Showing posts with label Communist Party of Britain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communist Party of Britain. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Britain's communists strongly condemn the racist and Islamophobic attacks by far right thugs

The Communist Party of Britain (CPB) unequivocally condemns the racist and Islamophobic attacks by far right thugs on communities, immigrants and refugees across Britain over the last week.

It is clear that these actions were planned by a range of far-right figureheads, commentators and organisations, amounting to a far right offensive. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

British communists on the General Election results and the victory of Starmer's Labour Party

In a statement about the result of the General Election and the victory of the Labour Party, the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) points out:

"The Communist Party thanks all of our candidates and supporters who have campaigned intensively over the last six weeks to bring popular, socialist and anti-imperialist politics to the heart of working class communities up and down Britain. Their hard work was the cornerstone of our campaigning work across Britain.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Communist Party of Britain (CPB): "The working people should have no illusions about an incoming Labour government under Starmer"

“Whoever takes office after 4 July, the ruling capitalist class will remain in power in Britain”, Johnnie Hunter, the Communist Party’s Director of Communications, told the Party’s political committee on 25 June 2024.

“Across the pro-establishment political parties and the state and monopoly media, there is almost total unity on the fundamental questions facing working people: austerity, privatisation, migration, Palestine, Ukraine and growing militarism”, he declared.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

British Communist Party announces first candidates for 4 July General Election

The Communist Party of Britain (CPB) has announced its first Westminster parliamentary candidates for the General Election on 4 July 2024. The Party’s Political Committee met on Thursday 23 May and endorsed plans from local CP organisations to fight seats in England, Scotland and Wales, with more candidates to be announced next week.

Candidates so far include former housing and local government worker Lorraine Douglas, who will be challenging ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss in South West Norfolk, and trade union organiser Darren Turner, also an activist in the Toothless in Suffolk campaign. He will be flying the red flag in Bury St Edmunds & Stowmarket.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

#VoteCommunist: Communist Party of Britain contest 2024 local and Greater London Assembly elections

The Communist Party of Britain (CPB) is standing a range of candidates in this year’s local elections across England and for the Greater London Assembly, as part of the run up to a wider General Election campaign across Britain.

The following candidates will be running on the Party’s ticket for the upcoming council elections:

— Ben Clarke – Nelson Ward – Norwich City Council
— Mark Ewington – Sopwell Ward – St Albans Council
— Simon Brignell – Abbey Ward – Cambridge Council

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Britain: Capitalism threatens young people's future, says Young Communist League's leader

Speaking at the Communist Party (CPB) political committee on Tuesday evening (April 9), Georgina Andrews, condemned the silence surrounding the problems of Britain's youth.

'As young people increasingly fall into poverty, billions of pounds are spent on war and the preparations for war', the Young Communist League general secretary pointed out.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

NO TO 'FORTRESS BRITAIN' AND 'FORTRESS EUROPE', says Communist Party of Britain


'Imperialism’s military interventions and proxy wars are destabilising countries in Asia, Latin America, East and West Africa in an aggressive drive to protect Western economic interests and impose political dominance', Carol Stavris told the Communist Party's political committee on Monday evening (August 14).

She said Niger, whose valuable uranium resources are being exploited by the country's former colonial master to feed France's nuclear power industry, had more than ten million people - almost half Niger's population - living in extreme poverty.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Communist Party of Britain on the coronation of Charles III and the monarchy

Statement by the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) on the coronation of Charles III and the British Monarchy:

This weekend's coronation was designed to maintain public support for an institution that embodies the gross inequalities, privilege and anti-democratic nature of our society.

Recognising that many people enjoy opportunities to gather together in response to appeals based on patriotism, tradition and ceremony, Britain's ruling class and its mass media have done all in their power to promote this spectacle. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Britain’s Communists condemn racist Immigration Bill

'People seeking to build a new life in Britain are being targeted by those who want to divide us', Tony Conway told the Communist Party's political committee on Monday evening (March 27).

'The Tory government at Westminster, the far right and the big business media are using every weapon to stigmatise migrants and asylum seekers instead of addressing the real economic and social problems facing working people and their families', he added.

Monday, November 21, 2022

British Communist Party (CPB) calls for a "united front" against monopolies

'The votes for strike action by members of PCS, the RCN - Britain’s fourth largest union - and the Education Institute of Scotland confirm that the strike spirit has spread beyond the industrial, transport and communications sectors', Alex Gordon told the Communist Party executive committee at the weekend. 

'Hopefully, the current ballots by Unison in the NHS and the two main teachers' unions NEU and NASUWT will strengthen the determination of unions to coordinate strike action and collective bargaining strategies in order to bust the Tory pay freeze and secure a real cost of living increase for workers', he added.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

British communists on Johnson government's collapse: "Downing Street change not enough"

"The rats are jumping the Johnson ship – but a change of Conservative leaders will not alter the government’s pro-big business, anti-democratic, racist and war mongering agenda", Tony Conway told the Communist Party’s political committee on Tuesday evening (July 5).

As the news of ministerial resignations broke, Britain’s Communists called for a united response from trade unions and campaigning movements to the cost of living, housing, climate change and food crises.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

CPB: "The working class in Britain is facing the most vicious ruling class offensive in generations"

'The working class in Britain is facing the most vicious ruling class offensive in generations, with a huge rise in the cost of living and attacks on democratic rights', Ruth Styles told the Communist Party executive committee at the weekend.

She highlighted the impact of massive energy price hikes which threaten to leave hundreds of thousands of families in the cold or going hungry.

'The soaring cost of living is prompting outbreaks of industrial action as workers across the public and private sectors demand higher pay to meet rising prices', the CP chair declared.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

British communists say "No to Putin's war, no to NATO"!

Britain's Communists have reiterated their opposition to Russian president Putin's invasion of Ukraine and urged people to step up the campaign for a ceasefire and a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

'The working class and peoples of Ukraine, Russia and elsewhere will not be the winners of this war', Carol Stavris told the Communist Party's executive committee at the weekend. The CP women's organiser highlighted the huge and lasting impact of the Russian offensive on hundreds of thousands of women and children fleeing Ukraine.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

56th Congress of Britain’s Communist Party

Under the slogan "The crisis is capitalism - Take the road to socialism", the 56th Congress of the Communist Party of Britain will be held in London on 6-7th November.

According to the party's website, this year's Congress "will be the biggest congress of the Party since the 1980s, due to membership growth."

The Communist Party of Britain's Congress takes place every two years except in extraordinary circumstances and this Congress, set for November 2020, was delayed as a result of the pandemic. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

#VoteCommunist: Britain's Communist Party ready for May 6 local elections

Local elections in Britain are due to be held on 6 May 2021 for 145 English local councils, thirteen directly elected mayors in England and 39 police and crime commissioners in England and Wales. 
There are also elections to the Scottish Parliament, Senedd (Welsh Parliament) and London Assembly, the last in conjunction with the London mayoral election. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Communist Party of Britain: The European Super League is an assault on the game of the working class

With the following comment, posted on its social media accounts under the title "Listen to fans and players", the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) denounces the "European Super League" formed exclusively by major football clubs. 

The comment reads:

"The Super League proposal is an attempt by the wealthy clubs to establish a perpetual monopoly and to resolve their debt issues: Barcelona are £1bn in debt and in financial crisis. Real Madrid could not afford one big signing last summer, Juventus have to find around £100m by the end of June. Internazionale’s owners sought emergency funding in February.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

British communists welcome court ruling against Julian Assange extradition to the U.S.

In a message posted on Facebook, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Britain Robert Griffiths commented on the extradition ban ruling made by a London court yesterday. The message reads:

"The Communist Party and all supporters of investigative journalism and democratic freedoms will welcome the court ruling today banning the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States. 

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Communist Party of Britain: The UK-EU Brexit trade deal is a compromise between the big monopoly capitalists

In a statement about the recent UK-EU Agreement on Trade and Cooperation, the Communist Party of Britain's General Secretary Robert Griffiths and international secretary John Foster point out the following:

The UK-EU trade agreement is a compromise between the interests of British state-monopoly capitalism, on the one side, and those of German and French monopoly capital – represented by their states and the EU – on the other.  

Friday, July 31, 2020

Britain's Communist Party centenary weekend: 100 years for socialism

The weekend of July 31 and August 1, 2020 marks 100 years since the historic gathering of delegates at the Canon Street Hotel in London to form a united Communist Party.

On this occasion, the Communist Party of Britain organises a series of events which have been adjusted to meet the situation of social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

According to the Communist Party, the programme of public meetings entitled “Pandemonium” is designed to “provoke and inspire the imagination” and the 13 Red Wedge live-and-direct meetings, which will be held on August 1, are a great opportunity to measure the Party's achievement so far. You can read more and join the "Pandemonium" here:

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Communist Party of Britain included alongside neo-Nazis in UK counter-terror list!

In an outrageous act that promotes the despicable and historically groundless equation of communism with nazism/fascism, the U.K. Home Office has lumbed together the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) with neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups in literature and posters supposedly designed to educate officers about extremism. 

More specifically, Morning Star Online reports: