Showing posts with label Communism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communism. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2024

The International Communist Movement at a critical crossroads: The necessity of revolutionary regroupment

By Nikos Mottas

The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the counterrevolutionary events in Eastern Europe in 1989-1991 marked the biggest blow to the international communist movement. Bourgeois thinkers, like the notorious Francis Fukuyama, predicted the “end of History”, as capitalism was emerging triumphantly victorious from the Cold War. Some Communist Parties were completely dissolved, others were incorporated into the emerging social democracy and many of them saw a dramatic shrink of their electoral influence. 

Friday, November 8, 2024

Remembering the 1917 October Revolution: Socialism is the answer, whatever the question

By Nikos Mottas

Today marks the 107th anniversary of the single most important event ofmodern history: The 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution. Its significance lies in the fact that it was historically the first conscious step for the transition from capitalism to socialism and the abolition of man by man. Lenin's slogan “the ice was broken, the road was paved” summarizes the passage of social development to its highest level, that is socialism, the ultimate perspective of which is the classless communist society. 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

What is Stalinism and what does it actually mean to be a Stalinist today?

 By Nikos Mottas

Since the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1956, everything that relates to Joseph Stalin has been demonized. The so-called “destalinization” process initiated by Khrushchev and his political allies, within the broader opportunistic turn of the CPSU, tried to blame Stalin for all the evils of the world

Khrushchev's shameless campaign against Stalin was effectively used by the capitalist world in building the anti-communist arsenal of the Cold War. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Five Biggest Anti-Communist Lies

By Nikos Mottas

History, they say, is written by the victors, even the temporary ones. The dominance of counter-revolution and the overthrow of socialism in the Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries in the early 1990s was the trigger for the escalation of anti-communism at all levels. 

Through bourgeois historiography and the mainstream media, a series of fallacious theories have been developed, aimed at slandering the 20th century socialism and demonizing Marxist-Leninist ideology.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Contribution of the KKE: "Historical conclusions from the tactics of the anti-fascist fronts. The contemporary struggle of communists against fascism"

Contribution of the KKE at the ECA meeting, Madrid May 11, 2024

“Historical conclusions from the tactics of the anti-fascist fronts. The contemporary struggle of communists against fascism”

Dear comrades, 

In the past few months, the European bourgeois media have been stirring up a debate, estimating that the electoral performance of nationalist and even fascist forces will skyrocket in the upcoming elections. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

KKE MEPs denounce European Parliament's shameful equation of communism with fascism

The MEPs of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) denounce the new anti-communist vileness of the European Parliament with the distribution of a pre-election advertisement for participation in the European elections of June 9, noting:

"In the short film, the EU propaganda mechanisms have managed to create an unhistorical mess by putting together in the same bag statements of people who lived through the Nazi atrocity with so-called 'testimonies' from the countries of socialism, reproducing the unhistorical equation of the fascist monster with communism. Indeed, this time the EU has even managed to outdo itself, since the spot is a monument to anti-communism with a touch of anti-fascism thrown in for good measure.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

The Communist International, its dissolution and the international struggle of communists today

Article by the International Commission of the Kommunistische Organisation:

80 years ago, on May 15, 1943, in the midst of the Second World War and shortly after the victory of the Red Army in Stalingrad, the dissolution of the Communist International was announced. 

The dissolution of the Communist International (Comintern for short) was announced and implemented a short time later. The joint international organization of Communists, which had been founded under Lenin’s leadership and had organized, supported and coordinated the struggle of the world communist movement for 24 years, no longer existed. An equivalent replacement for it was never created again.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Is There a Future for the Left?

By Greg Godels

"…the Left narrative, no matter how accurate and intellectually powerful it may be, cannot expect to catch the imagination of the citizenry without including a vision for a real alternative future. Moreover, working-class institutions need to be reinstituted for the enhancement of class consciousness and authentic socialist parties need to be rediscovered for the Left narrative to become politically effective. Social movements are important, but their actions rarely have lasting effects. Only political parties can succeed in forging the Left narrative into the policy agenda and turn it into a programmatic plan for social change. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Nikola Tesla on the USSR: “The Russians are lucky — they have socialism and Stalin”

By Nikos Mottas

Nikola Tesla, the famous Serbian mechanical and electrical engineer, who became a naturalized U.S citizen, is rightfully considered one of the greatest inventors and scientists of the 20th century.  

There is very limited knowledge of his political ideas, except from his idealistic - pretty much ingenuous - envision of a world of peace and understanding. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

32 years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union: The Red Flag will rise again

By Nikos Mottas.

It was thirty-two years ago, on December 26, 1991, when the red flag with the sickle and hammer was lowered from the Kremlin.

It was then, during the cold days of December, when the first socialist state of the world, the homeland of the world's proletariat, bent under the weight of the counterrevolution. Four days before, on December 22nd, the leaderships of three of the largest Soviet republics had decided the dissolution of the USSR, while the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) had been outlawed on summer of the same year.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


 By Nikos Mottas 
"Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it." 
- Karl Marx, Theses on Feuerbach.

140 years have been passed since the day when "the greatest living thinker ceased to think". It was the 14th of March 1883 when Karl Marx, the greatest of modern-era philosophers, died peacefully at his home in London. Three days later, during his burial at Highgate Cemetery, his close companion Friedrich Engels was saying: "An immeasurable loss has been sustained both by the militant proletariat of Europe and America, and by historical science, in the death of this man. The gap that has been left by the departure of this mighty spirit will soon enough make itself felt."  

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

100th anniversary of the founding of the USSR: Speech by Tibor Zenker, Party of Labour of Austria (PdA)

Contribution by Tibor Zenker, chairman of the Party of Labour of Austria (PdA), at the teleconference of the European Communist Initiative on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the USSR:

The founding of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on 30 December 1922 marked the greatest state-political achievement of the revolutionary working class to date. It was the result of the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, the successful struggle of the young Russian Soviet Republic against counterrevolution and interventions, the overcoming of civil war and so-called "war communism". 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

100th anniversary of the founding of the USSR: Closing remarks by Giorgos Marinos, KKE Politburo member

Closing remarks by Giorgos Marinos, member of the PB of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), at the teleconference of the European Communist Initiative on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the USSR.  Read here the speech of Dimitris Koutsoumbas, General Secretary of the CC of the KKE. 

Concluding the teleconference of the European Communist Initiative, Giorgos Marinos, among other things, noted the following: 

Monday, December 5, 2022

100th anniversary of the founding of the USSR: Speech by the KKE General Secretary Dimitris Koutsoumbas

The following speech was delivered by the General Secretary of the CC of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas at the teleconference of the European Communist Initiative on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the USSR:

Dear comrades,

The international and domestic developments in the 100 years since the founding of the USSR confirm the necessity to enrich our programmatic conception of socialism, incorporating all the positive and at the same time negative experience from the very course of socialist construction in the 20th century and drawing useful conclusions from the victory of the counter-revolution, first of all in the USSR.

Friday, November 4, 2022

KKE: Contribution at the 3rd International Ideological Seminar of the CP of Venezuela

Written Contribution of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) at the 3rd International Ideological Seminar of the CP of Venezuela (PCV) titled "100th anniversary of the foundation of the USSR: The conclusions drawn from the socialist revolution, the socialist construction, and their overthrow in the USSR are of great importance for the Communist and Workers’ Parties in the contemporary class struggle and in conditions of imperialist war".

Dear comrades,

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Thoughts prompted by the film "The Young Karl Marx"

By Nikos Mottas.

Der junge Karl Marx” (The Young Karl Marx) is a historical drama that covers the revolutionary, theoretical and political activity of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the period from 1843 to 1847. This is the period when Marx and Engels began the joint work which became the foundation of the scientific worldview of the proletariat.

Within the limited framework of a film, Raoul Peck tries his best in order to present both the rich theoretical work of the two revolutionary thinkers as well as their militant activity. Despite the difficulty of the task the director uses effectively the powerful tools provided by cinema as a means of disseminating ideas. 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Sofia Manzano: “Communism is the most generous proposal humanity has ever produced”

PCB presidential candidate Sofia Manzano (
“Communism is the most generous proposal humanity has ever produced”, said Sofia Manzano, the  candidate of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) for October's presidential election, during an interview with “Brasil de Fato” newspaper earlier this month.

Talking about the centenary of the PCB, which was celebrated on March 25th, and the current struggle of Brazil's communists, Manzano pointed out that the Communist Party emerged as a need of the working class to organize herself along the lines of the example that the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution presented. 

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Alexandra Kollontai — Communism and the Family

By Alexandra Kollontai

Women’s role in production: its effect upon the family

Will the family continue to exist under communism? Will the family remain in the same form? These questions are troubling many women of the working class and worrying their menfolk as well. Life is changing before our very eyes; old habits and customs are dying out, and the whole life of the proletarian family is developing in a way that is new and unfamiliar and, in the eyes of some, “bizarre”. No wonder that working women are beginning to think these questions over. Another fact that invites attention is that divorce has been made easier in Soviet Russia. 

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Communist Parties' participation in bourgeois governments is a deeply erroneous strategy

By Nikos Mottas.

Every time a Communist Party compromised the aim of workers' power in order to participate (or support) a “progressive”, “left-wing”, “anti-capitalist”, “anti-fascist” etc, bourgeois government the results were utterly disappointing, leading to ideological degeneration and disintegration of the workers-popular movement.

A few days ago, the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP), a party with significant history, paid the price of its participation in the “progressive” government of the Socialists, by receiving a rather disappointing 4.4% and four seats in the legislative elections. This result marks an almost 2% loss compared to the 2019 election. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Vladimir Lenin: The man who changed the course of history

By Nikos Mottas.

It was in the dawn of January 21, 1924, 98 years ago, when the heart of the greatest revolutionary in modern history, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, stopped beating. Lenin, the leader of the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution and architect of the first socialist state in the world, was 54 years old.

The name of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is identified with two dialectically connected issues. On the one hand, there is his revolutionary activity and practice as the leader of the 20th century's most significant event- the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution. On the other hand, there is his theoretical work which is the development of the revolutionary theory of Marx and Engels in the era of Imperialism. That extraordinary combination of revolutionary theory and practice makes Lenin a unique personality in history who, 98 years after his death, remains “alive” in the collective memory and hearts of the working class people across the world.