Showing posts with label Israel-Lebanon War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel-Lebanon War. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2024

European Communist Action: Statement in solidarity with the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon

The European Communist Action (ECA) Parties participating in the Teleconference "On the Work of the ECA Parties Within the Youth" held on September 28th condemn the criminal attacks carried out by the murderous State of Israel in Palestine and Lebanon.

The ECA Parties demand the immediate end of every Israeli aggression and express their full solidarity with the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon, their resistance and the Communist Parties in the region.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

KKE calls for mass condemnation of the Israeli state's crimes in Lebanon

In a statement, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) denounces the recent murderous military attack of the Israeli state in southern Lebanon and calls for a mass popular condemnation of these crimes. More specifically, the statement (here in Greek) reads:

"The KKE calls for mass popular condemnation of the new crimes committed by the terrorist state of Israel in Lebanon, which have so far resulted in hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries. The attacks in Lebanon, combined with the ongoing operations in Gaza and the West Bank of Palestine, constitute an escalation of the war in the Middle East with unpredictable dimensions in which the peoples will be the victims.

Communist Party of Israel - Hadash: “It is still possible to prevent an all-out war in Lebanon — Ceasefire and hostage deal in Gaza"

Nearly 500 people were killed across southern Lebanon after Israel launched its biggest aerial offensive against Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah since October 7.
“It is still possible to prevent an all-out war in Lebanon. A war that would bring destruction to the cities of both countries and would achieve nothing. The Israeli horror government needs to stop the cycle of escalation. Only a ceasefire and hostage deal in Gaza can bring quiet,” said Monday afternoon a Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) spokesperson in Tel-Aviv.