consider this
attempt as realistic? This is because, everything can be visualised
today. Image ruins fetishes, yet creates new ones. There is video
footage everywhere, those create perceptions of a “fake coup”.
Whereas before, everything was on narrative and documents and could
be idealized. The fact that this incident has strengthened Erdoğan’s
position does not mean it was organised by him or his men. The
attempt had some particular critical moments, and if things had been
different at those moments we would be talking about quite a
different picture.