Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Swaziland: Mswati and his murderous regime are becoming increasingly isolated

In line with the Communist Party of Swaziland’s call for the boycott of Mswati’s umhlanga ritual, young girls in Swaziland have overwhelmingly rejected the annual exploitative ritual. 

Escorted buses and lorries, dispatched by Mswati all over Swaziland to fetch young girls, returned empty from pick-up points. This is a victory for all Swazis. Mswati and his murderous regime are becoming increasingly isolated. 

This overwhelming boycott is yet another act which proves beyond any doubt that Swazis are fed up with Mswati and his autocratic tinkhundla system as well its backward practices. 

Traitor Mikhail Gorbachev dies at 91

Mikhail Gorbachev, the counterrevolutionary who betrayed the dreams and aspirations of millions of people in the former Soviet Union, has died at the age of 91. 

"Gorbachev passed away tonight after a serious and protracted disease," Interfax news agency cited Russia's Central Clinical Hospital as saying in a statement.

Gorbachev will be buried in Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery next to his wife Raisa, who died in 1999, said Tass news agency, citing the foundation that the former Soviet leader set up once he left office.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Turkey: Communist, Left parties formed the “Union of Socialist Forces”

An electoral alliance under the name “Union of Socialist Forces” (Sosyalist Güç Birliği) was formed in Turkey in order to context in the upcoming general elections which are due to be held on 18 June 2023.

Under the slogan “We protect the future of our country together”, the electoral alliance was announced on August 20th during a press conference in Ankara. 
The participatory parties include the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), the Left Party (SOL), the Communist Movement of Turkey (TKH) and the Revolution Movement (Devrim Hareketi). 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Karl Marx statue unveiled next to Lenin in Germany's Gelsenkirchen

In June 2020, a 2-meter (6.5-foot) statue of Vladimir Lenin had been unveiled at the headquarters of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) in Gelsenkirchen. But,
what is better than a statue of Lenin? Answer: Two statues, one of Lenin and one of Marx.

Yesterday, August 27, a 2.1-meter aluminum statue of Karl Marx took its position next to Lenin's. Approximately 1,200 people gathered outside the MLPD headquarters to attend the event for the monument's presentation.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Latvian workers refuse to demolish Soviet memorial

Photo:Александр Тимофеев
A few days ago we wrote about the despicable decision of the Latvian authorities to dismantle Soviet monuments, including the memorial complex dedicated to the country's liberation by the Red Army in Riga. 

News source from the Baltic country reported that workers refused to dismantle Soviet-era monuments in the eastern Balvi region. 

Like many other memorials of Soviet heritage, the monument that is dedicated to the partisans of the Red Army in the Balvi region is planned to be dismantled and transferred to the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia. According to a statement by the chairman of the regional Duma, Sergei Maksimov, local workers refuse to do this.

Sweden's Communist Party condemns the extradition of Kurdish fighters to Turkey

In a statement published in its official gazette “Riktpunkt” (here in Swedish), the Communist Party of Sweden (SKP) condemns the extradition of Kurdish fighters from Sweden to Turkey. The SKP also reiterates its strong opposition to Sweden's accession in NATO.

“In their effort to join NATO, Sweden's bourgeoisie and its social democratic government reject everything related to human rights. Sweden's social democratic government entered into a deplorable agreement with Turkey to extradite Kurdish communists and other fighters who have lived in Sweden for years and received asylum to escape Turkey's oppression and death threats”, points out the SKP. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

KKE: "Hands off the anti-fascist monuments of Europe”

“The Red Army's antifascist Victory cannot be erased! Hands off the anti-fascist monuments of Europe” points out a statement of the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) concerning the dismantling of the Soviet monument in Riga, Latvia on 23 August. More specifically, the statement (here in Greek) reads: 

“The decision of the authorities of Latvia and the city of Riga to destroy the entire complex of the anti-fascist monument, which was located in a central part of the Latvian capital and related to the liberation of Riga from the fascist invaders, is another step towards the rewriting of history. It took place in a country where anti-communist persecutions are practiced and which has already proceeded to the justification of the Nazi collaborators, the Nazi “legions” which officially parade ever year. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Shame of the Baltics: Latvia, Estonia dismantle Red Army memorials

Following the overthrow of Socialism in the beginning of the 1990s, the bourgeois governments in the former Soviet Republics of the Baltic region (namely Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania) engaged in long-term anti-communist, anti-soviet campaigns. The activity of Communist Parties was prohibited, communist symbols were banned and socialist-era monuments were destroyed.

In a recent episode of this anti-communist hysteria, Latvian authorities decided to proceed to the the dismantling of a 1985 memorial dedicated to the Red Army. As a pretext for this shameful act the Latvian government used the Russian invasion in Ukraine! The first question that comes to our mind is: What does the ongoing war in Ukraine have to do with the Soviet Red Army? What kind of relation does capitalist Russia have with the Soviet Union?

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Venezuela's Communist Party denounces "shameful attacks" by PSUV leader Cabello

Caracas, 23-08-2022- This Monday, during its press conference, the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) qualified as shameful the attacks maintained by the Vice President of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, against the Communist Party of Venezuela through the Venezuelan State media.

"You lash out against the Communist Party of Venezuela and against our General Secretary using your position of power and from your economic well-being, taking advantage of the State media, without allowing us a right to reply to your excessive and euphoric attack",said Carlos Lazo, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the PCV. 

Stalin never allied with Hitler: The Truth about the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

 By Nikos Mottas.

"If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible...”
Harry Truman, 1941.

Since the end of the Second World War, the bourgeois historiography has tried to distort various incidents in order to vilify Socialism and the USSR. One of these incidents- which has been a "banner" of imperialism's apologists and other anticommunists- is the so-called “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” which was signed in 1939. In it's unscientific, unhistorical effort to equate Communism with Nazism, the bourgeois propaganda presents the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact as a medium of expansive policy by the USSR and Hitler's Germany. The distortion of historical events, the amalgamation of lies and the half-truths by the Imperialists and their collaborators aim in defaming the huge role of the Soviet Union in the anti-fascist struggle of WW2.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Danish communists mourn the death of Bo Moeller

Bo Moeller, long time cadre of the Communist Party in Denmark (KPiD) who served as international secretary, has died following a cardiac arrest at the age of 68.

According to a communique issued by the KPiD (Kommunistisk Parti i Danmark), Moeller was a loyal, faithful, devoted and intelligent comrade. 

Bo has been a organized communist for 50 years. First in the youth party, then the student organization and then again the party and participated in starting the Communist Forum in 1991 and later on our present party, KPiD.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Palmiro Togliatti: The International Significance of the October Revolution

For a Lasting Peace, for a People's Democracy!" Vol. 2, no. 21; November 1, 1948 via
By Palmiro Togliatti,

Nearly a third of a century has passed since Soviet Power was established. Since November 1917, 31 years have gone by in the course of which mankind and the peoples of capitalist Europe in particular, have passed through a period of acute economic and political crises, through bitter battles between the forces of democracy and peace and the forces of reaction and war.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

India - Bilkis Bano case: Communists vehemently condemn the release of rapists and murderers

Bilkis Bano was five-months pregnant when she was attacked by a Hindu mob in 2002 as anti-Muslim violence gripped the western Indian state of Gujarat. Bano, then 21 years old, was gang-raped by sword-wielding men from her neighborhood. Fourteen of her family members were killed, including her 3-year-old daughter, who was snatched from her arms and bashed against a rock.

A few days ago, on the 15th of August, 11 men serving a life sentence for the crimes were released from prison on remission by the Gujarat state government, sparking widespread outrage and an emotional appeal for justice from Bano. 

The 1968 Prague Spring — Counterrevolution as the “Trojan Horse” of Imperialism

By Nikos Mottas
It was August 1968, in the capital of the Socialist Republic of Czechoslovakia, Prague, where the internationalist solidarity of the Warsaw Pact countries crushed one of the most significant counterrevolutionary efforts of the Cold War era. The events in Prague consist a milestone in the struggle of the socialist world against imperialism. At the same time, the then events continue serving as a source of anticommunist propaganda by various bourgeois and opportunist forces.

For many decades, the bourgeois historiography- supported by opportunists and counterrevolutionaries (trotskyites, eurocommunists, social democrats, etc.) refers to the “soviet tanks” which, as they argue, “drowned Prague in blood” thus ending prematurely the effort for a “socialism with a human face”.

Friday, August 19, 2022

10th anniversary of Marikana massacre: Statement by the South African Communist Party

On the 10th anniversary of the Marikana tragedy, the South African Communist Party (SACP) reiterates its call for workers and trade unions to unite with each other and together wage the common struggles against exploitation by capitalist bosses and for a capable and accountable democratic developmental state.

The SACP, once again, conveys its message of sincere condolences and solidarity to all the families of the workers who were killed before, during and after that tragic day, 16 August 2012, to the workers who were victimised, attacked and displaced, and to all the women workers who were sexually abused and raped. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Israel: Communists protested against new Gaza attack

Photo: Zo Haderech.
Protests were held in several locations across Israel last Saturday 6 August against the Israel Defense Forces’ deadly operation ongoing in Gaza, launched a day earlier. 
Protests were held in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Shefa-amr, Umm el-Fahm, Sakhnin, Rahat, Kufr Yasif, Jaffa, Taibe and opposite the house of Prime Minister Yair Lapid in Tel Aviv.

At a protest in Haifa, Joint List chairman MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) said: “A round [of fighting] brings another round, more killing and more resistance. The circle of horror needs to stop. We came out to protest together for the only way that will benefit both nations – real negotiations to end the occupation, founding a Palestinian state alongside Israel and a just peace.”

Sri Lanka protest leader Joseph Stalin released on bail

Sri Lanka trade union leader, General Secretary of Ceylon Teachers Union, Joseph Stalin who was arrested on August 3 has been released on bail.

Upon his release on Monday 8 August, Stalin told reporters that Sri Lanka’s youth-led Aragalaya (Struggle) protests will continue against what he called the suppressive actions of President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s government.

Sweden Elections: SKP election campaign in full swing

The electoral campaign is underway in Sweden, with the comrades of the Communist Party (SKP) being in the streets and residential areas thus spreading the message of the class struggle.

According to Riktpunkt, the official newspaper of SKP, members and friends of the Party in various cities, such as Uppsala, Sveg and Burlov, distribute flyers and talk to the people in working class neighborhoods and places of labour. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

KKE expresses solidarity with Cuba's Communist Party and people in face of Matanzas fire

On the occasion of the disastrous fire at the oil facility in Matanzas, the International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) sent a solidarity message to the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC).
As Rizospastis reports, the message reads:
“Dear Comrades,

Please convey to the Central Committee of the PCC, the government and the people of Cuba our internationalist solidarity for the large fire and destruction caused by powerful lightning at the Matanzas oil facilities.   

Monday, August 8, 2022

Hiroshima Child — Poem by Nazim Hikmet

The poem "Hiroshima Child" (The Little Girl), written by Turkish communist poet Nazim Hikmet in 1956, is a reference to the horror of the most barbaric crimes of the 20th century — the dropping of the atomic bomb by U.S imperialists in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945 respectively. 

The actual aim of the imperialist crime was to intimidate the peoples, to send a “message” to the Soviet Union and to the rising communist movement, as World War II had in fact already ended and the use of nuclear weapons didn’t play a role in its outcome. 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

KKE: On the tension between the USA and China

In a statement about the recent escalation of tension between the United States and China over the visit of Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) points out (here in Greek):

“The recent visit of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives in Taiwan, the mobilization of US military forces and the broader tension in the Indo-Pacific, are links in the chain of the dangerous competition between USA and China for the primacy in the global capitalist system. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Ho Chi Minh's bust to be erected in Greece

A bust in honor of the Vietnamese communist revolutionary and statesman Ho Chi Minh will be erected in the northern Greek town of Edessa, Greece's Foreign Minister announced on Monday during an official visit in Hanoi.

Following a meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son, Greek Minister Nikos Dendias wrote on Twitter: “President Ho Chi Minh, the founder of Vietnam, fought on the Macedonian Front in the period ‘16-'17 serving in the French army. We, therefore, agreed that a bust of him should be erected in Edessa to highlight this fact”.

Monday, August 1, 2022

PCV denounces British court ruling that endorses the theft of Venezuelan gold by Guaidó

In a statement issued on June 29th the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) stresses out:
"The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) expresses its energetic repudiation of the recent judgment of the High Court of London in favor of the administration of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) illegitimately appointed by Juan Guaidó with regard to the custody of the gold property of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, deposited in the Bank of England.