Saturday, October 26, 2024

Netanyahu’s far-right regime intends to ban Hadash!

The Israeli far-right government is working systematically to disqualify Arab and Left-wing representatives from the Knesset to secure a permanent majority. It is trying to prevent public and parliamentary dissent against the occupation of the Palestinian territories and the endless war in Gaza and Lebanon.

Netanyahu’s coalition decided to ban Hadash and is still unclear which legislation will be used to ban Islamic Ra’am party. This is done under the false accusation of “support for terrorism”.

According to the political correspondent Daphna Liel of Channel 12 at the beginning of next the week, a bill by the chairman of the coalition, MK Ofir Katz (Likud), will be brought to the legislative committee to allow the disqualification of lists and Arab members of the Knesset.

The bottom line of the bill is proof of “mass manifestations of support for terrorism” will no longer be required and it will be possible to be satisfied in individual cases to disqualify a candidate and a list. The far-right government knows the legislation won’t be easy, and it might fold if actual pressure is applied against this anti-democratic aim.

Last February, an unprecedented impeachment vote against MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash) failed in the Knesset plenum, with only 85 out of a required 90 lawmakers in the 120-seat body voting in favor of expelling the Communist legislator. Nearly all the Knesset coalition members from the right-wing parties – the Likud, Religious Zionist Party, and Otzma Yehudit – supported the impeachment. Far-right Yisrael Beytenu party, a member of the previous government and current opposition party but a right-wing party on issues of national security, unanimously approved the motion. Members of the haredi (ultraorthodox) parties also voted in favor.