Workers, immigrants, members and friends of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) who live and work in Germany honored the 150th birth anniversary of the legendary communist revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg, 902 portal has reported.
In Berlin, members and friends of the KKE and its youth wing, KNE, deposited flowers in the place where her lifeless body was thrown by the paramilitaries of social democrat Gustav Noske in January 1919. The event in memory of Rosa Luxembourg was also attended by representatives of the German Communist Party and the Communist Party of Turkey.
In Dresden, KKE members deposited flowers to the memorial erected in honor of Rosa Luxembourg in 1979. After the 1989-90 counterrevolutionary overthrows the memorial was removed for a long period before being placed back in another spot.
In the three events, the KKE cadres delivered short speeches highlighting Rosa Luxembourg's remarkable revolutionary activity, unwavering militant stance and personality.