Showing posts with label Venezuela. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venezuela. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Jesús Faría: 30 years since the death of the Venezuelan communist leader

This January 24, 2025, marks the 30th anniversary of the death of the leader of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) Jesús Faría. His name is linked to the most important class struggles of the Venezuelan oil proletariat of the 20th century.

Jesús Faría was born on June 27, 1910, in Borojó, Falcón, in conditions of extreme poverty. In his autobiography Mi línea no cambia, es hasta la muerte (My line does not change, it is until death), he recalls his childhood besieged by snakes and vermin. Since he was a child, he worked in different informal activities to contribute to the sustenance of his home: he was a fruit and firewood seller, bottle collector, limekiln maker….

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Communist Party of Venezuela categorically rejects calls for foreign military intervention into Venezuela

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) categorically rejected on Monday calls for foreign military intervention that political actors have made in the last hours after the swearing-in of Nicolás Maduro, among them Álvaro Uribe.

“The PCV, throughout its history, has faced, has stood up, has resisted the offensive of imperialism against our country and this is not going to be a different situation: we Venezuelan communists are in favor of the defense of the sovereignty of our homeland,” declared Neirlay Andrade, member of the Political Bureau of the PCV.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Communist Party of Venezuela demands the release of former presidential candidate Enrique Márquez

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) denounces before national and international public opinion the arbitrary detention of Enrique Márquez, former presidential candidate supported by Venezuelan communists in the elections of July 28, 2024. 

On the night of January 7, the disappearance of Márquez, leader of the Centrados en la Gente party and member of the Popular Democratic Front (FDP), a platform that groups together left-wing, popular and revolutionary political and social organizations, among them the PCV, was confirmed. 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Communist Party of Venezuela denounces PSUV’s ‘dirty war’ to criminalize the struggle for constitutional rights

PCV denounces PSUV’s ‘dirty war’ to criminalize the struggle for constitutional rights
The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) denounced a new episode of the dirty war that has been unleashed by the leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and the government of Nicolás Maduro “against those who fight for the restitution of the democratic rights of the Venezuelan people”.

Monday, December 2, 2024

PCV analyzed political crisis in Venezuela with more than 100 communist and trade union leaders of the world

More than a hundred leaders of communist parties and workers of America, Africa, Asia and Europe participated last November 23, in the international video conference “Political crisis in Venezuela, the role of the working class and the strategy of the PCV”, organized by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela

The initiative was also attended ─ remotely─ by leaders of the World Federation of Trade Unions, the International Union of Trade Unions of Retired and Pensioned Persons, the World Federation of Teachers' Trade Unions, as well as central, federations, unions and fronts of workers and workers of the Canary Islands, Colombia, Ecuador, United States, Morocco, Mexico, Niger and Uruguay. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Marco Rubio el gusano, a sworn enemy of Cuban and Venezuelan people

By Nikos Mottas

According to the latest reports, the Republican Senator from Florida, Marco Rubio, will be the next U.S Secretary of State in Trump's administration. Born and raised in Miami, the epicenter of Cuban-American counterrevolutionary activity, Rubio's major political characteristics is his proven enmity towards socialist Cuba.

He was born in 1971 by Cuban immigrants who left the island before the triumph of the Revolution. While studying law, Rubio worked for the notorious Cuban-born Republican Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Among others, Ros-Lehtinen has played a significant role in promoting and strengthening the U.S genocidal blockade against Cuba, while she lobbied for the release and pardon of counterrevolutionary terrorist Orlando Bosch who had been convicted of terrorist acts and has also been accused of involvement in the 1976 bombing of Cubana Flight 455 which killed 73 people.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Maduro’s “anti-fascist” and “anti-imperialist” discourse

By Armiche Padrón*

The diversity of positions before concrete problems on the part of Communist Parties over the last decades is an expression of the worst crisis of the labor movement since it saw the light of day in 1831. The case of the last presidential elections in Venezuela, of course, has also been the object of controversy. More than a few have declared their support for the “victory” of Nicolás Maduro and, without further ado, present it as an “anti-fascist” and “anti-imperialist” triumph. But, what is the nature of Maduro’s discourse?

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Venezuela communists denounce persecution and harassment against public workers by PSUV regime

After the wave of popular protests and discontent following the announcement of the results of the presidential elections in the country, “there has been an escalation of persecution and harassment against public sector workers”, denounced this Monday the leader of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), Jaqueline López.

In a press statement issued by the Political Bureau of the PCV, it was reported that “in the last two weeks open and simulated dismissals have been executed in public institutions and state enterprises”.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Bankruptcy of the International Left?

By Alhelí González Cáceres
 The only ones who cannot see this betrayal are those who do not want to see it, those for whom it is not convenient to see it. We must look things in the face, call them by name and tell the workers the truth.

-V.I. Lenin, 1915

History is not a simple succession of events, it does not unfold in a linear way, sometimes not even in a spiral. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Communist Party of Venezuela: On the intra-bourgeois conflict in Venezuela following Presidential Elections

In a public communique addressed to the "Communist and Workers Parties of the World", the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) informs about the situation in the country following the Presidential Election of 28 July 2024:

"Dear Comrades

Receive fraternal greetings. Please find enclosed a report and analysis by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of our Party on what happened in the presidential elections of July 28 and subsequent developments.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

On the Presidential Elections in Venezuela — Sobre las elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela

Joint statement led by the Communist Party of Mexico between communist parties in the Americas on the presidential elections in Venezuela.

On Sunday, July 28, elections will be held to elect the president of Venezuela. In light of this, we would like to express the following:

– Contrary to what government propaganda spreads, these elections in Venezuela have a profound anti-democratic character, among other things, for deliberately preventing revolutionary parties and forces from registering candidates.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Venezuela: Nicolás Maduro, a cynical candidate

Candidate Nicolás Maduro moves with ease; he goes around the country pointing out what is wrong here and there. He denounces bureaucracy and corruption. Everywhere he goes there are unfinished construction works; he summons ministers and mayors; he shouts and gesticulates. Candidate Nicolás Maduro does not like the management of President Nicolás Maduro, however, he asks for his reelection.

It seems that there were another government that delivers a catastrophic administration and that the candidate Nicolás Maduro disinterestedly offers to solve it because he has nothing to do with that disaster.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Venezuela communists to support Enrique Márquez’s presidential candidacy

The legitimate membership of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) announced this Tuesday, June 25, its support for the candidacy of Enrique Márquez for the presidency of the Republic.

The announcement was made by the Secretary General of the Central Committee, Oscar Figuera, after the culmination of the third phase of the XVI National Conference held last Saturday, June 22, to define the tactics of the communists in the face of the July 28 presidential elections.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Venezuela: Maduro's social democratic Government steps up machinations against the Communist Party

The electoral card of the PCV is sequestered by the Government of Maduro

The National Electoral Council (CNE) has presented the ballot card for the presidential elections of next July 28. The face of Nicolás Maduro appears on 13 different cards, that is, one third of those admitted by the electoral body during a process plagued with irregularities and violations to the Constitution and electoral laws.  

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Communist Party of Venezuela: We must vote to defeat the anti-worker and authoritarian Maduro government

The King is naked: It is necessary to vote to defeat the anti-worker and authoritarian government

The process to elect the new male president of the Republic (there are only men in the race) has vertiginously accelerated the increasingly authoritarian and abusive trend that violates the social and political rights of the Venezuelan people; a feature that ─more so than a tailor-made suit─ has become a second skin of the Government of Nicolás Maduro and the leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

2024 Venezuelan presidential election: Manuel Isidro Molina will be the communist alternative to Maduro

The second phase of the XVI National Conference of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) held on Sunday, March 17, agreed "to propose to the Venezuelan people, in particular to its working class and to the allied forces of the popular, authentically democratic, patriotic, anti-imperialist and revolutionary camp the presidential candidacy of journalist Manuel Isidro Molina.” 

The announcement was made by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the PCV, Oscar Figuera in a public statement to the media after the meeting of one of the highest leadership bodies of the Venezuelan communists. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

93rd anniversary of the Communist Party of Venezuela

On March 5, 1931, under the most adverse conditions of persecution and political extermination, the first communist branch was formed in Venezuela. Since then, 93 years of consistent struggle for the definitive emancipation of the working class from the yoke of capital have passed.

The efforts and contributions of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) to the organization of the working people of the city and the countryside for the conquest of political, social and labor rights, constitute deeds of ample recognition that no power can erase from history or from the memory of our people. Nor can the firm and intransigent struggle against imperialism of the Venezuelan communists be hidden.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

KKE: Hands off Oscar Figuera, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Venezuela!

In a statement, the International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stresses out:

"The anti-communist campaign of the social-democratic PSUV government against the CP of Venezuela is further escalating, following the unacceptable decision of the Supreme Court of Justice, which in August 2023 outlawed the CP of Venezuela and recognized a group of paid agents of government representatives in its place.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Venezuela's communists respond to Nicolás Maduro: "Mr. President, it is you who drives a bus full of corrupt people"

Communist branches respond to Nicolás Maduro: "Mr. President, it is you who drives a bus full of corrupt people"
Indignation and total rejection has been registered in the last hours in the ranks of the Communist Party of Venezuela after President Nicolás Maduro confirmed his participation in the judicial assault on the PCV on January 4 and declared -without any proof- that the legitimate leadership, elected by the XVI National Congress, had "surrendered" to "corruption" and "imperialism".  

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

European Communist Action: Firm solidarity with the Communist Party of Venezuela which is currently under severe attack by the PSUV's regime

The European Communist Action expresses its firm solidarity with the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), which is currently under severe attack by the PSUV's regime in power in the country.

The contraction of oil revenue has led the PSUV's government to expedite continuous concessions to the bourgeoisie, accompanied by increasing restrictions on the political and labor-union rights of the working class and by intensifying repression of the proletarian resistance.