
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Italy: Initiative for the construction of a new, militant Communist Party presented in Rome

On 30 June 2024, in a fully-packed hall in Rome, dozens of communists demonstrated that there is a political proposal with enormous potential to build a modern, serious, structured Communist Party in Italy that is up to date with the times. 

In a joint statement, the Communist Front (Front Comunista) and the Front of the Communist Youth (Fronte della Gioventù Comunista- FGC) stress out:

"Faced with daily injustices, imperialist war, the advance of the right, we must counteract a great idea of ​​radical change in society.

The Political Office of the Communist Front (FC) and the National Secretariat of the FGC express satisfaction for the success of the initiative of 30 June in Rome, thanking once again all the organisations, collectives, militant groups and individual comrades who wanted to bring a contribution to this discussion.

The proposal that we make to everyone is to open together, with the time needed and with the most appropriate methods, a path of discussion and grouping that will lead us to the construction of the Party that the exploited of this country deserve to have.

Without predetermined deadlines, without forcing, without electoral alchemy disconnected from reality. The only urgency that must guide us, yes, is the urgency of giving workers, the unemployed, students, all the oppressed of this country the political alternative they need. Give awareness, organization, direction.

As a contribution to the discussion, the FC and the FGC have drawn up the document "The fight for the party" (“La lotta per il partito”), containing reflections on the political-ideological foundations of the communist reconstruction process and our proposal for moving forward. We make it available to everyone for collective discussion.

Our energies will be at the service of this process. The fire of the communists has not gone out.

"There is no victory, there is no conquest, without a great communist party."

Rome, 1 July 2024.

Political Office – Communist Front (FC)

National Secretariat – Communist Youth Front (FGC).
