Sunday, September 8, 2024

Proletarian internationalism at its best: 45 Communist Youths to participate at the 50th KNE Festival

At least 45 Communist Youths and Anti-imperialist Organizations are going to participate at the 50th KNE-Odigitis Festival organized by the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) on 18-21 September in Athens.

Like every year, KNE-Odigitis Festival will host the “International City” (Diethnoupolis) at Tritsis Park, where delegations from numerous Youth organizations from across the world will have the opportunity to exchange opinions and experience from the struggle, as well as the promote and coordinate their joint fight. 
As “Rizospastis” points out, “over the years, the KNE-Odigitis Festival has consistently been a platform for expressing internationalist solidarity to the peoples of the world, especially those who are experiencing the consequenes of imperialist aggression. This year, amidst the imperialist war in Ukraine and the Middle East, with the genocide of the long-suffering Palestinian people being underway in Gaza, communists from Palestine and Israel, Ukraine and Russia, as well as from every corner of the world, will stand side by side, illuminating the power of proletarian internationalism and the peoples' common struggle against imperialist war”.

More specifically, the following Communist Youths, Groups and Organizations are due to participate at the 50th KNE-Odigitis Festival: Communist Youth of Austria,  Youth Front of the Austrian Labor Party (PdA), Communist Youth of Venezuela (JCV), Union of Communist Youth, Brazil, Union of Socialist Youth, Brazil, Young Communist League of Britain (YCL), Union of Communist Youth (France), Socialist German Workers' Youth, Communis Youth of Denmark,  Communist Youth of Switzerland, Democratic Youth Federation of India, Connolly Youth Movement (Ireland), Workers' Party Youth (Ireland), Young Communist Collectives of Spain (CJC), Union of Communist Youth of Israel, Communist Front (Italy), Youth of the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan, Canadian Youth Communist Association, Union of Communist Youth of Cuba (UJC), United Democratic Youth Organization (Cyprus), Progressive Movement of Cypriot Students, Union of Lebanese Democratic Youth, Communist Youth Front of Mexico  (FJC),  Bangladesh Youth Association, Young Communists of Norway, Communist Youth Movement (Netherlands), Youth Wing of the Union of Communists of Ukraine, Democratic Youth Federation (Pakistan), General Union of Palestinian Workers,  General Union of Palestinian Students, Youth of the People's Party of Palestine, Palestinian Communist Youth, Communist Youth of Paraguay, Portuguese Communist Youth, Union of Socialist Youth (Romania), Revolutionary Communist Youth Union (Bolsheviks) from Russia, Left Youth Front (Slovakia), Communist Youth of Sweden (SKU), Socialist Youth Association (Sri Lanka), Socialist Students Union (Sri Lanka), Syrian Communist Youth Union - "Khalid Baghdad" Yout, Communist Youth Union of Tajikistan, Communist Youth of Turkey (TKG),  Youth of the Communist Workers' Party of Finland - For Peace and Socialism, World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY).