The conference, organised two years after the major workers' mobilisations in France, which shook the country and the whole of Europe, aims to exchange the views and experiences of the CPs of ECA the on the workers' movement in Europe.
The conference, organised two years after the major workers' mobilisations in France, which shook the country and the whole of Europe, aims to exchange the views and experiences of the CPs of ECA the on the workers' movement in Europe.
The key to a capitalist economy is the state of its capital accumulation. That goes for understanding tariffs in particular.
— U.S. tariffs were successful in the late 19th century. Capital accumulation was vigorous, and tariff protection helped develop domestic industries.
— The 1930 Smoot-Hawley tariffs certainly did not help when the boom of the 1920s had already collapsed into a deep depression. Capitalism cannot evade the law of the falling rate of profit; boom turns into bust.
The 2024 U.S. election has shocked many around the world with Donald Trump’s landslide victory. But his return should not be considered as an American phenomenon. In recent years the right-wing populist parties around the world have successfully garnered support from the political left working class by advocating for robust welfare states, albeit through a lens that is often chauvinist, nativist, and ethnonationalist.
Workers of UD CGT13 Bouches duRhones, of the historic Marseille.
"PAME expresses its deep sorrow and condolences to the families and colleagues of the 41 miners murdered in the Amasra mines in Bartin, Turkey.
41 of our brothers, our colleagues did not return to their families because of the employers’ unending pursuit of profit. After the dead of Soma, whose families are still waiting for justice, comes another massacre of workers.
The Congress began on Friday 6 May and will conclude on Sunday 8th May.
On the first day, the General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) George Mavrikos delivered an opening speech, analyzing the experience from the Union's activity during the previous period as well as the challenges and struggles that are coming for the class-based working class movement:
The inter-imperialist confrontation between the Euro-Atlantic powers (USA, NATO, EU) and Russia in Ukraine inevitably brings to the fore serious ideological-political disagreements and chronic contradictions that exist in the international communist movement.
The Russian invasion and the war in Ukraine emphatically highlights the misconception that exists in part of the communist movement concerning the issue of imperialism. A number of self-proclaimed “communist” forces are either unable, or deliberately avoid, to conceive imperialism through Leninist criteria. Instead, they disconnect economy from politics, overlook the fact that the competition between the monopolies is the basis for the sharpening of international conflicts and focus unilaterally on the aggressive foreign policy of specific states and alliances (e.g. USA, NATO, EU).
The Commune founded by the workers of Paris lived for only 72 days. However its historic importance was enormous. Nothing after the Paris Commune would be the same for the working class, nor for the bourgeoisie which, from then on, would be forced to live with the nightmare of a revolution overthrowing its dominance.
On the occasion of the 150 years since the Commune de Paris, we publish two chapters from Karl Marx's work "The Civil War in France" (1871) which refer to the historical events of the then period.
75 years later, the WFTU continues on the same uncompromising path, with unity, class-oriented, with internationalism. 75 years with honor and dignity!