Showing posts with label WFTU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WFTU. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2024

World Federation of Trade Unions and PAME hail the massive anti-war mobilizations of the people in Israel

In recent statement, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) hails the  massive anti-war mobilizations in Tel Aviv. More specifically WFTU stresses out:

The World Trade Union Federation is pleased to note the mass mobilizations of the people in Israel against the anti-people policies of the Netanyahu government and are calling for an end to the ongoing genocide in the Palestinian land.

Friday, July 19, 2024

WFTU: On the 50th anniversary of the double crime of the coup d’etat and the Turkish invasion in Cyprus

WFTU Solidarity Message with the people and the workers of Cyprus on the occasion of the 50th dark anniversary of the double crime of the coup d’état and the Turkish invasion

On the occasion of the 50th dark anniversary of the double crime of the coup d’état and the Turkish invasion, the World Federation of Trade Unions expresses once again its unwavering solidarity for the struggle of the people and the working class of Cyprus towards the solution of the Cyprus problem and the liberation and reunification of the island.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

NATO stands for Wars and Dictatorships: Statements by WFTU and PAME on NATO Washington Summit

Statements by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and Greece's All Militant Workers' Front (PAME) on the occasion of NATO's Summit in Washington DC held between 9-11 July 2024. 

World Federation of Trade Unions

The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing more than 105 million workers who work live, and struggle in 133 countries all over the world, strongly condemns the continuation of military interventions and wars, the accelerated militarization of international relations and confrontational rhetoric, the soaring of the military expenditures, as well as the NATO plans amid the escalating intra-imperialist confrontation.  

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

WFTU opposes and condemns the neo-fascist policies of Javier Milei government in Argentina

The World Federation of Trade Unions strongly opposes and condemns the neo-fascist policies of the Milei government in Argentina. The government’s antipopular measures, including currency devaluation, unconstitutional protocols, and a massive decree, threaten the working class and social justice.

he WFTU stands with the Argentine workers and the class-oriented trade union movement of the country, denouncing the privatization of state entities, erosion of labor rights, and the overall neoliberal agenda.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Bloodshed in Palestine: Statements by the World Peace Council and the World Federation of Trade Unions

The World Peace Council expresses its deep concern about the circle of bloodshed in Palestine and Israel which has led already to the loss of lives of hundreds of civilians on both sides along with thousands of injuries. 
As WPC we state clearly that the root cause for this escalation is and remains the decades’ long Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands, the policies of settlements, land robbing, the separation wall in the West Bank and the daily humiliation, harassment and killings of Palestinians by the regime of occupation, the thousands of Palestinian prisoners, the road blocks, the discrimination and deprivation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to their own state.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

International Action Day of Trade Unions for Peace — Día Internacional de Acción de los Sindicatos por la Paz

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) organizes for one more year an International Action Day of Trade Unions for Peace on September the 1st, the dark anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War after the attack of Nazi Germany on Poland.  

This day is established by the international class-oriented trade union movement as the day of remembrance and honor for the millions of victims of the Nazi and fascist atrocities of the Second World War, but also for all the victims of the imperialist wars, for all those who paid with their lives for the imperialist antagonisms and multinationals’ speculations and bulimia of big capital.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Stop the blockade now! WFTU solidarity campaign with the people of Cuba

In accordance with the 2023 Presidential Council’s unanimous decision the World Federation of Trade Unions is organizing a solidarity campaign with the people of Cuba, on the occasion of the 26th of July, the anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba, spreading the strong internationalist message that Cuba is not alone.

The 26th of July marks the beginning of the revolutionary attempt to overthrow the dictator, Fulgencio Batista, which gave hope to workers all over the world and showed that the people can defeat the exploiters and can create a society free from exploitation. 

Saturday, July 8, 2023

WFTU: NATO Summit in Lithuania is another blatant provocation to the whole peaceful humanity

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), on behalf of its 105 million workers who live, work and struggle in 133 countries of the 5 continents strongly condemns the imperialist plans of NATO and considers the 2023 Summit which is going to be held July 11-12 in Vilnius, Lithuania, one more blatant provocation to the whole peaceful humanity.

The peoples all over the globe know we well the bloody mission of this imperialist alliance is to maintain, and expand if possible, the existing favourable correlation of forces for the NATO countries in order to safeguard the profits of their monopolies.  

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

World Refugee Day: Statement by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)

Statement by the Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU):

On the occasion of World Refugee Day, WFTU calls upon its more than 105 million members in the 133 countries of the 5 continents to continue and strengthen their struggle, in every sector and in every region, for the full and smooth integration of immigrants into the local societies and every aspect of social life, including trade unions.

It is obvious that imperialist aggressiveness for the control and exploitation of markets, natural resources and energy roads, capitalist barbarity, anti-labor and anti-people’s policies, hunger, poverty, modern slave trade are the main causal factors that have directly or indirectly compelled millions of people into forced displacement. The latest data according to the UNHCR, shows that there are 108 million people that were forcibly displaced worldwide.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

May Day 2023: Statement by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)

The World Federation of Trade Unions, the militant, class-oriented voice, representing 105 million workers who live, work, and struggle in 133 countries of the 5 continents, honors the 137th anniversary of the struggle of workers in Chicago in 1886 that constituted a lasting milestone of the working class and a bright beacon for the struggles of today and tomorrow for stable work with rights, social security, free public, and universal health and education, dignified life.

Nowadays the crisis of capitalism is deepening in the length and breadth of the globe, resulting in the open violation of democratic and trade union rights, the deterioration of working and living conditions, and the dramatic widening of social inequalities, poverty, and exploitation. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

International Working Women’s Day 2023: Equity and Equality – Say no to wars

Statement of the Working Women Committee, adopted by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) 2023 Precedential Council Meeting:

International Working Women’s Day 2023

WFTU Women demand Equity and Equality – Say no to wars

Now is the time for the spark to ignite again. Just like in the 19th century, when women workers rose up against the exploitation of early industrial capitalism, now again the time has come to take up the cudgels against the most barbaric system that boils in the cauldrons of neoliberalism.  Imperialism sacrifices the lives of the workers of the world for the sake of profit. Women workers are enslaved and subjugated within the working class which is already marginalized to the point of deprivation.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Trade unionist leader Muhammad Shaban Azouz dies

Muhammad Shaban Azouz, prominent trade unionist leader from Syria and former President of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), died on Monday in Damascus, aged 70. 

Azouz, a native of Aleppo, was a long-time member of the central leadership of Al-Baath Arab Socialist Party.

In a statement, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) stresses out:

"With great sorrow, the WFTU informs about the passing away of comrade Mohammad Shaban Azouz who served as president of the WFTU.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

November 29 – International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

The Section of International Relations of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued a statement on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on 29 November 2022, stressing the following:

“On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the KKE expresses its full support for the just struggle of the Palestinians, which is an inspiration for the just popular struggle of the workers all over the world. 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

FIFA World Cup in Qatar is stained with working-class blood — Statement by the WFTU

In a statement about the FIFA World Cup 2022 that begins today, November 20, in Qatar, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) stresses out:

The designation of this Arab emirate to host the event was already tainted by corruption. Billions of resources belonging to the Qatari people -as it is theirs all wealth found in their subsoil- passed into the hands of the large capitalist corporations.  Since then, the sponsorship of these companies has been supported by speculation and business from which only the elites of the Arab country benefit.

Friday, November 11, 2022

PAME exposes the dirty role and lies of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

PAME: The dirty role and lies of the ETUC-CES revealed again

On November 9 a General Strike took place in Greece. A strike that was decided, was prepared and succeeded thanks to the action of the militant trade unions of Greece. It was one of the most massive and successful strikes of recent years. In this strike the class unions of Greece had the massive support and solidarity of militant unions from all over the world and at the central Strike Rally of PAME in Athens attended the entire Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions-WFTU/FSM, expressing its solidarity in practice.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Nationwide strike in Greece on November 9: No one frozen! No one hungry! No one alone!

The preparations and the call for the National General Strike of November 9 continue and escalate. November 9 Strike rallies have been announced so far in 61 Cities all over Greece.

Send your messages, photos, videos of solidarity to PAME at Email:, Twitter @PAME_Greece, #GreeceGeneralStrike #GeneralStrikeNov9.

PAME Statement & Platform of Demands

Friday, October 14, 2022

WFTU-PAME: Solidarity with the big strike of the workers in the French Refineries #SoutienRaffineurs

The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing 105 million workers in 130 countries around the world, expresses its support for the strikers in the refineries of France and for the FNIC CGT, affiliated to the WFTU, which has been leading this heroic struggle for 3 weeks against the big monopolies Total and Exxon mobile.

Refinery workers in France are waging a powerful and exemplary struggle, at a time when these big oil monopolies are paying billions of Euros in dividends to their shareholders, while refusing to raise wages: refiners are showing that only the way of the strike and the struggle can force the employers to satisfy the demands of the workers.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Italy: Massive rally in Piacenza against the persecution of trade unionists

With a massive demonstration held in Piacenza, in Italy's northern region of Emilia Romagna, thousands of workers, men and women, people of every age, demanded the release of the eight trade unionists of Si Cobas and USB who remain under house arrest.

The trade unionists were placed under house arrest and searched on July 19th, based on a 350-page indictment of the Piacenza Public Prosecutor’s Office against USB and Si Cobas unions. 

Friday, July 8, 2022

Solidarity with Roofers Local 36 of Los Angeles, USA and Cliff Smith

In a statement, the All-Workers’ Militant Front (PAME) expresses the solidarity of the class unions of Greece with the Roofers Local 36 of Los Angeles, USA and the unionist Cliff Smith who are being threatened and blackmailed for leading the struggles and mobilizations for the rights of the working class in their region:

To Cliff Smith
Roofers Local 36 Business Manager
To Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Workers, Peace Activists, Students denounce the 2022 NATO Summit

Under the slogan "Yes to Peace-No to NATO! Disengage from NATO and dissolve it!", the World Peace Council (WPC) denounces the NATO Summit which takes place in Madrid on 29-30 June. It is noted that the WPC participated in the large anti-NATO rally held in Spanish capital on June 26th. 

More specifically, the WPC stresses out:

The biggest war machine in history, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is having its Summit on 29-30 June in Madrid, Spain. One more summit where the war hawks of 30 countries and their governments will ratify and develop their imperialist plans as a ’’world sheriff’’.