Thursday, July 11, 2024

Mikis Theodorakis: "Dissolve NATO, now!"

The following article-statement was issued by Mikis Theodorakis (1925-2021), the world-renowned Greek communist music composer who became a major symbol of the anti-dictatorial struggle in 1960-1970s, on the occasion of the 60th NATO Summit in Strasbourg in March 2009. Translation from Greek
(Να διαλυθεί το ΝΑΤΟ! Τώρα!) by Nikos Mottas. 

Dissolve NATO! Now! 

By Mikis Theodorakis 

I don't know how the word “NATO” sounds to the people of Europe, but for the Greek people it sounds like a curse. That because it means foreign interventions, civil war, national disasters, policing, dictatorship and national bleeding due to excessive financial costs that the Atlantic Alliance imposes on us at the expense of our economic and social development and prosperity.

Actually, NATO, especially following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissoluton of the Warsaw Pact, is nothing more than a docile instrument at the disposal of U.S imperialist policy, responsible for thousands of human casualties and countless disasters against innocent peoples in the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq and Gaza. It is a war machine that insists on dividing the world into good and bad zones and A and B class peoples, having as a weapon the rekindling of enmity and discord.

Today, taking into account the deep economic crisis that is rapidly plunging the superpower and its satellites into chaos, it is ridiculous and dangerous to maintain this colossal mechanism that absorbs billions of Euros in the name of a social and economic system that is in complete disintegration. So, how is it possible that these supposedly “superior” peoples who make up NATO still claim to represent the free, and therefore, “superior” world with the right to punish the “inferior” peoples, in order to impose their system on them?  And which system? The one of wild exploitation and deification of Money that today condemns them to armies of unemployed and tomorrow hungry and impoverished workers?

However, it is not only the rulers, the oligarchs, the politicians and generals who support them, but also the people who tolerate them. Where are the trade unions? Where is the fiery youth? Where are the armies of workers for whom the time of the great trials has already arrived? And how the Europe of 300 million people allows a handful of politicians and generals to spend billions of Euros supposedly in the name of freedom and human rights, when the big crisis hits their own countries and the only freedom that has been left to them is the freedom to unemployment, underdevelopment and soon to impoverishment.

It is, therefore, not only immoral to consider today NATO a force of freedom and justice, but also destructive for Europe's economy. Just think how many thousands of jobs would be secured by this pile of money that is now being spent on wars, disasters and massacres of civilians.

That is why the era of words is over and it is a historical necessity to enter the era of works under the slogan for NATO's dissolution, which, apart from everything else, as a blind instrument of the Pentagon's generals and U.S policy, has the mission not letting Europe stand on its feet. A Europe that will belong to its people and not to the generals of the U.S and NATO”.

Athens, 30 March 2009.