Showing posts with label Deutschland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deutschland. Show all posts

Monday, May 6, 2024

KKE General Secretary Koutsoumbas to visit Germany — KKE-Generalsekretär besucht Deutschland

The General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Dimitris Koutsoumbas, will visit Germany on 9-11 May, according to a report published on portal.  
Being the head of a Party delegation, the KKE General Secretary will visit Dachau, Munich, Dusseldorf and Wuppertal. 
More specifically:

Friday, September 24, 2021

German elections: The workers must strengthen the DKP!

The 2021 German Federal election (Bundestagswahl 2021) is expected to be held on Sunday 26 September to elect members of the 20th Bundestag. On the same day, state elections in Berlin and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are going to be held. 

Although the election process in bourgeois democracy is certainly not an instrument for revolutionary change, the working men and women of Germany have on Sunday an extraordinary opportunity: To strengthen their own voice, by voting the German Communist Party (DKP). 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Turkish communists in Germany: Petition against Erdogan's decision to withdraw Turkey from Istanbul Convention

The Germany branch of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) has launched a petition against the recent decision of Erdogan's AKP government to withdraw Turkey from Istanbul Convention.

In a declaration the TKP Party organization in Germany points out that "AKP does not have the legitimacy to draw the boundaries of womens' right to life and living space in this country", adding that "it should not be forgotten that in Turkey, where feminicide and violence against women are on the rise, all reactionary sects and religious communities, together with the AKP, targeted the Istanbul Convention". 

Friday, January 15, 2021

German Communist Party: Capitalist economic crisis and the “Coronavirus” crisis

By the German Communist Party (DKP)

What is often referred to by the ruling media as the “coronavirus crisis” is in fact, regardless of the pandemic, the world’s deepest economic crisis for  at least one hundred years.

It is a cyclical crisis of overproduction combined with structural crises in various economic sectors, with the coronavirus pandemic and related government action adding a special feature to this crisis. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

100 Jahre KKE: Sekretär D. Koutsoumbas besucht Berlin am 3.-4. November (DE / EN)

Das Zentralkomitee der Kommunistischen Partei Griechenlands (KKE) organisiert eine Veranstaltung zu Ehren der 100 Jahre der Partei in Berlin. 

Die Veranstaltung findet am Samstag, den 3. November um 17 Uhr in der Schorfheide nördlich von Berlin statt. Der Hauptredner wird der KKE-Generalsekretär Dimitris Koutsoumbas sein. 

Grußbotschaften werden vom Sekretär der Parteiorganisation KKE in Deutschland, Kostas Goutzigiannis, sowie vom Vizepräsidenten der Deutschen Kommunistischen Partei (DKP), Hans-Peter Brenner, gehalten.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Genieße den Kapitalismus: 48% of German pensioners earn less than €800 per month

Even in the European Union's economically most powerful country, Capitalism shows its rotten, barbaric nature. 

More specifically, as Deutsche Welle reports, poverty towards Germany's senior citizens becomes more and more threatening, as long as almost half (48%) of the country's retirees earn a pension of less than 800 euros per month!

It must be noted that the poverty limit in Germany – the monthly net income that someone must earn in order to be considered as “poor”- is 958 euros/month.