Showing posts with label Soviet Monuments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soviet Monuments. Show all posts

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Ukraine's Zelensky regime continues the despicable policy of dismantling Soviet-era monuments

Another Soviet-era monument, which glorifies the friendship between Ukrainian and Russian people, is being dismantled on orders of the Kyiv city government in the latest stage of derussification (actually decommunization) promoted by the reactionary Zelensky government. 
Kyiv’s Department of Territorial Control announced the beginning of the removal of the Pereyaslav Rada monument on 30 April, stressing its massive size: “The sculptural composition is large, consists of about 20 elements weighing between 6,000kg and 7,000kg each. Due to the complexity of the design, dismantling may take a few days.” 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Reactionary Ukrainian authorities remove sickle and hammer from giant WWII statue in Kiev

In another attempt to re-write history and guided by blind anti-communism, the Ukrainian authorities proceeded to the removal of the hammer and sickle from a gigantic sculptural figure that watches over Kiev, as part of a campaign to remove Soviet-era symbols.

The 62-metre-high steel figure of a woman holding a shield with the hammer and sickle and a sword, was opened in 1981 as a memorial to Soviet victory in World War II.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Bulgaria: Hundreds protested against the removal of Red Army monument in Sofia

Hundreds of people protested on March 9 in Sofia, Bulgaria, against the removal of a large monument dedicated to the heroic Soviet Red Army. Holding Red and Bulgarian flags, the demonstrators created a human chain around the memorial, expressing their strong opposition against the local authorities' plan to relocate it.

The capital's city council, following a proposal by the pro-EU “Democratic Bulgaria” party, has decided to dismantle the memorial and relocate it in another site outside the city center. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Poland's shameful attempt to erase historical memory - Four Red Army memorials demolished

It's been a long time since the authorities of Poland began their attempt to erase historical memory, by slandering socialism-communism and destroying Soviet-era monuments. In this effort, the bourgeois authorities don't hesitate to demolish memorials dedicated to the heroic Red Army soldiers who fought against the monster of Nazism in the Second World War. 

On Thursday, within the framework of Russo-phobia and in an attempt to equate capitalist Russia with the Soviet Union, four more monuments in different locations across Poland were destroyed. 

Monday, October 3, 2022

Intervention of the KKE at UNESCO for the protection of anti-fascist and Soviet monuments

Intervention of the KKE at UNESCO: Call for measures for the protection of anti-fascist and Soviet monuments

On Thursday 29 September, the MEPs of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Kostas Papadakis and Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos held a meeting with Genc Seiti, Director of the Division for External Relations of UNESCO, and Lazare Eloundou Assomo, Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.