Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2025

What is "ReArm Europe"? Multi-tool of warfare against the peoples

The EU has announced the “ReArm Europe” program worth 800 billion euros, signalling a rapid increase in its war spending.

It is thus reinforcing the war economy strategy and armaments of the previous period, escalating its involvement in the imperialist war in Ukraine. Its aim is to play a leading role on the Ukrainian front in conditions of heightened Euro-Atlantic antagonisms and US-Russian bargaining.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

KKE on Trump-Putin call: Imperialist peace and arrangements are the other side of imperialist war

In a statement issued on Wednesday 19 March, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) refers to the recent call between U.S President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin concerning the situation in Ukraine. The statement (here in Greek) reads:

“The drumbeats about a ceasefire in the 3-year imperialist war in Ukraine, between the US, NATO, EU and capitalist Russia, cannot overshadow the real facts and the painful reality of the continuation of the war that tortures the peoples of Ukraine and Russia, as well as the dangers for other peoples.

Friday, March 14, 2025

No to the rearmament of Europe: Statement on the imperialist war in Ukraine and the EU’s arms race

Joint statement from the Communist Front Political Bureau and the Front of Communist Youth National Secretariat on the third anniversary of the war in Ukraine:

1. Three years after the escalation of the war in Ukraine between the Russian Federation and the US-EU-NATO Euro-Atlantic alliance, the conditions under which peace talks or cease-fire negotiations are presented once again demonstrate that this war has nothing to do with the “defense of European values” and democratic freedoms, nor with the alleged “anti-fascist” values that are instrumentally invoked by both factions. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Rizospastis: The bargaining for Ukraine's mineral wealth exposes the imperialist pretexts

The daily newspaper “Rizospastis”, the organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece, refers on its front page of 26 February 2025 to the developments around the imperialist war in Ukraine and states in its headline: “The bargaining for mineral wealth exposes the imperialist pretexts”.

The article goes on to say that “The US-NATO-EU propaganda in defence of ‘democracy’ and ‘Western values’ is collapsing like a house of cards. The role of the ND government is exposed, as well as that of the social-democratic parties (PASOK, SYRIZA) and others who support the country’s involvement in the war. The positions of the KKE are confirmed”.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Government of the Capitalists, by Elon Musk, for some Capitalists

U.S. capitalism is in economic decay. The disintegration of the capitalist republic follows. This article explains the class nature of U.S. "democracy" and its decay, which has accelerated under president Trump. We republish it here because other capitalist parliamentary regimes share the same class nature, and they, too, are in palpable decay. —  IDC.

Abraham Lincoln gave fame to the phrase “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Donald Trump had not been president again for two weeks when the U.S. took big steps to a government of the capitalist class, by Elon Musk, for some capitalists. This regime has already increased the suffering of the people, but it also moves us closer to revolutionary overthrow of capitalism.

Monday, February 17, 2025

European Communist Action: On the three years since the formal beginning of the imperialist war in Ukraine

Statement by the European Communist Action on the three years since the beginning of the imperialist war in Ukraine

"The war that formally began three years ago with the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, shedding the blood of two peoples who lived, fought and prospered together under the USSR and who are now suffering under capitalism, after the prevalence of the counter-revolution.

Monday, February 10, 2025

South African communists blast Trump's imperialist agenda: "We will not bow to imperialist threats"

In a statement issued on 6 February 2025, the South African Communist Party (SACP) condemns U.S President Donald Trump's threats against South Africa and defends the country's national sovereignty. 

The statement reads:

"The South African Communist Party (SACP) unequivocally condemns the right-wing conservative President of the United States, Donald Trump, in the strongest possible terms. We reject his imperialist agenda and the entire United States imperialism and its extension to our country with the contempt it deserves.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Communist Workers’ Platform USA: The Class Struggle in America and the Communist Strategy

Below you can read an interesting contribution of the Communist Workers’ Platform USA to the discussion of the communist parties and organizations of the Americas on December 22, 2024:

Section 1: Brief Overview of the Labor Movement in the Americas

The class-oriented trade movement in the Americas is largely fractured and disjointed. In the main, there is a very weak true class-based and revolutionary trade unionism, and the lack of their independence as fighting organizations of the working class. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Communist Party of Canada: Canadian sovereignty and independence is seriously threatened by Trump

In a statement, the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Canada (Parti Communiste du Canada) stresses out:

The Ipsos poll taken immediately following Trudeau’s announcement that he would be stepping down as Prime Minister and Liberal Party leader showed that public support for the Liberal Party remained unchanged at 20% with or without Trudeau at the helm.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Elon Musk and the Dictatorship of the Capital

 By Nikos Mottas

“Fascism can be combated as capitalism alone, as the nakedest, most shameless, most oppressive, and most treacherous form of capitalism. Those who are against Fascism without being against capitalism, who lament over the barbarism that comes out of barbarism, are like people who wish to eat their veal without slaughtering the calf. They are willing to eat the calf, but they dislike the sight of blood”

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The KKE condemns the reinstatement of Cuba on the list of “states sponsors of terrorism”

In a statement, the International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) condemns the reinstatement of Cuba  on the list of “states sponsors of terrorism” by the Trump administration:

"The second Trump administration in the USA, in a shameful action on its very first day in office, has reinstated Cuba on the list of “state sponsors of terrorism”. Equally responsible is the Biden administration which, after keeping Cuba on the list for four years, after maintaining and reinforcing all the measures of the barbaric imperialist blockade, decided hypocritically at the tail end of its term to remove Cuba from the list.

Monday, January 20, 2025

KKE comment on Trump's inauguration

In a comment (here in Greek) regarding Donald Trump's inauguration as the 47th U.S President, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) points out the following:

“The confrontation within the U.S ruling class and circles, which led to the new Trump presidency, has to do mainly with the terms, conditions and alliances through which the US will maintain its primacy in the global imperialist system against its competitors, especially China.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Communist Party of Venezuela categorically rejects calls for foreign military intervention into Venezuela

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) categorically rejected on Monday calls for foreign military intervention that political actors have made in the last hours after the swearing-in of Nicolás Maduro, among them Álvaro Uribe.

“The PCV, throughout its history, has faced, has stood up, has resisted the offensive of imperialism against our country and this is not going to be a different situation: we Venezuelan communists are in favor of the defense of the sovereignty of our homeland,” declared Neirlay Andrade, member of the Political Bureau of the PCV.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Jihadism, capitalism and neo-Ottomanism

Interview of Kemal Okuyan, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Turkey-TKP given to journalist Marinella Correggia and published on Italian News Portal Il Manifesto with the title of "Jihadism, capitalism and neo-Ottomanism: There is nothing good for the Syrian people" on January 3:

– About this sudden change in Syria. Turkish Foreign Minister, said he had convinced Russia and Iran in Doha not to intervene on the side of the Syrian government, otherwise it would have been a bloodbath. It means that militarily the Russian and Iranian forces would have to face huge weaponry and mercenaries supplied by forces outside the country. Which ones?

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Communist Party of Denmark: Hands Off Greenland!

Greenland's dependence on Denmark is the result of colonial subjugation – not a voluntary choice. If Greenland wants to break this dependence, the choice is the Greenlanders'; but Denmark cannot run away from its obligations. 

The Arctic, and thus also Greenland, has enormous geostrategic importance, among other things due to its location close to Russia and China. With the melting of the ice in the Arctic, the coveted northern corridor is moving closer to reality. Trade routes are about to change, and thus interest in Greenland and its resources increases. It is increasing as the monopolies' competition for markets globally is intensifying day by day. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Los Angeles Wildfires: Capital is to Blame

Los Angeles Burns, Capital is to Blame

On 7 January 2025, the most destructive wildfire in the history of Los Angeles broke out in the Palisades neighborhood of the city. 

The blaze has leveled thousands of homes and structures, forcing hundreds of thousands of residents to flee. LA, a city with a metropolitan population of nearly 13 million, is now blanketed by the smoke from the fires, reducing air quality to dangerous levels.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The US, Greenland, Canada, Panama and the Clay Feet of NATO Propaganda

Article originally published in Rizospastis, Organ of the CC of the KKE, on 11/1/2025. Translated by

“Delusional,” “clumsy,” “paranoid.” These are just some of the descriptions that accompany the reports about the statements of the newly elected US President, Donald Trump, on Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal.

Last Tuesday, Trump stated in the press conference that he does not rule out the use of military force to take control of the Panama Canal and Greenland, since - as he said - US control of both these areas is “vital” to American national security.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

SYRIA: Caught in the vice of capitalism and war

Interview with Eliseos Vagenas, member of the CC 
of the Communist Party of Greece  (KKE) and Head of the International Relations Section of the Party, published on Rizospastis, the organ of the CC of the KKE, on 14 December 2024:

—  We are witnessing turbulent developments in Syria. Before we get into the facts, let us consider a less discussed aspect. Why is Syria so important? What is its significance in the Middle East?

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The KKE expresses solidarity with the communists and the people of Syria

During a speech at a party event in the city of Larisa on Sunday afternoon, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas, referred to the ongoing developments in Syria and the capture of Damascus by the Syrian "opposition forces". 

More specifically, Koutsoumbas said:

"In Syria, another war zone has been ignited on the global chessboard of imperialist competitions. There is another intervention that portends new sufferings for the people of Syria and the peoples of the region, new waves of refugees, possibly new border changes.