Showing posts with label Nationalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nationalism. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Communist Party of Turkey leader Kemal Okuyan on the solution process regarding the Kurdish Issue

Interview with the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), Kemal Okuyan, published in the March issue of TKP's monthly newspaper, Boyun Eğme:

Nowadays, everyone asks everyone else: "Do you support or oppose the new Solution Process?". So, let's start from here: How does TKP view this new process? 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Communist Party USA: Message to all Solidnet parties concerning the so-called "American Communist Party"

In a message addressed "to all Solidnet parties" (i.e Communist and Workers' Parties which participate in the IMWCP), the International Department of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) warns about the foundation of the so-called "American Communist Party" by a "clique of pro-Trump individuals". 

The message of CPUSA stresses out:

"Dear Comrades, 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Communist Party of Turkey: "Socialism and not Russian nationalism is the antidote to NATO expansionism"

In a statement about the recognition of independence of the so-called "People's Republics" of Donetsk and Luhansk by the Russian government, as well as the anti-communist, nationalist remarks of President Putin, the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) points out:

"Imperialism is an order of destruction and war. For every bourgeois government that tries to get an upper hand for itself in this rotten order and to expand its sphere of influence, it also means that it aims at the oppression of other peoples. The crutches of expansionist policies are nationalism, racism, and chauvinism. This is the meaning of Putin’s statements made yesterday on the recognition of the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics.

Friday, June 18, 2021

KKE condemns the political murder of HDP member in Izmir

In a statement, the International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) condemns the political murder of the 20 year-old member of the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party (HDP), Deniz Poyraz, in Izmir, Turkey

More specifically, the statement which was published in 902 portal, reads:

"The KKE condemns the political murder in Izmir. The Turkish government of AKP bears huge responsibility for the armed attack at the HDP regional offices in Izmir and the political murder of a woman who was there. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Dimitris Koutsoumbas on Armenian Genocide Memorial Day

In a statement for the Armenian Genocide Memorial Day, observed on April 24th , the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas points out:

"The Armenian people were one of the great and tragic victims of Turkish nationalism and imperialist competitions of the First World War period. 106 years later we remember and honor the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

Friday, January 31, 2020

KKE condemns the provocative racist rant of neo-Nazi MEP Lagos

The EU Parliament Group of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) condemns the racist rant of the Nazi MEP – former Golden Dawn MP – Yannis Lagos who ripped a copy of the Turkish flag during his speech in the EU Parliament

“This provocation is aimed against both the Greek and Turkish people and is linked to dirty plans that the nationalists always serve” writes a statement published on KKE’s 902 portal

Sunday, October 20, 2019

PCTE: The right to self-determination turns out to be impossible to conquer in capitalist Spain

Statement of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) on the Sentence of the Supreme Court against the Leaders of the Catalan independence movement (Procés)

The Political Bureau of the PCTE absolutely condemns the sentence and points out the following: 

1.- This sentence means a new step – and a warning to seafarers – in the dynamics of repressive approaching of the conflicts with an economic, social or territorial conflicts occurred in Spain.

Friday, April 26, 2019

"Honor the past, conquer the future" - Italian communists honored Liberation anniversary

With vibrant rallies and mobilizations Italian communists honored the anniversary of the country's liberation from fascism on April 25th. 

In a statement, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party, Italy (Partito Comunista) writes, among other things, that "remembering the victory over fascism is not a rituality, but a precise link with our history and the ideals of liberation and social justice that animated the partisan struggle".

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

KKE MEP: "EU and NATO ignited nationalism in the Balkans, destroyed Yugoslavia"

"Who ignited nationalisms, about which you supposedly worry about today in Bosnia and elsewhere, in order to dissolve Yugoslavia with bombardments? NATO and the European Union" said Sotiris Zarianopoulos, MEP of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) during a discussion at the EU Parliament's plenary regarding Bosnia. 

The Communist MEP intervened in the discussion and attacked the imperialist policy of the EU. He said: "Bosnia is one of the latest abeyances in the mission of Western Balkans' euroatlantic integration in the midst of sharp, dangerous competitions between US, NATO, EU with Russia and China".

Monday, January 21, 2019

"No to the Tsipras-Zaev agreement" - KKE calls for rallies against the Prespes deal

The poster of the KKE.
As the vote on Prespes name deal is expected to take place in Greece's Parliament on Thursday night, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) has announced rallies against the agreement on the same day. 

The slogan of the KKE protest is:

"NO to the Tsipras-Zaev agreement - 
No to the plans of US-NATO-EU - 
No to irredentism and nationalism - 
YES to friendship-solidarity and common struggle of the people"

In Athens, the Attica Party Organisation of the KKE has scheduled a demonstration on Thursday at 6.30 pm at Eleftherias Park (former military police EAT-ESA headquarters), while, the Central Macedonia Party Organisation calls for a protest at Venizelos' statue in Thessaloniki.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

D. Koutsoumbas: Under no circumstance will the KKE vote for the Prespes Agreement

During an interview on ERT earlier on Saturday, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece Dimitris Koutsoumbas repeated the firm stance of the KKE against the Prespes Agreement (between the governments of Greece and FYR of Macedonia), confirming that the Party will not vote in favor of the deal when it comes to the Parliament.

Secretary Koutsoumbas said that from the beginning of the Macedonia naming issue in 1992, the KKE had supported the possibility of an erga omnes-based commonly accepted solution, with a name with a geographic designation, which will not include irredentist aspirations. 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Poland's Communist Party denounces the fascist frenzy on independence day march

Regarding the provocative presence of far-right, fascist groups in yesterday's independence day march in Warsaw, the Communist Party of Poland (KPP) issued the following statement:

"In Poland, the 11th of November again became a pretext to promote the militarism and fascism. The authorities of the Polish state marched hand in hand with the nationalists. Once again the red and white banners serve as a cover-up for xenophobia, racism, and fascism. Poland's rulers once again use the nationalist euphoria in order to divert the attention from real social problems. The Polish state again gives the citizens nationalist paraphernalia instead of what they really need.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

KKE statement on FYROM Referendum: The people in both countries must fight against NATO, imperialism and nationalism

Regarding Sunday's referendum in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) for the approval of the agreement between the governments of Greece and FYROM, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued a statement:

"The low turnout of the people of FYROM in the referendum was the basic element of yesterday's (Sunday) process, despite the fact that a large number of NATO, US and EU officials visited the neighboring country in order to press for the ratification of the Prespes Agreement and to accelerate the process of [the country's] integration in the above imperialist organisations.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

KKE slams Tsipras government's deal with FYROM over the Macedonia name dispute

In a statement issued today, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece sharply criticized the government's recent deal over the Macedonia name issue

More specifically, the KKE statement writes that "the agreement between the governments of Greece and FYROM was achieved with the open intervention of the US, NATO and the EU, it has their stamp and was signed on the basis of the deadlines and timetables set by these organisations so that the euroatlantic integration of the western Balkans can proceed".

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Macedonia name deal: A “solution” that serves the interests of NATO-EU imperialists

Tsipras and Zaev agreed; the US, NATO and the EU applause. That phrase can describe the recent agreement between the governments of Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia regarding the decades-old name dispute. “We have a deal” said Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras yesterday in a televised announcement, describing the accord between the two countries on the name “Severna Makedonija” (Northern Macedonia).

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Rizospastis: "No trust in the bourgeois class and her governments at all"

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras (Right) with Defense Minister
Panos Kammenos, dressed in military uniforms during an
exercise of the Greek Armed Forces.
No trust in the bourgeois class and her governments.

Abstract from "Rizospastis
(7-8 April 2018, p.9).

While the country's involvement in the US-NATO-EU plans in the region grows, so it happens with the effort of the bourgeois class, of her staff and parties to “call up” the people in the dangerous plans, to “prepare the ground” for the possibility of fast developments, even of a war engagement, interchanging the dangerous complacency and the placement of hope to the imperialist unions with ultrapatriotic rhetoric and the people's “psychological” preparation.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

63 years ago: EOKA's nationalists begin the armed struggle in Cyprus

Members of EOKA in Troodos mountain. Third
from the right is Georgios Grivas (sitting).
It was the 1st of April 1955, 63 years ago, when the National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters, known by the acronym EOKA, began its armed guerrilla struggle aiming at the union of Cyprus with Greece. 

EOKA was a nationalist, deeply anticommunist organisation. The plans for its creation had already began in 1950, with the active support of the Greek bourgeois class and the consent of Archbishop Makarios. The organisation's leader was the notorious nationalist, known for his anticommunist sentiments, Georgios Grivas. 

It is characteristic that during the Nazi occupation of Greece in 1940s, Grivas had founded and led the "X" far-right guerrilla organisation, which was mainly made up by officers of the bourgeois Greek army. During the December 1944 events in Athens, members of the "X organisation fought alongside Greek bourgeois forces and British imperialists against the EAM-ELAS popular movement. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Greece-Turkey: Despicable exploitation of children by nationalists, warmongers

Nationalism in both Turkey and Greece has no hesitation to use the innocent image of little children in order to promote warmongering plans and attitudes. The above photos are indicative of the ruthless nature of warmongers-ultranationalists in both sides of the Aegean. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Anticommunist delirium by Erdogan: He labeled anti-war students as "terrorists"

In a delirium full of anticommunism, nationalism and hate, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lambasted anti-war students at Bogaziçi University who protested other students for commemorating soldiers killed in a military operation in Syria. Spreading more nationalist poison, Erdogan promised to clean “communist and terrorist students” out of universities, the Cumhuriyet daily has reported.

On March 19 a group of students who disagree with the Turkish government's offensive war in Syria protested a ceremony set in memory of soldiers killed during the military operation in Afrin, Syria. Police identified 17 students and detained five of them, while 12 are being sought.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Utanç Verici! Shameful exploitation of a little girl by warmonger Tayyip Erdogan

What else is Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan capable to do in order to publicly propagandize his government's warmongering plans? As we saw in international media and soL international reports, during an AK Party event in Kahramanmaraş province on February 24th, Erdogan promised  to honour a little girl with the Turkish flag if she were to be martyred.

Erdogan invited a little girl wearing special forces, nicknamed as 'maroon berets', uniform to the podium. As the six-year old girl was crying agitatedly, the President said: