
Tuesday, July 9, 2024

NATO stands for Wars and Dictatorships: Statements by WFTU and PAME on NATO Washington Summit

Statements by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and Greece's All Militant Workers' Front (PAME) on the occasion of NATO's Summit in Washington DC held between 9-11 July 2024. 

World Federation of Trade Unions

The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing more than 105 million workers who work live, and struggle in 133 countries all over the world, strongly condemns the continuation of military interventions and wars, the accelerated militarization of international relations and confrontational rhetoric, the soaring of the military expenditures, as well as the NATO plans amid the escalating intra-imperialist confrontation.  

The 2024 ΝΑΤΟ summit which will take place in Washington D.C. on 9-10-11 July 2024, constitutes one more step toward the intensification of NATO’s aggressive imperialist plans, interventions, and wars.

NATO has already announced an increase of its military budget for 2024 by 12% to 2.03 billion euros and its civil budget by 18.2% to 438.1 million euros increasing even more the operating capacity of NATO Command Structure headquarters, missions, and operations around the world. This year’s figures confirm the continuation of an at least 10 years-long course of moving towards a “war economy” for the member states of NATO, with NATO’s Secretary General emphasizing that “burden sharing is improving within NATO” while military spending is up 18 percent across European Allies and Canada in 2024, and 23 member states will spend at least 2% of GDP in military spending this year.

The International class-oriented trade union movement unequivocally condemns the war plans of the imperialists and strongly opposes the uninterrupted increase of the NATO budget which sharpens even more the confrontation and deepens the preparations and the risk for a generalized imperialist conflict with disastrous consequences for the popular strata and the ordinary people who always pay the cost of the imperialist antagonism.

NATO’s history demonstrates nothing but interventions, wars, juntas, refugees, starvation, destruction, and death. In addition, the continued soaring in military spending constitutes a provocation for the people who constantly see their living standards affected due to generalized price rises, inflation, and long-term austerity policies.

The militant class-oriented trade union movement intensifies the struggle against imperialist wars and the system that creates them.  The WFTU fights for the dissolution of NATO which constitutes an aggressive war machine in service of the imperialist interests of its member states, aiming to maintain, and expand if possible, the existing favorable correlation of forces for the NATO countries in order to safeguard the profits of their monopolies.

Simultaneously we reiterate our firm demand for the immediate dissolution of all military coalitions, the complete abolition of nuclear weapons, an immediate end to all imperialist armed conflicts, and full respect for the sovereignty, independence, and right of every people to freely choose their present and future. We denounce the exclusions, discriminations, embargoes, and sanctions imposed by the US, NATO, and the EU against various countries, negatively impacting the standard of living of low-income families, workers, poor small farmers, and popular strata in general.

The WFTU calls upon workers all over the globe, the militant trade unions to join the ranks and the struggles of the international class-oriented trade union movement for lasting peace, for a world free of imperialist interventions and man-by-man exploitation.

The Secretariat


All-Workers Militant Front (PAME)

The NATO Summit on 9-11 July 2024, in Washington DC, marks a new round of intensified Euro-Atlantic aggression around the world. In the foreground is the escalation of the imperialist war in Ukraine between the Ukrainian bourgeoisie, actively supported and backed by NATO, and capitalist Russia and its own allies, which poses great dangers for the peoples.

The decisions being launched at the NATO Summit include, among others:

 – Sending modern weapons systems, F-16 fighter jets and even military forces to the war front in Ukraine, using long-range missiles for strikes on Russian territory.

– Upgrading relations with Ukraine, by forming an ‘institutional bridge’ towards its accession to NATO, funding the reactionary Zelensky government with 40 billion euros a year, in addition to the huge sums of money allocated by the USA and the NATO and EU member states. In this context, there are even plans to create a NATO ‘senior political representative’ post based in Ukraine, analogous to what NATO did in Afghanistan during the US occupation.

– Modernisation of the nuclear arsenal and further militarisation of space.

– Strengthening of NATO’s southern wing, in which Greece also participates, and the further strengthening of NATO-EU relations.

– Expansion in the Indo-Pacific and the strengthening of the alliance with Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, in the context of the US confrontation with China for primacy in the global imperialist system, as well as NATO “marking” of other regions, such as the Caucasus (with an invitation to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), the Middle East (with an invitation, apart from Israel, to Arab countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Tunisia, UAE, Bahrain).

These are very dangerous decisions and plans, preparations for a generalised imperialist war, support for the murderous state of Israel in its genocide against the Palestinian people and the strengthening of Euro-Atlantic interventions in the Middle East, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Asia, all over the world.

The Summit coincides with the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO. Those who “celebrate” this black anniversary are provoking our people and other peoples, because this imperialist organisation is identified with hundreds of wars and interventions, with military coups and assassinations of militants, with criminal plans against peoples.

For the workers it is necessary to strengthen the struggle against the imperialist apparatus and its servants in the workers’ movement. Against organisations like ITUC-ETUC that collaborate with NATO and even try to present it as an agent of “peace”.

PAME calls on the workers and trade unions to resolutely condemn NATO, the Summit and the decisions it will take, to massively reject and fight against the misleading claims of the NATO “puppets” who present the murderous war machine of NATO as a “force for security and peace”.

Strengthen solidarity with the people of Palestine and stop the NATO-US-US-EU-backed crime of Israel.

Strengthen the struggle for the disengagement of our country from imperialist wars and plans, the disengagement from the imperialist alliances, for a society without wars, without exploitation.

wftucentral.org / pamehellas.gr