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BMP-1 tank of the Greek Armed Forces. |
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
KKE slams Mitsotakis' government for sending tanks to Ukraine
Greek communists: Alexandroupolis must be a port of the peoples, not a base or a target of the imperialists!
Based on the new Greece-US agreement on bases, Alexandroupolis has been selected for the establishment of a new US base, while it is already being used for the transfer of NATO weapons and troops to Eastern Europe.
Monday, May 30, 2022
100th anniversary of the Young Communist League of South Africa
"The South African Communist Party (SACP) salutes the Young Communist League of South Africa on this important occasion, the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Young Communist League of South Africa. Young Communist activity in our country, to be more specific in the centre of our economy, Johannesburg, dates back to before 1922. It dates back to 1921, just after the formation of the Communist Party. However, it was not until the 25th of May 1922 that the Party established the Young Communist League as a national youth organisation, as the scientific socialist voice of the South African youth.
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Communist Parties held anti-NATO event in Madrid
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Source: PCTE Twitter |
Russia: Communist Party deputies in Primorye region demand an end to Ukraine War
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CPRF deputy Leonid Vasyukevich. |
“We demand the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. We demand an end to military action”, legislative assembly member Leonid Vasyukevich said during Friday’s session. Vasyukevich, a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), said continuing Russia’s three-month campaign in Ukraine “would lead to an imminent increase in military deaths and injuries.”
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Portuguese Communist Party slams anti-democratic remarks by Ukrainian associations
Speaking during an event in Lisbon earlier this month, Maksym Tarkivskyy targeted the PCP over its position in the Russia-Ukraine War, saying that he cannot understand how “a democratic country continues to have a Communist Party”!
KKE on the seizure of Greek ships in the Persian Gulf
More specifically, the KKE statement (here in Greek) points out:
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Jean-Luc Godard: "Cannes Festival is a propaganda tool - Zelensky a bad actor"
Commenting on Zelensky's propagandistic appearance at Cannes, the legendary French-Swiss film director Jean-Luc Godard, one of the most influential European filmakers of the 20th century, wrote:
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
On Sweden and NATO: Interview of SKP leader Andreas Sörensen in Evrensel
— "What is your approach to Sweden's (and Finland if you'd like to comment also) NATO membership process? Why are you against it?
— As communists, we oppose the strengthening of every imperialist alliance. This applies to NATO as well, in particular as it is the strongest imperialist alliance in the contemporary world.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Western media glorifying Ukraine's neo-Nazi criminals
According to Reuters, in 2020 the number of paramilitaries in Ukraine reached 120,000, accounting for about 40% of the country's Armed Forces. Their ranks are filled by mercenaries of various nationalities, who were equipped, trained and funded by the United States, Canada, Britain and France.
Monday, May 23, 2022
Greece: Mass rally at the Ministry of National Defence against involvement in the imperialist war
The march was organized by the Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace (EEDYE), which on the same day organized other mass anti-imperialist demonstrations in Thessaloniki as well as in cities in the Peloponnese, Thessaly, Epirus, Macedonia, and Thrace.
Saturday, May 21, 2022
British Communist Youth: No NATO, no nukes! Shut down all US bases in Britain!
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Air Force base in Lakenheath, Eastern England |
England has for many years been plagued with an unwanted menace, growing like cancer across its green fields and spilling over into its towns and cities. It began in the summer of 1949 when two groups of American B29 bombers arrived supposedly for “training purposes.” It was a short stay, the government said — they soon would be leaving us.
Friday, May 20, 2022
Sudan's regime arrests Communist Party leaders
The urgent statement reads:
"The security forces of the brutal coup d’état authorities arrested today, May 19, 2022, Muhammad Mukhtar Al-Khatib the political secretary of the Sudanese Communist Party as well as Salih Mahmoud, member of the party’s political bureau upon their arrival in Khartoum coming from Juba, South Sudan.
Communists save Sweden's dignity — “NO to NATO membership!”
While the Swedish government, the ruling Social Democratic party and the other bourgeois forces have been completely surrendered to the sirens of imperialism, it is important to underline the stance of those who, firmly and consistently, say NO to the country's NATO membership: The Communist Party (SKP).
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Communist-backed Panspoudastiki triumphs in Greek university student elections
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Celebration for the electoral victory in Athens. |
Thousands of students supported the lists of Panspoudastiki thus giving a significant boost for the regroupment of the students movement, especially during a period when the conservative New Democracy (ND) government tries to implement reactionary reforms in Education.
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Turkish and Greek communists: "USA and NATO, get out of our neighborhood"!
The Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) and the KKE, two parties that share a long history of fraternal relations, organized bilateral meetings and joint events in Turkey between 11 and 15 May.
During the week, cadres from the two parties jointly traveled in different provinces, visiting TKP's District Houses and attended in political activities. Communists from the two countries have voiced their demands together, against NATO and US imperialism, against exploitation and capitalist barbarity.
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
NATO's "good boy": KKE comments on Mitsotakis-Biden meeting in Washington DC
Monday, May 16, 2022
Sweden's Communist Party slams Social Democrats over NATO bid
On Sunday, Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson announced that Stockholm will seek broad support for an application to join NATO, after her party dropped its long-standing opposition to membership.
Eight reasons why Finland should not join NATO
The Communist Workers' Party for Peace and Socialism (KTP), a member of the European Communist INITIATIVE, participates in the STOP NATO campaign.
Below, you can read eight reasons why Finland should not join NATO but remain non-aligned militarily:
Friday, May 13, 2022
KKE in EU Parliament: Question about the targeting of communists by "myrotvorets.center"
The site (myrotvorets.center) is online since August 2014 being under the “auspices” of the Ukrainian authorities. Thousands of people who have been identified either by the Ukrainian state or by the site's administrators as “enemies of Ukraine” have been blacklisted and some of them have been subject to murderous actions, threats, blackmails, etc.
Thousands of protesters in Greece raised their voice against the Greek-American Military Agreement
Thousands of people, workers, students, pensioners, men and women of every age, participated on Thursday afternoon in demonstrations in Athens and other major Greek cities against the Greece-USA Agreement which upgrades and extends the existing network of US-NATO military bases in the country.
The rallies were organized by the the Struggle Committee against the Greece–USA Agreement on Military Bases, with the support of the Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace (EEDYE), the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME), the Federation of Greek Women (OGE), numerous Workers' Unions and Associations, Students' Unions and other groups of the people's movement.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Giant banners by the KKE in the Acropolis: "No to War, No Involvement, No to the Bases of Death"
The message against the imperialist war and Greece's participation in it was written in both Greek and English.
This symbolic but powerful anti-imperialist act takes place in a day when the Greek government brings for ratification to the Parliament the Second Protocol Amending the Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement between Greece and the United States, which includes the expansion of U.S military bases in the country.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
TKP-KKE: Turkish, Greek communists strengthen joint struggle against imperialism-exploitation
More specifically, TKP will host a delegation of the KKE within the framework of comprehensive program of visits, meetings and political events throughout Turkey, including major cities Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya and Adana.
Shameful billboard against Victory Day in New York's Times Square
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The shameful billboard in New York City. |
The billboard, paid by the campaign "Unite with Ukraine", was referring to Russia and the ongoing imperialist war in Ukraine.
"MAY 9, RUSSIAN VICTORY SHAME DAY" was the message written in the billboard, provoking numerous negative comments in social media.
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
KKE: The imperialist war in Ukraine and the stance of the Russian Communist Workers’ Party (RCWP)
On the stance of the RCWP on the imperialist war in Ukraine
Following the article on the stance of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), we would also like to respond to some questions about the stance of the Russian Communist Workers’ Party (RCWP) regarding the war in Ukraine; questions which also arise from some unfounded remarks made by the RCWP about the Resolution of the CC of the KKE that some “well-intentioned” people, who are hostile to the principled positions of the KKE and support the geopolitical plans of the Russian bourgeoisie, took care to translate into Greek and disseminate in various media outlets.
Monday, May 9, 2022
KKE: Statement on the 77th anniversary of the Great Antifascist Victory of the Peoples
“The 9th of May inspires the peoples, it teaches them to have faith in their own power.
The USSR managed to achieve the feat of the anti-fascist victory thanks to the superiority of the socialist system, workers’ power, and the advantages of the socialization of the means of production and the central planning of the economy, which today are derided by the leaders of capitalist Russia (...) The workers’–people’s forces in Greece and all over the world will always commemorate the 20,000,000 Soviet soldiers and people that fell victims with admiration and respect.(...)
Communists in Berlin honored the Great Antifascist Victory despite police ban
Sunday, May 8, 2022
European Communist Initiative: 9th May, a milestone of the Great Antifascist Victory of the Peoples
We proudly commemorate 9 May, a milestone of the Great Antifascist Victory of the Peoples. We pay tribute to the millions of people who sacrificed their lives, fought with guns in their hands, and struggled against the fascist imperialist Axis of Germany–Italy–Japan and their allies.
Saturday, May 7, 2022
18th World Trade Union Congress: Opening speech by the General Secretary of the WFTU George Mavrikos
The Congress began on Friday 6 May and will conclude on Sunday 8th May.
On the first day, the General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) George Mavrikos delivered an opening speech, analyzing the experience from the Union's activity during the previous period as well as the challenges and struggles that are coming for the class-based working class movement:
Friday, May 6, 2022
Koutsoumbas: “The right side of history is the struggle against the imperialist war in every country”
The 18th World Trade Union Congress kicked off in Rome
Greeting messages were delivered by the host USB trade union, as well as by the President of the WFTU.
The three-day Congress, which takes place under the slogan “United, we continue! For the satisfaction of our contemporary needs, against imperialist-capitalist barbarity!”, will be concluded on May 8th.
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
KKE: On the imperialist war in Ukraine and the stance of the CPRF
“A struggle for markets and for freedom to loot foreign countries, a striving to suppress the revolutionary movement of the proletariat and democracy in the individual countries, a desire to deceive, disunite, and slaughter the proletarians of all countries by setting the wage slaves of one nation against those of another so as to benefit the bourgeoisie; these are the only real content and significance of the war. ” - V.I. Lenin, The Tasks of Revolutionary Social-Democracy in the European War, Collected Works, Vol 26, pp 1
All the above, underscored by the leader of the October Revolution more than one century ago, are absolutely true as regards the war in Ukraine. Many articles to date have highlighted aspects of the fight over markets, raw materials, and commodity transport routes.
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Farewell to veteran Cuban diplomat Ricardo Alarcón
On Twitter, President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez acknowledged Alarcón as a "great patriot and brilliant diplomat of the Cuban Revolution, whose work he defended with passion and solid arguments, making our people proud. Cuba mourns his departure".
Monday, May 2, 2022
May Day 2022 in Greece: "The working class does not bow its head" (VIDEO)
136 years since the uprising in Chicago, in the shadow of another imperialist war that is taking place for the profits of the capitalists, in the face of the escalating attack of governments against the workers' rights, the message of the May 1st protests throughout Greece is a beacon of hope.
Sunday, May 1, 2022
European Communist Initiative: Statement on the 1st of May, the International Workers' Day
"This year, we highlight the 1st of May in difficult conditions, amidst the severe sharpening of the contradictions within the imperialist system.
The constant escalation between the imperialist blocs of the world has as its inevitable outcome the sharpening of competition; as every monopoly needs to expand it will eventually encounter other monopolies seeking to do the same. The constant struggle for profits drive the policies of the bourgeoisie and its governments, and forces upon the people militarisation and an increase in exploitation. The fault is in the capitalist system itself.
Vladimir I. Lenin — May Day
Comrade workers! May Day is coming, the day when the workers of all lands celebrate Their awakening to a class- conscious life, their solidarity in the struggle against all coercion and oppression of man by man, the struggle to free the toiling millions from hunger, poverty, and humiliation.
Two worlds stand facing each other in this great struggle: the world of capital and the world of labour, the world of exploitation and slavery and the world of brotherhood and freedom.