
Saturday, December 30, 2023

65th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution: Message of the KKE to the Communist Party of Cuba

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, the International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) sent the following message (here in Greek) to the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC):

"Dear comrades, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution, on 1 January 1959, the KKE extends a warm comradely greeting to the Communist Party and the people of Cuba.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Israeli army detains Palestinian left political leader, PFLP member, Khalida Jarrar

Israeli occupation army has detained senior Palestinian Left political leader Khalida Jarrar from her home in the West Bank. Witnesses told WAFA that Israeli forces raided the city of Al Bireh, and arrested Jarrar after searching her home.

Jarrar is a prominent figure in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the second largest faction in the Palestine Liberation Organization, and was elected a member of the legislative council in the last parliamentary elections held in 2006.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

WFTU opposes and condemns the neo-fascist policies of Javier Milei government in Argentina

The World Federation of Trade Unions strongly opposes and condemns the neo-fascist policies of the Milei government in Argentina. The government’s antipopular measures, including currency devaluation, unconstitutional protocols, and a massive decree, threaten the working class and social justice.

he WFTU stands with the Argentine workers and the class-oriented trade union movement of the country, denouncing the privatization of state entities, erosion of labor rights, and the overall neoliberal agenda.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

32 years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union: The Red Flag will rise again

By Nikos Mottas.

It was thirty-two years ago, on December 26, 1991, when the red flag with the sickle and hammer was lowered from the Kremlin.

It was then, during the cold days of December, when the first socialist state of the world, the homeland of the world's proletariat, bent under the weight of the counterrevolution. Four days before, on December 22nd, the leaderships of three of the largest Soviet republics had decided the dissolution of the USSR, while the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) had been outlawed on summer of the same year.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Joint Statement of the European Communist Action: The class struggle against the EU, governments and the anti-labour directives that impose a working jungle must be intensified

In a joint statement, the Parties that participate in the European Communist Action (ECA) stress out:

"The European Union (EU) aligns with the interests of capital, promoting measures that favour monopolies, capital concentration, and centralization. It is the union of European capital. The EU is an imperialist economic, political, and military bloc, contrary to the interests of the working class and the popular strata. It serves the capitalist system that leads to poverty, unemployment, imperialist wars like the one in Ukraine, atrocities like that of the occupation state of Israel against the Palestinians, waves of refugees.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Communist Party of the Workers of Spain: We reject any Spanish participation in imperialist mission in the Red Sea

In a statement, the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) rejects any participation of Spanish Armed Forces in military missions abroad:

As a result of the latest war unleashed by Israel against the Palestinian people, supported by various imperialist powers, the Houthi guerrillas of Yemen are militarily threatening the merchant ships of the main shipping monopolies that circulate between Asia and Europe, as a measure of pressure for Israel to put an end to the genocide it is carrying out against the Palestinian people. 

KKE: The dispatch of a Greek frigate to the Red Sea involves the country even more deeply in the dangerous imperialist plans

In a comment on the dispatch of a Greek frigate to the Red Sea, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stresses the following:

“The dispatch of a Greek frigate to the Red Sea, under the pretext of the safety of maritime navigation and protection of merchant ships, involves the country even more deeply in the dangerous imperialist plans, which at this stage are directly linked to the support of the murderous policy of the Israeli state.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Alfred Marder, US communist and long-time peace activist, dies at 102

On 19 December 2023, the US Peace Council announced the death of comrade Alfred Marder, a steadfast internationalist, and anti-imperialist, died last night. Al was exactly one month shy of reaching 102 years old.

In a statement, the World Peace Council (WPC) reads:

The World Peace Council received with deep sadness the information about the demise of our beloved comrade Alfred Marder, veteran leader of the U.S. Peace Council and President of Honor, who passed away in the age of 102 years in his hometown, New Haven, Connecticut.

Monday, December 18, 2023

The KKE votes against Mitsotakis government's anti-popular budget

The 21 MPs of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) voted against the 2024 budget proposed by the New Democracy government, which increases taxation on the popular strata in order to increase the profitability of capital. 

During the debate, the MPs of the KKE lambasted the government’s draft budget, highlighting its anti-labour and class character in favour of businessmen, and demanded increases in wages and pensions and the abolition of anti-popular taxes. 

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Antonio Negri, Italian political theorist, dies at 90

Antonio Negri, the prominent Italian political theorist and philosopher, has died in Paris, aged 90. 

Most known for his work on autonomism, Negri  founded the Potere Operaio (Worker Power) group in 1969 and was a leading member of Autonomia Operaia. He published highly influential books urging "revolutionary consciousness". 

He was accused in the late 1970s of various charges including being the mastermind of the left-wing militant organization Red Brigades (Brigate Rosse), involved in the May 1978 kidnapping of Aldo Moro. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

KKE condemns the dismantling of Red Army memorial in Sofia, Bulgaria

In a completely disgraceful decision, Bulgarian authorities on Wednesday began dismantling a monument to the army of the Soviet Union that dominated the skyline of the capital, Sofia, for nearly 70 years.

The monument was erected in 1954 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Soviet forces liberating Bulgaria, which had been allied with Nazi Germany in World War II.  

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Argentina: Not a minute of truce for the ultraliberal and neo-fascist government of Milei!

"Not a minute of truce for the ultraliberal and neo-fascist government of Milei", proclaims the National Secretariat of the Communist Party of Argentina (Partido Comunista de la Argentina) in a statement published on 10 December 2023. The statement by the Communist Party reads:

"The executive led by La Libertad Avanza, with Vice President Villarruel, of the Military Party, and in alliance with Macrismo, among others, does not hide its cards: its links with investment funds, large multinational companies and their local representatives such as Caputo, Bausili or Tillard, their orientation against social protest, with the repressive apparatus in charge of Bullrich and Petri, their alignment with the United States and Israel, and their roadmap marked by the illegitimate and illegal agreement with the IMF, configuring a neocolonial project that comes from the plundering of the natural resources and common goods of our Homeland.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Israeli police tries to prevent the National Convention of Hadash scheduled for December 16

Israeli Police are trying to prevent a Hadash national convention scheduled for Saturday, December 16, claiming that it would feature “inciting speeches that would endanger the public’s well-being.” 
The police threaten facility owner in the city of Shefa-Amr (Shfar’am) in northern Israel where the event was to be held. Hadash Secretary General, Amjad Shbita, says agenda to include planning “for political action against the continuation of the war in Gaza and against political persecution by far-right government.”

Cyprus Communist Initiative launched, aims "to rebuild the workers’ and people’s movement"

With the sickle and hammer as its symbol, the Cyprus Communist Initiative has been formalised into an official body, was announced on Saturday.

Under the full name "Cyprus Communist Initiative, for the rebuilding of the workers’ and people’s movement", the new group “aspires to fill the political vacuum that has existed for years in Cypriot society, and to become a rallying force for the struggles of the working class and the broader popular strata.”

Friday, December 8, 2023

Communist Party of Sweden: Not a single American soldier on Swedish soil!

Recently the Swedish Minister of Defense signed an agreement on expanded military cooperation between Sweden and the USA. 
The agreement represents yet another step towards officially incorporating Sweden into the cooperation of Euro-Atlantic imperialism, with the aim to most effectively safeguard the interests of the capitalists of the region against their competitors.

Monday, December 4, 2023

The ultra-patriotic dance of Maduro's government, the right and the business community

Tribuna Popular Editorial

A spectacular and millionaire advertising campaign has been launched to raise the tarnished image of Nicolás Maduro, who so far -with or without his [self-marketed Capitan America-style] superhero costume- has failed miserably in the mission to guarantee decent living conditions to Venezuelans. 

In this latest episode, "Superbigote" [Super-Moustache] tries to recover the Essequibo territory from the clutches of transnational companies that have discovered rich oil and gas deposits. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

The anti-communist character of the so-called "World Anti-imperialist Platform"

By Guillermo Uc*

“The entire history of bourgeois democracy lays bare this illusion: to deceive the people, the bourgeois democrats have launched and always launch all the “slogans” they want. The problem is to verify their sincerity, to compare words with facts , not to be content with idealistic or vain phrases, but to see class reality . Imperialist war does not cease to be imperialist when charlatans or petty bourgeois philistines launch a sweet "slogan", but only when the class that directs the imperialist war and is linked to it with millions of threads (even ropes) of an economic nature, It is actually overthrown and replaced in power by the truly revolutionary class, the proletariat. Otherwise, it is impossible to get rid of an imperialist war, as well as an imperialist, predatory peace . ”

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Turkish communists cowardly attacked by fascists in Ankara University — Messages of solidarity

On November 21, students-members of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) and the Communist Youth (TKG) became targets of a cowardly attack by fascists, presumably members of "Grey Wolves" far-right group, outside the Faculty of Political Sciences at Ankara University's Cebeci campus. Two Communist Party members were slightly injured.

There was a similar attack attempt by fascists at the same faculty a few days earlier, but it was repelled by TKP members. 

Henry Kissinger, notorious war criminal, is dead

Henry Kissinger, the former U.S Secretary of State who left an indelible mark on U.S. imperialist foreign policy in the 20th century's second half, died on Wednesday at age 100.

Kissinger served as a foreign policy advisor to 12 U.S Presidents - from John F. Kennedy to Joe Biden - and Secretary of State in Richard Nixon's administration, linking his name to some of the most extraordinary crimes of U.S. imperialism. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

PCTE: On the formation of the new social democratic coalition government under Pedro Sánchez

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) makes the following considerations on the recent investiture of Pedro Sanchez and the formation of a new social democratic coalition government in our country:

The investiture initiates the third consecutive government led by the Spanish Socialist Workers Party, a government that is born in the middle of a context of internal and external tension, and before the horizon of an unstable legislature and of great relevance for the future of Spanish capitalism and its concretion in the power bloc.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

New Communist Party of the Netherlands: Statement on the election results and Geert Wilders' victory

In a statement concerning the Dutch General Elections held on 22 November 2023, the Central Committee of the New Communist Party of the Netherlands (NCPN) stresses out the following:

"The results of the Lower House elections show, on the one hand, the justified discontent and anger among large sections of the working class about the antipopular policies pursued by successive cabinets in recent years. But on the other hand, the results show that there are still many illusions about parties that present themselves in various ways as an ‘alternative’ while essentially serving the same politics. 

Monday, November 27, 2023

European Communist Action's Founding Declaration

The founding meeting of a new regional form of cooperation between the communist and workers’ parties of Europe, called European Communist Action (ECA), took place in Athens on 18/11/23, at the invitation of the KKE.

The founding meeting was attended by delegations from 12 parties in Europe, namely the Party of Labour of Austria, the Communist Workers’ Party – for Peace and Socialism (Finland), the Communist Revolutionary Party of France, the Communist Party of Greece, the Workers Party of Ireland, the Communist Front (Italy), the New Communist Party of the Netherlands, the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain, the Communist Party of Sweden, the Swiss Communist Party, the Communist Party of Türkiye and the Union of Communists of Ukraine.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Dublin: A criminal hate fest orchestrated by rightist and fascist forces — Workers Party of Ireland

Referring to the violent incidents that took place in Dublin on November 23, the website of the Workers Party of Ireland points out:

"Yesterday’s appalling events in Dublin can scarcely come as a surprise. 

People were, of course, shocked at the horrific knife attack on innocent school children and their teachers , but this was not the reason for the orgy of reactionary violence in which workers were attacked, shops looted and public services and their workers, including first responders, targeted and abused.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Seven years without Comandante Fidel Castro

Today, 25 November, marks the 7th anniversary since the death of Comandante en Jefe, Fidel Castro Ruz.

Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism and Dangerous Conflations

On Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism and Dangerous Conflations: A Jewish Voice for Peace and PARCEO Explainer
What is antisemitism? 

Antisemitism is grave, serious, and totally incompatible with movements for collective liberation, and we stand against it in any form. 

Antisemitism is discrimination, targeting, violence, and dehumanizing stereotypes directed at Jews because they are Jewish. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Opening speech of the KKE at the foundation meeting of the European Communist Action



Dear comrades, delegates of the Communist Parties present in Athens today for the foundation of the European Communist Action.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Argentina: "Javier Milei is the worst expression of the Right; The only anti-system alternative is socialism", says Communist Party cadre

Javier Milei is the new president of Argentina. For the first time a far-right candidate comes to power. “We communists have the obligation to put on the table that the only anti-system alternative is socialism,” said Norberto Galiotti, of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Argentina (PCA).  

“What is coming is very hard, but we communists know very well what we are facing,” said Norberto Champa Galiotti, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, after knowing the results of the runoff that highlighted the far-right candidate, Javier Milei, as the new president of the Nation. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

European Communist Action: KKE's Koutsoumbas addressed the founding meeting in Athens

The founding meeting of the European Communist Action was held at the headquarters of the Communist Party of Greece in Athens, on Saturday 18 November. 

Delegations from twelve Communist and Workers' Parties from Europe participated in the event: Labour Party of Austria (PdA), Communist Revolutionary Party of France (PCRF), Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Swiss Communist Party, Workers' Party of Ireland, Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE), Communist Front of Italy, New Communist Party of the Netherlands (NCPN), Union of Communists of Ukraine, Communist Party of Sweden (SKP), Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), Communist Workers' Party of Finland. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Communist Party of Israel — Hadash: In response to an Israeli call "to drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza"

In a statement issued in response to the call to drop a nuclear bomb on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the head of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, and former Knesset Member Issam Makhoul called on the international community and relevant international organizations to remove the threat of Israeli nuclear weapons from the Palestinian people and the peoples in the region, and oblige Israel to join the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)! 

50 years since the 1973 Athens Polytechnic uprising against the Greek Junta

This Friday, 17th November 2023, marks the 50th anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising which subsequently led to the fall of the military dictatorial regime in Greece. 

The events at the Athens Polytechnic in 1973 consist one of the most significant moment of class struggle in Greece during the second half of the 20th century. But what was the historical background and the socio-political developments that led to the uprising of the Greek youth?

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Founding meeting of the European Communist Action to be held on Saturday 18/11 in Athens

A new regional cooperation organization by Communist and Workers' Parties of Europe, under the name "European Communist Action", is due to be founded on Saturday 18 November in Athens.

As "Rizospastis" daily reports, the founding meeting will be hosted by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the introductory speech is going to be delivered by the General Secretary of the CC of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Israel: Communist MP Aida Touma-Sliman sanctioned over statements against Gaza War

Aida Touma-Sliman and Ofer Cassif (Photo: Zo Haderech)
Knesset Ethics Committee suspended Wednesday a leading Communist Party of Israel lawmaker, MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash) from the plenum sessions and committee meetings for a period of two months over statements she made against the war in Gaza.

The Touma-Sliman’s post read: “And they still insist: The ‘most moral army in the world’ does not harm innocents and does not attack hospitals!” That evening, the army spokesman issued an official statement saying that the military is not striking [Palestinian Hospital in Gaza Strip] Al-Shifa.” Touma-Sliman said her words were taken from “repeated Palestinian testimonies in the hospital” that she had given and subject to “the right of freedom of speech given to members of Knesset.”

Meanwhile in Venezuela, Maduro government's anti-communist plan against PCV goes on...

Anti-communist plan continues: Government-PSUV tries to co-opt PCV members and organisms with money and threats

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) denounces before the public opinion a new phase of the aggression maintained by the leadership of the Government of Nicolás Maduro and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) aimed at "neutralizing the political action of the legitimate leadership elected by the Venezuelan communists". 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Communists in Finland protested against the ban of communist symbols

On the initiative of the Communist Workers' Party of Finland, a protest against the government's plans to ban communist symbols. was organized on Sunday in Helsinki's central square.

A few months after the country's accession to NATO, the coalition government in which the far-right racist "Party of Finns" also participates, promotes a bill under the pretext of "combating racism and discrimination".

Saturday, November 11, 2023

KKE: Short answers to current ideological-political questions concerning the Israeli attack and massacre against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip

Article by the International Relations Section of the CC of the KKE

Short answers to current ideological-political questions concerning the Israeli attack and massacre against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip

From the first hours of the recent military attack of the Israeli state and the massacre against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the KKE took a militant and principled position on the side of the Palestinian people and organized dozens of solidarity mobilizations. The communists led many workers’-people’s mobilizations all over Greece. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

Israel: Communist Party leading member Mohammad Barakeh detained after announcing anti-war protest

UPDATE, 10 November 2023
According to the Communist Party of Israel (CPI), after several hours of detention and interrogation, comrade Mohammad Barakeh, was released without restrictions, all other members arrested at the protest were released with restrictions including a distancing from Nazareth for 14 days.  
A leading Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and former Hadash lawmaker was detained Thursday morning after he announced a protest against the war in Gaza. Mohammad Barakeh, chair of umbrella organization for the Arab-Palestinian community in Israel, the High Follow-up Committee, called for Arab officials to demonstrate in Nazareth. The general public was not invited to the vigil.

Portuguese Communist Party: On the political situation arising from the resignation of Prime Minister Costa

On Thursday 9/11, the President of Portugal Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa announced that snap parliamentary elections will be held on March 10, 2024, following the resignation of social democrat Prime Minister Antonio Costa, due to corruption allegations. 

In a statement about the situation on November 7, the General Secretary of the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP), Paulo Raimundo, stressed out:

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Diamantis Mavrodoglou, Greek veteran communist and former KKE MP, dies at 99

Diamantis Mavrodoglou, an emblematic veteran of the Greek communist movement who served as an MP for the Communist Party (KKE) from 1977 to 1989, died on Tuesday aged 99. 

Born in 1924, Mavrodoglou participated in the Greek Resistance against the Axis Occupation during the Second World War, being a member of EPON (United Panhellenic Organization of Youth) and ELAS (Greek People's Liberation Army). He became a member of the KKE in 1944.

Transport Trade Unions Greece-Italy-Turkey: STOP the massacre in Palestine! STOP the Transport of Death!

STOP the massacre in Palestine!

STOP the Transport of Death!

The history of transport workers has always been clearly on the side of peace, against fascism, racism, against any occupation and oppression of peoples.

For this reason, we cannot tolerate the transformation of the ports, airports, ships and trains of Europe into centers of trafficking of death.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Israel - Palestine: 35 Jewish and Arab Rights Groups Call for Ceasefire, Hostage Deal

35 Israeli Jewish and Arab peace and human rights groups called on the far-right government to work towards a ceasefire in Gaza, to bring to the release of Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas, and work towards a political and diplomatic solution to the conflict.

An open letter signed by the groups also called on Israel to curb the rampant settler violence in the occupied West Bank and stop the persecution of Palestinian citizens of Israel and of those who express solidarity with the residents of Gaza and oppose the war.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Communist Youth of Greece condemns the arrest of Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi

In a statement (here in Greek) about the arrest of young Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi by the Israeli Armed Forces in occupied West Bank, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE), stresses out:

"The Communist Youth of Greece condemns the arrest of Ahed Tamimi by the Israeli army and demands her immediate release. The 22-year-old Palestinian fighter became a symbol of the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation, when the image of the then-teenage Ahed slapping the armored Israeli soldiers traveled all over the world, and for this reason she was imprisoned for 8 months by the Israeli state.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Joti Brar’s Tantrum About the Imperialist Pyramid

The Institute for the Critical Study of Society (ICSS) has announced its video session for Nov. 5, 2023. Joti Brar will speak on “The Theory of the Imperialist Pyramid.” Fortunately, she has written an article on the same topic.

The ICSS’s advance announcement coyly identifies Brar as a member of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform. That she is. She is also a vice chair of the CPGB M-L and daughter of Harpal Brar, a founder of the group (be sure to include the “G” for Great Britain in order to avoid mistaking it for the CPB M-L).

Communist Party of Kenya: Statement on King Charles III's Visit and British Colonial Legacy

The Communist Party of Kenya Statement on King Charles III's Visit and British Colonial Legacy

In the looming shadow of King Charles III's visit to our nation, we find ourselves confronted by a stark and unsettling reality. His presence serves as a jarring reminder of an old-world order, a fading relic of redundant and defeated feudal forces that once dominated Europe. 

King Charles III embodies a symbol of wanton robbery, echoing the exploitation of the global south. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Joint statement of Communist Youth Organisations: Solidarity with the Palestinian people!


Solidarity with the Palestinian people!

1. We demand that Israel’s aggression and blockade on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank stop now. We call on the people to continue to take to the streets to struggle, to organize popular mobilizations against Israeli aggression all around the world. We express our full solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemn the brutal military offensive, the inhuman blockade and the barbarous genocide by the Israel in the Gaza Strip, with thousands of dead civilians, children and elderly, deprived of food, water, medicine and electricity. We denounce the support of the USA, Britain, NATO and the EU for the Israeli offensive.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Turkey and the Socialist Revolution: Are We Chasing a Dream?

By Kemal Okuyan, TKP General Secretary 

October 2023 

The question “Do you really believe in revolution?” is probably not asked only to Turkish communists. 

It has been 32 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union. We labeled the 20th century the era of transition from capitalism to socialism. In the last decade of that century and in the period that followed, we did not encounter even a single example that could mean “transition to socialism”. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

D. Koutsoumbas: On the military conflict between Israel and Palestine and the developments in the region

By Dimitris Koutsoumbas*

Israel’s ground offensive on the Gaza Strip will trigger a general conflagration in the region, and more generally, on a global scale. This issue was rightly addressed by the recent plenary meeting of the CC of the KKE. The CC reaffirmed the public positions of the Party, as they were reflected in press releases of the Press Office, in the interventions of its MPs in the Greek and the European Parliaments, as well as its actions in the mass movement.

Α. The regional and international powers–capitalist states involved in the conflict in the Middle East 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Mass demonstration in support of Palestine in Athens — مظاهرة ضخمة مؤيدة لفلسطين في أثينا

On Sunday 29/10, a mass demonstration in support of Palestine took place in Athens, following a call by the All Workers’ Militant Front (PAME). 
Thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the US embassy and then marched to the Israeli embassy.

Addressing the rally, the trade union representatives demanded an end to the massacre of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and to the Israeli occupation. 

The Palestinian people between Zionism and Hamas

By Nikos Mottas

In these critical hours, the only right side of history is one: With the suffering people of Palestine!

With the civilians, children, women and all those who have become the target of the barbaric Israeli military raid in Gaza. With all those who, for 75 years, have been refugees in their own land, trapped and packed in a few square miles.

Any support, direct or indirect, to the Israeli state and its imperialist, genocidal policy constitutes complicity in the ongoing crime against the Palestinian people.  

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Grover Furr — Paul Robeson's Meeting with Itzik Fefer, June 1949

By Grover Furr

In 1981 Paul Robeson’s son, Paul Robeson Jr, claimed that his father had told him privately that in June 1949 he, Paul Sr, learned about the persecution of some prominent Jews in the Soviet Union, but had never publicly revealed this fact and had asked his son to promise not to reveal it during his, Paul Sr’s, lifetime. In later years Paul Jr repeatedly confirmed this story. In the present article I check this story against the evidence that is now available. I conclude that Paul Jr’s story is untrue.