Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

USA: The decay of capitalist education in 24 seconds (VIDEO)

The rottenness and humiliation that follows the commercialization of education has no end!

This is where the measures promoted in our schools, in our children, as supposedly modernizing and innovative, the policy of converting schools into Corporations, in search of “benefactors”, “sponsors” etc.

This policy, which has been fully implemented in the United States and has led to the complete dissolution of Public Education, the categorization of schools, bankruptcies and school closures, has the “proud” of the example that follows.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

India: Communist Parties slam government's "New Education Policy"

The "New Education Policy" approved by the government of Narendra Modi leads to the further privatization and commercialisation of Indian education, point out the Communist Parties (CPIM and CPI) condemning the proposed reforms. 

In a statement, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) stresses out:

Friday, November 22, 2019

NATO propaganda infiltrates Greek schools — Imperialist brainwashing targets schoolchildren

Through the project "#WeAreNATO", which was launched in 2017, the imperialist North Atlantic Treaty Organization tries to spread its propaganda to the young generation, especially in universities and schools. A new incident in northern Greece comes to verify that NATO's propaganda infiltrates schools under the pretext of "educational programmes". 

The most recent case is the 3rd Primary School of Pylea-Chortiatis Municipality in Thessaloniki, Greece's second largest city, which was invited by NATO to visit the organization's Joint Forces Command in Naples, Italy. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Greek riot police storms Athens University of Economics, suspends academic sanctuary

Riot police forces during the raid at the university campus.
In a statement issued on Monday, the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) denounces the violation of the academic sanctuary by police forces which stormed the Athens University of Economics (ASOEE) and fired tear gas against demonstrating students. 

Greek riot police forces entered the premises of the university on Monday in order to remove students who were protesting against the decision of the institute's senate to shut down the university for a week. During the raid, police fired tear gas and firecrackers to disperse the students.

Friday, July 12, 2019

KNE: "The efforts of ND government to abolish university asylum shall not pass"

In a statement issued on Thursday, the Central Council of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) slams the plans of New Democracy's (ND) conservative government to abolish university asylum. 

"The supposed government's concern about criminality in higher institutions is fake", writes the KNE statement and adds: "It is not the university asylum that prevents the tackling of crime and drug trafficking in the center of Athens, in Menidi and other areas where there is no university institution. The existing framework can address these issues in the universities. Like drug trafficking which is not treated through supervised use areas. On the contrary, it strengthens even more".

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Italy's communist youth FGC leads students' mobilizations against cuts in education

While the coalition government of the “Five Star Movement” and the far-right “Lega Nord” intensifies the anti-people policies, reducing social spending in education (4 billion euros) and allocating 200 million euros to install security cameras (!) in schools, the Italian youth has no other option but to resist and organize its struggle. 

Last week, more than 100,000 students took to the streets in more than 50 cities across Italy, in order to demonstrate against the governmental policy on Education.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Los Angeles Teachers’ Strike - Messages of proletarian solidarity from WFTU and PAME

In a statement issued on January 16th, the Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) expresses its solidarity to the strike of teachers in Los Angeles: 

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), representing 95 million workers in 130 countries across the globe, sends its internationalist and militant greetings to the teachers of Los Angeles who took the streets and organized a huge strike in order to defend their labor rights.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

KKE, PAME, Trade Unions denounce violent police attack on demonstrators in Athens

Commenting on the violent attack of riot police forces against a school teachers' demonstration on Friday in downtown Athens, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas pointed out: 

"Today's vicious attack by police forces against educators, which also resulted in the serious injury of KKE's MP Giannis Delis who is hospitalized, proves that the SYRIZA-ANEL government is ruthless. Seems that through this way Mr. Tsipras - like his predecessors- intends to "tie up his loose ends", that is to complete the dirty job he has undertaken".

Friday, November 30, 2018

Communist Youth of Greece (KNE): "NATO out of the Balkans - Fascists out of schools"

Students demonstrate in Athens demanding better Public
Education and schools (archive photo).
Regarding the effort of various fascist groups, including the neo-Nazi, criminal Golden Dawn party, to sow the poison of nationalism and racism in the country's schools, the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) issued a statement. 

The statement points out: "Towards the dangerous developments in our region and the effort of various fascists to sow their fascist-racist poison, the students must continue isolating these forces, as they decisively have done in hundreds of schools throughout the country these days."

Friday, April 27, 2018

US Teachers Movement: Thousands rallied in Arizona and Colorado for better pay

Some 50,000 Arizona teachers and supporters marched to the state Capitol  in Phoenix on Thursday to demand more education funding during a historic statewide strike that closed most of the state’s public schools and built on an educator uprising that bubbled up in other parts of the U.S.
Crowds in red shirts filled the streets from the starting point at downtown Phoenix’s baseball park and broke into chants of “Red for Ed” as they marched en masse to the Capitol.

Friday, March 30, 2018

SYRIZA "democracy": Greek police fires tear gas against rallying students and teachers

Once again, Greek riot police responded with chemicals and flashbang grenades against demonstrators in the center of Athens. 

This time, police forces tried to disperse the rallying teachers and students by using violence and tear gas, once the demonstration arrived in the police blockade, a few metres away from the Prime Minister's office. 

Thousands teachers of primary and secondary education, as well as students, rallied in the Greek capital demanding their vested labor rights. The demonstrators marched peacefully throughout downtown Athens, while the government had deployed heavy police forces close to PM's Maximos Mansion. 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Cuba: A real champion in the protection and promotion of children's rights

Cuba is a global leader in the protection and promotion of children’s rights, according to Unicef regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean María Cristina Perceval.
During a forum recently held in Managua on children’s rights, Perceval spoke to Prensa Latina about Cuba’s achievements in this field.
The island has the Educa a tu hijo (Educate Your Child) program, and an early infant development model that has been implemented in other countries, noted Perceval.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Nikos Kazantzakis writes about the Soviet Union

Nikos Kazantzakis
(Heraklion, 1883 - 1957, Freiburg) 
Nikos Kazantzakis*.

1. This world, the post-war one, where we are living in, is so rotten, immoral and unworthy of even a moderate man, that every attempt to break it down seems- and is- sacred. 

That is why today all honest people, all those who set justice, freedom and light as goals of the social life, regard the demolition of the rotten, dishonored, old foolish world as their first duty.

2. The second duty, the positive one, of every honest man today is: the effort to create a better world, where what call light or God or rise will be dominate. 

This effort, the heroic one, the martyred one, has been taken and realized- this is her terrific historical mission- by Soviet Russia. This is today the creative turbine, the rotating sparkling nebula, which is constantly shaping and condensing and creating- this is now the only hope of the people- the new, better world. 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

London: Event organised by the KKE to take place at Karl Marx Memorial Library on November 25th

An event about the October Revolution's achievements in Education will be organised by the KKE Party Organisation of Education and the branches of the KKE and KNE in Britain, in London on Saturday 25th November

The event will take place at 6 pm, at Karl Marx Memorial Library (Clerkenwell Green, EC1R 0DU, London).

Friday, October 13, 2017

European Communist Initiative: "Education should be a right, not a privilege-commodity for the few"

The European Communist Initiative, which rallies 29 communist and workers' parties in its ranks, highlights the major issue of education which concerns school and university students, parents and teachers, the peoples as a whole. Education should be a right, not a privilege-commodity for the few.

In reality, it has been demonstrated that the education system under capitalism does not provide real education and is very expensive. It reflects and reinforces the dominant ideology of the society on which it is based.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Why Socialism is superior to Capitalism- The achievements of Socialist construction in the Soviet Union

Why Socialism is superior than Capitalism: The achievements of Socialist construction in the Soviet Union 

By Nikos Mottas.

During the last 25 years, after the victory of the counterrevolutionary forces in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the public political discussion has been dominated by the concept of the “end of history, end of ideologies”. This is certainly a very convenient concept for the dominant class, the bourgeoisie, in her effort to convince the world that: 1) Socialism has irreversibly failed, 2) Capitalism is the final winner in the succession of History's socio-economic transformations, 3) Every argument for a non-capitalist society, where the means of productions will be socialized in a centrally-planned economy, is “unrealistic” and a “utopian fantasy”.

Anticommunism, of course, consists a core part of the above bourgeois principle. For more than two decades, the bourgeois forces and their mechanisms (historiography, media, etc.) in all over the world have unleashed an anticommunist crusade, mainly through demonizing and slundering the Soviet Union and the socialist construction of the 20th century in general.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Cuba: 495,000 educators will lead May Day marches around the country

Source: Granma.
This year, marking the 55th anniversary of the Revolution’s Literacy Campaign and the declaration of the country as free of illiteracy, May Day marches across the country will be led by educators.
“This constitutes recognition by the trade union movement of the sector closest to this great feat,” said Ismael Drullet Pérez, secretary general of the National Union of Educational, Scientific and Sports Workers (SNTECD), speaking with Granma.
He continued, “The Literacy Campaign came from the people, with the participation of homemakers, workers… so it is not only the legacy of the education sector. Cuba became a great school and all its children became teachers.”