Friday, August 2, 2024

KKE Europarliament Group denounces the inclusion of Cuba in the list of "state sponsors of terrorism"

Last May, in a letter addressed to the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the MPs and the MEPs of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) demanded the removal of Cuba from the US Department of State’s unacceptable list of "State Sponsors of Terrorism".

Recently, in a statement addressed to the EU Commission's VP Josep Borrell, the Europarliament Group of the KKE denounces the inclusion of Cuba in the list. 

The statement (here in Greek) reads: 

"For decades, the Cuban people have suffered the unacceptable, long-term blockade by the USA, which has serious consequences for the people's standard of living and the development of the country's economy. This criminal economic-commercial blockade has been a constant strategic choice for decades by the US and has been implemented by governments over time.

Since 2021, Cuba has been provocatively and baselessly included in the so-called countries of "state sponsors of terrorism" under the Trump administration and has been remained until today under the Biden administration, reinforcing the blockade and the heavy consequences against the Cuban people, since any country or individual wants to develop commercial or other relations with Cuba, risks being sanctioned by the US government. In other words, it is a measure of economic coercion, which aims to weaken the conquests of the Cuban people and to put significant obstacles in the supply of raw materials, food, energy, technological and medical equipment, medicines, etc.

The unacceptable and non-existent accusation of the USA is aimed at demoralizing the Cuban people, who had played a leading role in substantial solidarity by sending dozens of missions with doctors to other countries, including the EU, to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, while the country has developed with great efficiency 3 vaccines against the coronavirus and valuable treatments against other diseases.

Given that the EU maintains economic, political and military relations with the USA within the framework of NATO, the Party's MEPs Kostas Papadakis and Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos submitted the following questions:

"How is the High Representative/Vice-President of the EU positioned:

- In the demand for the immediate removal of Cuba from the US State Department's list of "state sponsors of terrorism" countries?

- To lift the multifaceted criminal blockade and sanctions of the USA against Cuba and its people and to stop any kind of interference in the internal affairs of Cuba?".