
Saturday, July 8, 2023

KKE MEPs call EU Commission to position itself on the political persecution of Josef Skála in Czech Republic

In a question addressed to the European Commission, the MEPs of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Kostas Papadakis and Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos, denounce the unacceptable and provocative prosecution of Dr Josef Skála, leading cadre of CP of Bohemia and Moravia, in Czech Republic and calls the EU body to position itself towards the issue.

As 902 portal reports, among others, the KKE MEPs question stresses out: 

“J. Skála was sentenced by the Court of Prague to eight months imprisonment with 18 months suspension, because during a radio broadcast he expressed doubts on the Czech authorities' claim that the Soviet Union was allegedly responsible for the mass grave of Polish officers in the Katyn forest, presenting results of research and academic sources that defend the opposite view.

As it is known, on 13 April 1943, almost two months after the crash of the fascist military in Stalingrad, a mass grave of Polish officers was found in the Katyn forest. Both the Czech authorities and the EU which has adopted anti-communism as an official ideology, with the support of capitalist Russia, claim that the responsibility belongs to the Soviet Union.

However, there are findings, documented by academic research and evidence, not only from the side of the USSR but also from the USA, France and Poland, among others, which argue that the alleged “Katyn Massacre” is a Nazi fabrication and provocation under the guidance of Goebbels, which after the dissolution of the USSR is accepted to this day by the leadership of capitalist Russia by using demonstrably fabricated findings. After all, this case has also been defeated during the trial against the CPSU in the Russian Constitutional Court in 1992.

Based on the above, the KKE MEPs submitted the following questions:

“How is the European Commission positioned:

to the request for the immediate suspension of Josef Skála's prosecution, as well as of the other co-accused, recognizing the inalienable right to freely express views and opinions on historical events? 
to the fact that the prosecution and conviction of J. Skála was carried out on the basis of EU's anti-communist declarations and unacceptable resolutions of the European Parliament which deliberately falsify historical truth?