Tuesday, October 1, 2024

KKE says: "No involvement of Greece in the wars — Solidarity with the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon"

On 30 September, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued a statement on the escalation of Israeli aggression, which reads as follows:

The terrorist state of Israel, with the blessing and the support of the USA, NATO and the EU, is proceeding to a generalized war against the peoples of the Middle East, with unpredictable consequences for the wider region and internationally.
The bombings in Beirut and Yemen, the assassinations of political leaders such as H. Nasrallah and others, some of them on foreign territory, the preparations for a ground operation in Lebanon and the threats against Iran, together with the ongoing operations in Palestine and the genocide of the Palestinian people, prove that a plan is underway to escalate the war and the imperialist interventions, the impact of which goes beyond the borders of the Middle East.

The pretexts of ‘self-defence’ used by Israel and its allies have not only collapsed in the face of the ongoing crimes, but also exposed in the eyes of the peoples those who insist on invoking them.

The New Democracy government is complicit in these crimes. From the very beginning, it has adopted and continues to promote Israel’s pretexts, as have other parties, while providing Israel and its allies with multifaceted political, economic and military support, such as the dispatch of a Greek frigate to the Red Sea, thus drawing our people into dangerous adventures. Therefore, Mr. Mitsotakis’ wishful thinking about “de-escalation and stability” is nothing but blatant and provocative hypocrisy, as the Greek government is supporting in every way the fire-starter who has set the region ablaze.

Now it is necessary for the people to intensify the mass condemnation of the Israeli crimes, to strengthen the struggle against the involvement of our country and to express solidarity with the peoples who shed their blood due to imperialist plans and wars.

On Monday 30 September, the Labour Centres of Patras and Amaliada andthe Peace Committees of Patras - Western Achaia and Ilia demonstrated in front of the Andravida Air Base, giving a militant response to the transformation of Western Greece and the whole country into a war base for the murderous purposes of NATO.

They demanded that the huge NATO air exercise “Ramstein Flag 24”, which started at the 117th Air Force Combat Wing in Andravida, should be stopped. The exercise involves 13 NATO member states with 140 fourth and fifth generation fighter aircraft, in a generalized war rehearsal staged against the peoples of the wider region.
