Showing posts with label #GreeceGeneralStrike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #GreeceGeneralStrike. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

KKE: Statement of the Political Bureau of the CC on the mass strike rallies of 28 February 2025


On the mass strike rallies of 28 february 2025 

1. The PB of the CC of the KKE salutes the more than one and a half million demonstrators, workers, employees, self-employed, small traders and craftsmen, farmers, youth, parents with their children, artists, intellectuals and many others, who flooded the squares all over the country and abroad on 28 February, two years after the crime of Tempe. The people have spoken and the government, the bourgeois state and their mouthpieces have finally kept silent. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Greece on the streets — “Our dead, their profits” — Massive strike rallies for the train crash crime

Thousands of workers, school pupils and students, young men and women, participated on Wednesday in massive nationwide strike demonstrations across Greece, demanding no cover-up of the governmental responsibilities for the fatal train crash that took place in Larissa on February 28th. 
The strike came as a continuation of the March 5th huge rally held in Athens' Syntagma Square during the 48-hour strike of railway workers. Read here the call by the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME).

Friday, November 11, 2022

PAME exposes the dirty role and lies of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

PAME: The dirty role and lies of the ETUC-CES revealed again

On November 9 a General Strike took place in Greece. A strike that was decided, was prepared and succeeded thanks to the action of the militant trade unions of Greece. It was one of the most massive and successful strikes of recent years. In this strike the class unions of Greece had the massive support and solidarity of militant unions from all over the world and at the central Strike Rally of PAME in Athens attended the entire Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions-WFTU/FSM, expressing its solidarity in practice.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Greek workers on the streets: Massive participation in nationwide strike rallies

With a massive strike rally in the center of Athens and numerous demonstrations over 60 cities across the country, Greece's organized labor movement sent today, November 9, a militant and powerful message of struggle against the anti-people’s policy that generates poverty, hunger, exploitation and wars, that leaves the people freezing so as to warm the profits of the business groups. 

The Unions have declared Wednesday 9 November a 24-hour nationwide strike demanding, among others, substantial increases in wages and pensions, for collective agreements that guarantee stable work with rights, for electricity and basic goods cheap for the people (read PAME statement).