Showing posts with label Denmark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denmark. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Communist Party of Denmark: Hands Off Greenland!

Greenland's dependence on Denmark is the result of colonial subjugation – not a voluntary choice. If Greenland wants to break this dependence, the choice is the Greenlanders'; but Denmark cannot run away from its obligations. 

The Arctic, and thus also Greenland, has enormous geostrategic importance, among other things due to its location close to Russia and China. With the melting of the ice in the Arctic, the coveted northern corridor is moving closer to reality. Trade routes are about to change, and thus interest in Greenland and its resources increases. It is increasing as the monopolies' competition for markets globally is intensifying day by day. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Farewell to veteran Danish communist Anton Nielsen

Numerous friends, comrades and workers paid farewell to veteran Danish communist Anton Nielsen who died at the age of 84. The civil funeral took place on January 6 at the Construction Workers' Union (BJMF) in Copenhagen.  

The memorial event was attended, among others, by members of the KKE and KNE branches in Denmark.

Anton Nielsen, a bricklayer by profession, was a lifelong committed communist and anti-imperialist, President of the anti-fascist group Horserød-Stutthof Foreningen, member of the FIR.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Denmark's Communist Parties are being reunited

The two Communist Parties of Denmark (DKP and KPiD) issued a public statement announcing their reunification. The statement reads:

"Dear comrades

The 3rd of September this year an important event is taken place in Denmark. After being divided for 30 years Communist Party of Denmark and Communist Party in Denmark are being reunited. The historical force that defined The Communist Party of Denmark since its founding in 1919 are forming the framing for the reunited party. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Danish communists mourn the death of Bo Moeller

Bo Moeller, long time cadre of the Communist Party in Denmark (KPiD) who served as international secretary, has died following a cardiac arrest at the age of 68.

According to a communique issued by the KPiD (Kommunistisk Parti i Danmark), Moeller was a loyal, faithful, devoted and intelligent comrade. 

Bo has been a organized communist for 50 years. First in the youth party, then the student organization and then again the party and participated in starting the Communist Forum in 1991 and later on our present party, KPiD.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Denmark's communists stand up against NATO and EU

In the referendum held on June 1st in Denmark the government's proposal to join the EU’s common defense policy was approved by 67% of the voters, while 33.1% voted against. The referendum comes just a weeks after the applications of Sweden and Finland to join the imperialist alliance of NATO.

“Tonight Denmark has sent a very important signal. To our allies in Europe and NATO and to Putin”, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen declared echoing the aspirations of the Danish bourgeois class. “Denmark now can partake in the European cooperation on defense and security. And for that I’m very, very happy”, the Prime Minister added. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Danish communist Betty Frydensbjerg Carlsson dies at 76

In a statement the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Denmark (KPiD) announced the death of its former General Secretary Betty Frydensbjerg Carlsson, who died on July 19th at the age of 76.
Betty was from the foundation of The Communist Party in Denmark in 1993 our general secretary. In 2015 the had to step down from this function due to her health condition, but she was still to her death member of our central committee and editor of our monthly paper.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Northern european Communist Parties condemn NATO's role in the Baltic Sea

The Communist Parties of five northern european countries, namely Germany, Sweden, Poland and Denmark, co-sign a resolution in which they condemn the aggressive role of NATO in the Baltic Sea, demanding the restoration of the political rights of communists in Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic countries. 
The text of the resolution is the following:

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Denmark: Nazi-inspired draft law proposes 12 years imprisonment for criticizing NATO !

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark – literally, not allegorically. 

A new draft bill proposed by the Danish Ministry of Justice tries to put an end to the freedom of speech, especially on issues regarding the murderous, imperialist alliance of NATO

According to Arbejderen news portal, the Justice Ministry prepares a law according to which even the sharing of any critical articles or views that "adversely affect the general perception of NATO” will be punishable! In order to obfuscate the threatening - towards free speech- nature of the new law, the draft legislation adds that the sharing of anti-NATO information/views will be punishable "if it is coming from a foreign intelligence service".