Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Communists to run in Karl Marx hometown's election

Trier, Germany's oldest city, is famous for its ancient art treasures and monuments but, most of all, is the birthplace of the greatest philosopher of modern history; Karl Marx

More than 200 years since the birth of the father of scientific socialism, candidates from the German Communist Party (DKP) are going to participate in the local city council elections that are due to take place in June 9, 2024. 

Last week, the city's electoral committee confirmed that the DKP Trier had met all the requirements for running for election.

Palestinian Communist Party's leader Mahmoud Hassan Al-Aqqad dies at 84

In a communique the Palestinian Communist Party states:

It is with great sadness that the Secretary-General of the struggling Palestinian Communist Party and one of the party’s historical leaders mourns comrade Mahmoud Hassan Al-Aqqad, who passed away on Sunday, April 29, 2024, at the age of 84. 

The comrade was from the first generation of the Communist Party and was detained for more than 12 years in the regime’s prisons. Al-Arni and then in the Israeli occupation detention centers. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

European Communist Action: Long live the 1st of May — Long live socialism!

ECA Statement on the 1st of May

For the workers’ and communist parties, the 1st of May represents a day of struggle, in remembrance of those who came before us and in honor of those who will continue the struggle.

The working people, not only in the countries of Europe, but in the entire world, have in the past years stood face to face with the inhumanity and brutality of the capitalist system, which has put the entire burden of the increasing prices on the shoulders of the working people. By simultaneously keeping wages down, the situation for the workers and other exploited strata has worsened in every country.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

KKE General Secretary Koutsoumbas visited New York

Dimitris Koutsoumbas with ALU President Chris Smalls
Dimitris Koutsoumbas, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), was the keynote speaker of a political and cultural event organized by the Party's Friends Club in New York on Saturday 27 April. The event, attended by dozens of members of the Greek Diaspora who live and work in the U.S, was held at the Kefalos Society of America in Astoria.

The opening speech was made by Kostas Lourdas on behalf of the KKE Friends Club in New York, while interventions were also made by KKE candidates for European Parliament, Lefteris Nikolaou Alavanos and Kostas Gouliamos, who accompanied Koutsoumbas in his North American trip. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Israel: Hands Off the Communist Party and Hadash!

Police Raided Hadash Nazareth Branch on the Eve of the May Day Demonstration
Heavily armed police force raided Friday evening, April 26, the Hadash branch in Nazareth and arrested two activists who were setting up displays and flags for the May Day rally.

Activists from Hadash, the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and the Young Communist League were involved in the planning and preparations for the central May Day demonstration being organized by Hadash and the CPI who will be held, as every year, in Nazareth, today at 10:30, with a mass march along Tawfiq Zyad street in the center of the city.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Russian university students launch petition against new research center named after fascist Ivan Ilyin

Ivan Ilyin Higher Political School? No, thanks! Students and academic staff at Moscow's Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) have launched a petition against the naming of the institution’s Higher Political School after 20th century fascist philosopher Ivan Ilyin. 

The "Ivan Ilyin Higher Political School" at RGGU was created in July 2023. Earlier this month, Russian media reported that extreme-right philosopher and ideologue Alexander Dugin, who has served as a consultant to President Putin in recent years, was placed in charge of the school.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Portuguese Communist Party: On the 50th anniversary of the 1974 Carnation Revolution

Resolution of the Central Committee of the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) titled "50.º Aniversário do 25 de Abril «Abril é mais futuro»" (50th Anniversary of April 25 «April is more future»), adopted in December 2022:

The April Revolution is a major milestone in the history of Portugal, a realization of the people's will, an affirmation of freedom, social emancipation, sovereignty and national independence.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Communist Revolutionary Party of France: "We must combat the neo-Kautskyist viewpoint of the PCF"

The contribution of the Communist Revolutionary Party of France (Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire de France - PCRF) in the meeting of the European Communist Action, on 12 April 2024 in Athens, under the subject “On the situation of workers' rights in Europe and the experiences of the communists’ struggle”:

French monopoly capitalism has a dual character: it is despoiling and rapacious on the international stage, but dependent on American, German, Japanese and Chinese capital in France. France is regularly the champion of foreign direct investment (FDI) received in the EU, as well as the EU champion of French FDI invested worldwide. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tudeh Party of Iran: Threat of war, theocratic regime and “anti-imperialism”

“… to defend the theocratic regime in Iran as a force for anti-imperialism is, at best, naïve - and, at worst, deliberately relegates the brutal repression, crushing poverty, and socioeconomic misery suffered by the absolute majority of the people of Iran as inconsequential or unworthy of consideration…”

The world has well and truly entered a dangerous epoch, with humanity currently facing a series of interconnected existential threats.  

Monday, April 22, 2024

Serbian and Greek unionists meet in Belgrade to mark the 25 years since NATO bombing

At the emblematic bridge of Novi Sad, a symbol of both the NATO atrocity and the heroic resistance of the Serbian people against the imperialist intervention of 1999, a massive delegation of PAME demonstrated.

The hundreds of union representatives opened a giant banner spreading it on the bridge and sending the message “75 years NATO has been targeting the peoples of the whole world-The only power is the people”.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

75 Years of NATO: A History of Coups, Wars and Terror

 By Nikos Mottas
The 4th of April marked the 75th anniversary since the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty by 12 countries in Washington DC. The pretext for the foundation of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was the protection from “Soviet aggression” as well as the – supposed – consolidation of peace in the severely injured by the Second World War European continent. However, as history showed, the actual reasons behind the alliance's establishment had nothing to do with defense or peace. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Katyn Massacre Revisited: Declassified archival evidence disputes the “Soviets did it” narrative

A fabrication of Nazi Minister of Propaganda Dr Joseph Goebbels, the “Soviets did it” version of the Katyn Massacre remains for decades a major weapon in the arsenal of anti-communist, anti-soviet propaganda throughout the world. 

Almost two months after the resounding defeat of the Nazis in Stalingrad, on 13 April 1943, a mass grave of Polish POWs was found in the Katyn Forrest, a few miles away from Smolensk. Under the guidance of Goebbels, the blame was cast against the Soviet leadership and this falsehood was eagerly adopted by the imperialists and bourgeois historiography in Europe and the United States. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

KKE condemns Council of Europe's recommendation over Kosovo membership

In a statement (here in Greek) concerning the decision of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to recommend Kosovo's accession to the Council of Europe, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) points out:

“The KKE condemns the decision for the accession of the protectorate of Kosovo which was recently taken by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe following a recommendation by Dora Bakoyannis (ND). 

#VoteCommunist: Communist Party of Britain contest 2024 local and Greater London Assembly elections

The Communist Party of Britain (CPB) is standing a range of candidates in this year’s local elections across England and for the Greater London Assembly, as part of the run up to a wider General Election campaign across Britain.

The following candidates will be running on the Party’s ticket for the upcoming council elections:

— Ben Clarke – Nelson Ward – Norwich City Council
— Mark Ewington – Sopwell Ward – St Albans Council
— Simon Brignell – Abbey Ward – Cambridge Council

Monday, April 15, 2024

The CPUSA and the "Lesser Evil"

 By Marxist-Leninist Today Editors

Recently the CPUSA published a document Forward Together (now posted at cpusa.org) which was approved by the CPUSA National Committee on January 27 to frame the discussion leading up to the Party’s June 2024 convention in Chicago. 

The national convention of a Communist Party is important. A convention is the leading body of the Party, and its decisions govern the political direction of the Party in the four years ahead.

Declaration of the Communist and Workers’ Parties of Europe: “For a Europe of peace, people’s prosperity and socialism”

Declaration of the Communist and Workers’ Parties of Europe 

“Drawing strength from the workers’–people’s struggles, we fight against the EU of imperialist wars and capitalist exploitation - for a Europe of peace, people’s prosperity and socialism”

The Communist and Workers’ Parties of the EU member states, the associated states and other European countries, which co-sign this Declaration ahead of the European elections of June 2024, address the workers, the self-employed, the toiling farmers, the women and the youth of the popular strata, the pensioners, the migrants.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Vladimir Mayakovsky — "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" (1924)

The great poem "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin", dedicated to the leader of the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution, was written by the 
renowned Soviet poet and playwright Vladimir Mayakovsky.  
The first fragments of the poem appeared in October 1924 in several Soviet newspapers, and it came out as a separate edition in February 1925 by Leningrad's Gosizdat. Mayakovsky himself dedicated it to the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). 

KKE: Statement on Iran's attack against Israel and the escalation of war in the Middle East

In a statement (here in Greek) concerning the escalation of war in the Middle East, following Iran's missile and drone attack against Israel, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stresses out:

"Iran's expected attack on Israel, in retaliation for the Israeli state's criminal attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, which resulted to dead Iranian officials, constitutes a dangerous escalation of the war in the Middle East that could reach terrifying dimensions in case of an attack by Israel and its allies against Iran.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Communist and Workers' Parties of Europe present declaration ahead of June's European elections

 Let’s send a message of hope that strengthens the struggles across Europe

D. Koutsoumbas presented the Declaration of the Communist and Workers' Parties of Europe on the European elections of 9 June

On Friday 12 April 2024, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, the GS of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) presented at the Headquarters of the CC of the KKE the Declaration of the Communist and Workers' Parties of Europe on the European elections of 9 June, elaborated by the parties of the  European Communist Action (ECA). 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Britain: Capitalism threatens young people's future, says Young Communist League's leader

Speaking at the Communist Party (CPB) political committee on Tuesday evening (April 9), Georgina Andrews, condemned the silence surrounding the problems of Britain's youth.

'As young people increasingly fall into poverty, billions of pounds are spent on war and the preparations for war', the Young Communist League general secretary pointed out.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

"Communists are potential terrorists": Anti-communist rant by Swissport executive in Greek airport

 By Nikos Mottas

“Communists are potential terrorists” and for that reason, employees must have no contact with them!! This is what a security executive of Swissport company has been quoted as saying during a speech to workers and staff in the airport of Chania, Crete.

More specifically, in a statement published in Communist Party's 902.gr portal, the KKE Party Organization in Chania denounces the unacceptable references of a Swissport member who “urged the company's workers to avoid contact with left-wing groups and communists” (!!) because they “are potential terrorists”! 

Mexico's communists react on Ecuador Government's assault on Mexican Embassy in Quito

The Communist Party of Mexico (PCM) denounces the recent violent raid of Ecuador's police forces in Mexican Embassy in Quito, calling it "an unacceptable violation of diplomatic relation", but also slams López Obrador government's escalation of "chauvinism and vulgar jingoism". The statement reads:

On Friday, April 5, special forces of the Ecuadorian Police, on the instructions of President Daniel Noboa, broke into the Mexican Embassy in Quito, violating diplomatic norms and international treaties, to arrest Jorge Glas, who was Vice President of Ecuador. in addition to other ministerial responsibilities during the Correa and Moreno governments.

Anna Louise Strong — LENIN

Poem by American journalist and activist Anna Louise Strong (1885-1970) dedicated to the leader of the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
In the late 1920’s and into the early 30’s, Strong traveled in China and throughout the Soviet Union, interviewing ordinary workers and people in the street as well as senior Soviet leaders; she visited Spain in 1937 and accompanied the Red Army into Poland and Berlin in 1945, and visited China during the latter stages of the war of liberation. 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Dimitris Koutsoumbas, General Secretary of KKE, to visit Canada and the USA on 21-27 April

The General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Dimitris Koutsoumbas, will visit Canada and the United States on 21-27 April 2024, 902 portal reported.

Being the head of a delegation, the KKE General Secretary will have meetings with expatriate Greeks in Toronto and Montreal, as well as with labour unions and representatives of the Communist Party of Canada. Koutsoumbas will also address political events organized in the two Canadian cities. 

Brazilian Communist Party: On the 60th anniversary of the 1964 military coup — Never Again!

Statement of the National Political Commission of Brazilian Communist Party (Partido Comunista Brasileiro- PCB) on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the 1964 military coup:

The 60th anniversary of the 1964 military coup, which inaugurated a 21-year dictatorship, occurs at a complex and adverse time for the Brazilian working class. Although Bolsonaro was defeated electorally, with a candidacy that claimed the most brutal crimes of the dictatorship, the far right that supported him remained active, gaining a strong presence in the National Congress and preserving significant support in various sectors of society.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

KKE leader Koutsoumbas declines participation in Delphi Economic Forum due to Zelensky

In a statement issued on Friday, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) said that "following the announcement that the leader of the reactionary regime of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, is participating in the Delphi Economic Forum, as well the holding of a closed-door meeting with the participation of NATO in which Ukraine's accession to the Alliance will obviously be discussed, it goes without saying that KKE's General Secretary Dimitris Koutsoumbas or any other party member will take part in the Forum". 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

NATO has been threatening humanity for 75 years — Statement by the Communist Party of Turkey

Statement by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) on the 75th anniversary of establishment of NATO:

Today, the 4th April 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of NATO’s establishment. No matter how much the governments, parliaments and corporate media of NATO member countries try to paint a glorious past for this organization, its foundation is nothing to be celebrated: NATO is one of the worst things that ever happened to humanity. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Paul Robeson Jr, Trotskyites and Anti-Stalinism

The following text is a speech delivered by Professor Grover Furr
Professor of Medieval English literature at Montclair State University in New Jersey, during an online session (Watch the speech on YouTube organized by the Institute for the Critical Study of Society, at the Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library in Oakland, California, on Sunday 31 March. 
(Warning: Not for faint-hearted Trotskyites

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The KKE accuses Mitsotakis' government for providing white phosphorus weapons to Ukraine

The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) accused the conservative New Democracy (ND) government on Tuesday 2/4 for indirectly providing white phosphorous weapons to Ukraine. Speaking at the Parliament, KKE MP Nikos Papanastasis said: 
“The ND government, leading the way in supporting the NATO-US-EU military operations in Ukraine, within the war with Russia, has once again submitted for approval a new list of weaponry and ammunition for sale, in addition to the unknown huge quantities that have already been sent since the beginning of the war”.

Turkey's Communist Party emerges strengthened in municipal elections, doubles its votes

Fatih Mehmet Maçoğlu and Hizam Hasirci
Against all odds and despite political polarisation between the governing AKP and the Kemalist Republican People's Party-CHP, the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) emerged significantly strengthened from the municipal elections of March 31. 

Particularly significant is the performance of TKP in the earthquake-ridden Defne municipality, in Hatay, where its candidateHizam Hasirci, received 39.62% thus coming in the second place. Additionally, the communist candidate in the Istanbul district of KadıköyFatih Mehmet Maçoğlu (formerly mayor of Dersim) was placed third, with 10.01% of the votes. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Communist Party of the Workers of Spain: Statement on the 75th anniversary of NATO

Statement of the Political Bureau of the CC of the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (Partido Comunista de los Trabajadores de España - PCTE) on the 75th anniversary of NATO:

April 4th will mark 75 years since the founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The so-called Atlantic Alliance, which Spain belongs to since 1982, is an imperialist alliance whose goal is to militarily defend and promote all over the world the interests of the big capitalists from its member countries.

Emma Stone to portray Nadezhda Krupskaya, Lenin's wife, in Yorgos Lanthimos' new film

After “The Favourite”, “Poor Things” and the soon to be released “Kinds of Kindness”, Academy Award winning actress Emma Stone and Greek film director Yorgos Lanthimos are once again joining forces towards a very promising project focused on the life of the great bolshevik revolutionary and father of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

As Lanthimos has revealed, Stone will portray Nadezhda Krupskaya, Lenin's faithful wife who played a significant role not only in Ulyanov's personal life, but also in the political scene during the first years of the October Revolution.