"The Holocaust of the Jews is a timeless reminder of the true face of the rotten capitalist exploitative system and the criminal nature of Nazism - fascism that it engenders.
Monday, January 27, 2025
KKE's leader Koutsoumbas on the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army
Friday, April 19, 2024
Katyn Massacre Revisited: Declassified archival evidence disputes the “Soviets did it” narrative
Almost two months after the resounding defeat of the Nazis in Stalingrad, on 13 April 1943, a mass grave of Polish POWs was found in the Katyn Forrest, a few miles away from Smolensk. Under the guidance of Goebbels, the blame was cast against the Soviet leadership and this falsehood was eagerly adopted by the imperialists and bourgeois historiography in Europe and the United States.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
KKE condemns the dismantling of Red Army memorial in Sofia, Bulgaria
The monument was erected in 1954 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Soviet forces liberating Bulgaria, which had been allied with Nazi Germany in World War II.
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Vladimir Podgorbunsky: The bandit who became a Hero of the Soviet Union
Born in the Irkutsk region, Vladimir Podgorbunsky lost his father soon after his birth, and then tragically lost his mother, leaving him in the care of an orphanage . To survive, he became a thief and quickly became a leader among the inmates of the orphanage. He was sent to a juvenile colony at the age of 18, from where he repeatedly escaped, continuing to lead a life of crime.
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Reactionary Ukrainian authorities remove sickle and hammer from giant WWII statue in Kiev
The 62-metre-high steel figure of a woman holding a shield with the hammer and sickle and a sword, was opened in 1981 as a memorial to Soviet victory in World War II.
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Estonia's "Institute of Historical Memory" shamefully falsifies WW2 history, promotes anti-communism
Promoting anti-communism and the distortion of history, EIHM tries to equate the Soviet Union – the major liberation force in WW2 – with Nazi Germany!!! More specifically, in the website of EIHM's “Summer School” someone can read the following:
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
The KKE honors the 9th of May, Day of the Great Anti-fascist Victory of the Peoples
Members and friends of the KKE in Berlin's Treptower Park. |
"World War II, like World War I, was the result of imperialist rivalries for the new division of markets, territories and spheres of influence, as well as their sharpening in conditions of capitalist economic crisis [...]
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Remembering the Khatyn Massacre in Belarus
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
European Communist Initiative: Statement on the 80th Anniversary of the Heroic Battle of Stalingrad
"This year marks the 80th anniversary of the great Battle of Stalingrad, which was of decisive importance and contribution to the Antifascist Victory of the Peoples, and to the class struggle overall.
Thursday, February 2, 2023
Stalin bust unveiled in Volgograd to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Stalingrad victory
The bust is flanked by two others - legendary Soviet commanders Georgy Zhukov and Alexander Vasilyevsky - beside the Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad - Volgograd's name from 1925 to 1961, the local news outlet V1.RU reported on Tuesday.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Stalin never allied with Hitler: The Truth about the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Sunday, May 8, 2022
European Communist Initiative: 9th May, a milestone of the Great Antifascist Victory of the Peoples
We proudly commemorate 9 May, a milestone of the Great Antifascist Victory of the Peoples. We pay tribute to the millions of people who sacrificed their lives, fought with guns in their hands, and struggled against the fascist imperialist Axis of Germany–Italy–Japan and their allies.
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
EAM: Notes on Greece's National Liberation Front
The 27th of September marked the 80th anniversary of the foundation of EAM, Greece's National Liberation Front, which played the leading role in the struggle against the country's Axis occupation. The major force behind the foundation, organization and activity of EAM was the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) which led the popular, anti-fascist struggle during the 1941-1944 period.
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Stalin did not deport German communists to Hitler
A critique of an essay by Alex de Jong in Jacobin magazine, August 2021.
In August 2021, the social-democratic magazine Jacobin published an article by Dutch writer Alex de Jong titled “Stalin Handed Hundreds of Communist Over to Hitler”. The assertion in the article’s title is false. De Jong’s article, and other articles and books that make this claim, all commit the following three cardinal errors:
Monday, June 7, 2021
Last surviving Soviet soldier who participated in Auschwitz liberation dies at 98
In January 1945, Red Army tank driver David Dushman saw Auschwitz survivors stagger out of the concentration camp, amidst the dead victims of Nazi terror. "They staggered out of the barracks, sat and lay among the dead," Dushman told the Munich-based Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) newspaper six years ago.
Sunday, May 9, 2021
The memory of the Antifascist Victory does not fade away — Socialism is the future!
76 years ago, the Red Army raised the Red Flag in the Reichstag, marking the Great Antifascist Victory of the Peoples and the defeat of Nazism. That was a fierce and bloody struggle, led by the Soviet Union with the decisive contribution of many anti-fascist, partisan movements, with the Communist Parties at the forefront.
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Pablo Neruda — Song of Love to Stalingrad (1942)
In 1942, Pablo Neruda wrote the "Song of Love to Stalingrad" (Canto de Amor a Stalingrado), praising the bravery of the Red Army and the Soviet people. What follows is a English translation of this extroardinary poem: