Showing posts with label Pole for Communist Revival in France (PRCF). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pole for Communist Revival in France (PRCF). Show all posts

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Comment of the KKE on the termination of the activity of the European Communist Initiative

Comment of the International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) on the termination of the activity of the European Communist Initiative:


The inevitable course towards the termination of the activity of the European Communist Initiative (ECI) has caused confusion among some of the forces participating in it.

Monday, April 11, 2022

PRCF on French elections: Neither Macron, nor Le Pen in the second round

Following the result of the first round of the French Presidential Election on Sunday, the Pole for Communist Revival in France (Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France, PRCF) and its youth wing, JRCF (Jeunes pour la Renaissance Communiste en France), call for a mass turnout on the second round of what they consider as an “electoral masquarade which has been locked up for months by the oligarchy”.

In a statement (here in French), the  PRCF calls the working class to abstain from voting on April 24th in order to de-legitimize the political power of the future president as much as possible. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Fadi Kassem, the communist alternative in French elections

Numerous candidates will participate in the French presidential election which will take place on 10 April 2022. From current President Macron to Paris' mayor Anne Hidalgo and from leftist Jean-Luc Mélenchon to far-right demagogues Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour, all presidential candidates share a common characteristic: They are all committed to serve the bourgeois political system and protect the capitalist order in France. 

But there is an interesting exception: The candidacy of Fadi Kassem on behalf of the Pole of Communist Revival in France (Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France, PRCF), who expresses the "Red and Tricolor Alternative" in the presidential race, proposing a "frankly communist" political programme. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

French communists (PRCF) demand thorough investigation on Notre Dame fire disaster

In a message published on Initiative Comuniste, the Party's journal, the national spokesman of the Pole of Communist Revival in France (Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France PRCF), Georges Gaustaud, asks for a diligent and uncompromising investigation regarding yesterday's fire disaster of Paris' embematic Notre-Dame Cathedral. 

"Not only the Catholics of France, but the French and Parisians, all humans who love the great Gothic art, no matter their religious beliefs, agnostics or atheists are upset" writes Gaustaud refering to the disturbing images of Notre Dame engulfed in flames. 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Gilets jaunes: French communist parties reflect on "yellow vests" movement

Through written statements, the marxist-leninist Communist Parties in France have expressed their support towards the progressive demands of the "yellow vests" movement, pointing out that the anti-governmental demonstrations must take an anti-capitalist, anti-monopolies shape, against the big capital and the participation of the country in the imperialist alliances of EU and NATO. 

In a statement titled "All together against the policy of Macron, the man of financial capital", the Communist Revolutionary Party of France (PCRF) calls Emmanuel Macron as "the president of the rich" and reaffirms its solidarity with the "yellow vests" movement while calling for vigilance against attempts by fascist groups to take advantage of the protests. The PCRF points out that the best protection against the far-right is the mass participation of the workers, of the labor movement in the ongoing demonstrtaiuons.