Despite the imperialist efforts to suffocate the island, the firm decision that the Cuban people have made with the revolution and the course of socialist construction have led them to achievements in important aspects of their lives, including health, education, science, culture and sports.
Despite limited resources, Cuba has not hesitated to extend its fraternal hand and put its medical and educational achievements at the service of peoples as an example of internationalism.
Loyal to the historical legacy of Fidel, the Communist Party of Cuba is today faced with serious adversities.
The European Communist Action, like the overwhelming majority of the peoples of the world, firmly stands with the Cuban people and the Communist Party of Cuba and calls for the intensification of the struggle for the unconditional lifting of the barbaric US blockade and inclusion of the country in the arbitrary list of “states sponsoring terrorism”.
The European Communist Action strongly rejects any subversive plans and manipulative social network and the mass media campaigns that are aimed at intervening in Cuba’s internal affairs, destabilizing its political system and undermining its and sovereignty.
The European Communist Action declares its determination to further strengthen the bonds of solidarity with Cuba and the Cuban revolution, the experience of which can and should be utilized to defend history and the
contribution of the communist movement, to strengthen proletarian internationalism and the struggle for socialism.
Long live the Cuban Revolution!