Showing posts with label SKP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SKP. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Communist Party of Sweden marks the best election results in 25 years against all odds

The Communist Party of Sweden (SKP) has recorded the best election results in a national election in 25 years. In almost all of the country's regions, the party has taken steps forward and has attracted new votes, which shows that the ideas of communism are not dead, but continues to find fertile ground to grow in.

However, the Swedish election system is designed to prevent this. Small parties are categorically discriminated against, as they have to pay for and distribute their own ballots, which put a financial as well as a logistical pressure on them. 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Communist Party of Sweden to participate in European Elections, presents list of candidates

In order to strengthen the Party even further and bring forward the communist alternative, the Communist Party of Sweden (SKP) has decided to stand in June's European Parliament elections with its own ballot.

As SKP's Riktpunkt portal reports, “for the second time in the history of Sweden there is a revolutionary alternative in the European Parliament elections”, thus giving to the country's working people the opportunity to vote something different other than the system's parties. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Sweden's Communist Party appeals against the results of September's elections

The Communist Party of Sweden (SKP) has decided to appeal against the results of the 11th September general election, stressing out that the electoral system has been designed in such an unjust way that the results are more or less predetermined.

In a statement published in “Riktpunkt”, the SKP points out that the entire process of the elections was marked by irregularities and distortions. According to the communists, the legal system favors the big parliamentary parties distributing to them large amounts of funds thus favoring them over other, smaller parties. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Sweden's Communist Party condemns the extradition of Kurdish fighters to Turkey

In a statement published in its official gazette “Riktpunkt” (here in Swedish), the Communist Party of Sweden (SKP) condemns the extradition of Kurdish fighters from Sweden to Turkey. The SKP also reiterates its strong opposition to Sweden's accession in NATO.

“In their effort to join NATO, Sweden's bourgeoisie and its social democratic government reject everything related to human rights. Sweden's social democratic government entered into a deplorable agreement with Turkey to extradite Kurdish communists and other fighters who have lived in Sweden for years and received asylum to escape Turkey's oppression and death threats”, points out the SKP. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Sweden Elections: SKP election campaign in full swing

The electoral campaign is underway in Sweden, with the comrades of the Communist Party (SKP) being in the streets and residential areas thus spreading the message of the class struggle.

According to Riktpunkt, the official newspaper of SKP, members and friends of the Party in various cities, such as Uppsala, Sveg and Burlov, distribute flyers and talk to the people in working class neighborhoods and places of labour. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Anti-NATO event organized by the KKE in Stockholm

A political meeting against the imperialist alliance of NATO was organized by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) on Sunday 13 June in Stockholm. 
The event took place at the Greek Cultural House, with the major speaker being KKE MEP Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos.
The meeting was attended by the chairman of the Communist Party of Sweden (SKP) Andreas Sörensen who delivered a greeting message. 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Sweden: Communist Party was denied the right to use its name in the elections

More than 170 years since the publication of the Manifesto of the Communist Party by Marx and Engels, the "spectre of communism" still haunts the bourgeois class.

The news come from Sweden, the country which alongside Finland submitted an application to join NATO, where the Communist Party cannot participate in September elections under its own name! In a communique, the Communist Party of Sweden (SKP) points out: