Thursday, August 22, 2024

Communist Youth of Greece: The 50th KNE-Odigitis Festival to be held on 18-21 September in Athens

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Greece's most popular and successful youth festival; the KNE-Odigitis Festival organized annually by the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE), the youth wing of the KKE.

Under the slogan "We write history, we change the world - Our future is Socialism", the festival celebrates its 50 years, the central events of which are scheduled to take place between 18 and 21 of September in Athens. 

The festival, which is traveling in many Greek cities and towns throughout July and August, includes numerous political as well as cultural events.

The festivities will culminate on 18, 19, 20 and 21st of September 2024 at Tritsis Metropolitan Park, in the northern district of Ilion in Athens. The General Secretary of the CC of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas and the Secretary of KNE Thodoris Kotsantis will be the speakers at the major political event that is due to be held on Saturday 21 September.  

More than 400 artists, including renowned singers like George Dalaras, Maria Farantouri, Glykeria and Vasilis Papakonstantinou, are going to perform throughout the 4-day festivities. 

Like every year, KNE-Odigitis festival will be attended by representatives of several Communist Youths across the world, thus giving an opportunity for exchange of views and experiences among young communists. 

Being one of the country's most significant annual cultural events, the KNE-Odigitis festival, organized by the Communist Youth of Greece, spans a history of 48 years. The 1st festival of KNE and her newspaper "Odigitis" took place on September 1975, just months after the collapse of the 7-year old military dictatorship.