
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Solidarity with the KKE — Communist and Workers' Parties denounce Greek government's authoritarianism

Yesterday, on the 47th anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising, the rally of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) was violenty attacked by riot police forces in the center of Athens.

A few days ago the conservative New Democracy (ND) government, escalating authoritarianism and repression, banned anti-imperialist demonstrations and any gathering of more than three people across the country, on the pretext that the march would be a health 'time bomb' due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The KKE performed its rally, in an organized way and observing all the necessary social distancing measures. But the police, on the orders of the government, unleashed an unprovoked attack with batons, tear gas, water cannons and stun grenades. The police did not hesitate to attack KKE MPs, while also injuring protesters and proceeding to dozens of arrests.

On this occasion, numerous Communist Parties express their solidarity and support to the KKE.

The source of the following statements is SolidNet

Party of Labour of Austria (PdA)

Dear comrades,

The Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Austria (PdA) expresses its solidarity to the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), its cadres and MPs, its members, all the workers and students participating in the activities and protests commemorating the 47th anniversary of the uprising in the Polytechnical University of Athens against the military junta. It condemns the violent repression by the police forces leading to injuries and groundless arrests. It condemns the repressive policies of the ND-government in Greece that uses the pandemic as a pretext in order to legislate and implement anti-workers and anti-people’s measures. By banning and attacking the protests it tries to strike the workers’ movement, its demands, its anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggle.

While the protests took place following all the necessary sanitary instructions and measures, the government brought thousands of policemen from all over the country who didn’t even keep the prescribed distances. Apart from that, the government has failed to protect the health and livelihoods of the people during the pandemic. The capitalist policies and the attacks on the healthcare system of this and previous governments left the people unprotected. It bans disciplined demonstrations, whereas it doesn’t protect workers in working places and public transportation.

The working class and the peoples have every right to demonstrate, protest and demand their rights. No government bans and repressive policies under any pretext will ever succeed in supressing the struggle of the working people against capitalism and imperialism. We know for sure, that the KKE and the Greek working class with the long experience from their struggles past and present will not bow to bourgeois rule and capitalist barbarity.

Long live proletarian internationalism!

Long live the Polytechnio uprising!

Long live the KKE!

Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Austria

Vienna, 17th November 2020 

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Communist Party of Bulgaria

Дорогие товарищи,

Коммунистическая партия  Болгарии резко осуждает меры правительства Греции против  антиимпериалистические мероприятия в связи с героической  47-й годовщиной востания студентов Политехнического института и рабочих Афин против военной хунты. Мы стоим плечо к печу с вами в героической борьбы против капитала и его представителям всех мастей.

Мы убеждены, что нажим капитала над рабочим класом усиливает сопротивительные силы и пробуждение народа.

С товарищеском приветом:

Александър Паунов

Первый секретарь КПБ

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Party of the Bulgarian Communists

Дорогие товарищи,

От имени Партии болгарских коммунистов выражаем нашу полную солидарность с антиимпериалистическим мероприятием в связи с 47-ой годовщиной восстания студентов Политехнического института и рабочих Афин против военной хунты.

Также мы высказываем наш протест против действий нынешних властей Греции, которые с предлогом прнятия меры против COVID-19 начали репрессии против демонстрантов из КПГ и рабочих профсоюзов.

Мы твердо заявляем реакционным силам всех мастей “NO PASARAN”!!!

Интербюро ЦК Партии болгарских коммунистов
17 ноября 2020 года, Г. София

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German Communist Party (DKP)

Essen, November 17th 2020

To the Communist Party of Greece

Dear Comrades of the KKE, dear Comrade Dimitris Koutsoumbas!

We were deeply appalled to learn that the anti-imperialist demonstration on November 17th in Athens, on the occasion of the anniversary of the uprising of the students of the Athens Polytechnic and the workers of Athens in 1973 against the military junta, and other manifestations on the same occasion were banned by the right-wing government of Greece.

The German Communist Party condemns the anti-democratic measures of the government and the brutal attack by the police on the participants in a demonstration and rally organised by the KKE, who opposed the anti-democratic action of the government and made visible the resistance of the communist, anti-imperialist and anti-fascist forces today against the war policy of NATO, the policy of the Greek government and the EU against the people. We call for the immediate release of all detained demonstrators.

The German communists are in solidarity with the communists and anti-fascists of Greece in their struggle against the capitalist system inhuman to humanity.

Long live international solidarity!

With communist greetings

Renate Koppe
International Secretary

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Communist Party of India (Marxist)

Solidarity with the KKE
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) condemns the brutal police attack on the peaceful march organised by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) commemorating the 47th anniversary of the Polytechnic and Athens workers' uprising against the military junta. It expresses its solidarity and stands with the KKE in its antiimperialist, anti-capitalist, actions.

The demands raised during the Polytechnic uprising, ‘USA out - NATO out’ and ‘bread, education, freedom’, also express the contemporary struggles of the people against Greece's involvement in US-NATO imperialist plans, as well as the workers' and people's demands for rights to work, education, health, individual and trade union freedoms.

On the noon of November 17 in Athens, as soon as the march led by the General Secretary of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas reached the US embassy the police unleashed an unprovoked attack. Com Koutsoumbas, many of the Party’s members of the Parliament and leaders, trade union activists were brutally attacked and arrested.

The CPI(M) condemns this act of police brutality and expresses it’s solidarity with the people of Greece, who are resisting the authoritarian, anti-democratic actions of their government.

Central Committee

Communist Party of India (Marxist)

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Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan

В ЦК Компартии Греции

Уважаемые товарищи!

Мы заявляем свою солидарность с борьбой Коммунистической партии Греции и осуждаем действия правительства «Новой Демократии», направленные на развязывание репрессий против коммунистов и классовых профсоюзов, которые приняли участие в ежегодной демонстрации по случаю очередной годовщины восстания студентов политехнического университета Афин против диктатуры черных полковников 1973 года.

Мало того, что сама демонстрация была запрещена под видом мер для препятствования распространения пандемии, полиция и сотрудники спецслужб напали на активистов Компартии Греции, применив дубинки, водомёты и арестовав десятки людей. При этом ряд товарищей были ранены и госпитализированы.

Это еще раз показывает сущность правительства «Новой Демократии», которая только усиливает и доводит до своего логического конца те антирабочие и антидемократические меры, предпринятые еще правительством «СИРИЗЫ». Это в первую очередь антипрофсоюзные меры, направленные на разрушение классовых профсоюзов в лице Всегреческого боевого рабочего фронта ПАМЕ и ведущие к запрету забастовок, а также введение закона, требующего разрешения на проведение митингов и демонстраций и карающий за организацию несанкционированных акций.

Нынешнее нападение на мирных демонстрантов есть также символ установления полицейской диктатуры и является проявлением репрессий в отношении старейшей и крупнейшей по численности из всех Коммунистической партии Греции, которой 17 ноября также исполнилось 102 года с момента основания. Эти действия свидетельствуют о стремлении капиталистического класса нанести удар по рабочему движению и передовому отряду всех трудящихся в лице КПГ.

То, что нападение произошло на демонстрацию, которая устраивалась у посольства США, говорит о том, чьи интересы проводит в стране и регионе нынешнее правое правительство «Народной Демократии».

Социалистическое движение Казахстана осуждает репрессии греческого правительства, требует немедленного освобождения всех задержанных коммунистов и мирных демонстрантов, проведения расследования и наказания виновных сотрудников полиции, проявивших насилие в отношении участников акции, приуроченной годовщине антифашистского восстания студентов.

Мы вместе с греческими коммунистами в их борьбе за права трудящихся, за социализм!

Политсовет Социалистического Движения Казахстана

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Communist Party of Romania

Dear comrades
The Romanian Socialist Party expresses its solidarity with the protests in Athens and with our comrades from KKE.
The struggle continues, the victory is sure!
Gh Zbăganu

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Communist Party of Turkey (TKP)

Long live the Polytechnic Resistance!

Down with the Dictatorship of the Capital!

Today the Greek government violently tried to prevent the workers, who tried to commemorate the 1973 Polytechnic Resistance in Athens, one of the most important popular resistance examples in the history of the people of Greece. The government committed a crime against its own people.  

Police forces have brutally intervened or to put it straightforward, attacked the members of the Communist Party of Greece, members of trade unions and the All-Workers Militants Front (PAME). Tens of workers were arrested.  

The pandemic cannot be the justification neither for this prohibition nor for this intervention. The Greek government, who has privatised the health system, closed down the hospitals and healthcare centres, stayed away from taking the necessary precautions to protect the workers, the students and the elderly, and who has given the priority to the profit that the bosses will make instead of giving it to the living rights of the people, has somehow remembered the pandemic on the anniversary of the Polytechnic Resistance.  

None of the measures taken by any capitalist government against the pandemic are sincere.  

The pandemic is only an excuse. We know the real reason behind the intervention. The Greek bourgeois class wants to prevent the working people from getting organised. They are afraid the workers and they fear that the workers will lay claim to their own history. The government, through today's intervention, has proven that it is the continuation of the junta fascism in 1973.  

We firmly condemn the government's intervention. All those  who have been arrested  should immediately be released.  

We are always with the working people of the neighbouring Greece and their vanguard, the Communist Party of Greece.

Long live the Polytechnic Resistance!

Long live the Communist Party of Greece!

Long live the internationalist solidarity!

Communist Party of Turkey
Central Committee

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Communist Party of Ukraine

November 17, 2020 the Communist Party of Greece and a number of trade unions, student and other mass organizations observing all sanitary security measures due to the pandemic organized protest demonstration and rally in front of the American embassy in Athens to protect the rights, freedoms and interests of Greek workers to celebrate the 47th anniversary of the uprising of students of the Polytechnic Institute, supported by the workers and people of Athens, which became one of the decisive events that led to the overthrow of the military junta of "black colonels" in Greece supported by the United States (1967 – 1974).

To show their loyalty to the international imperialist exploiter and terrorist - the United States of America, the anti-popular government of Greece ordered the police to act with steaks, pepper gas, water cannons and stun grenades, despite that demonstrators and protesters were observing all sanitary security measures. As a result of this fascist police attack, protesters were injured, and dozens of demonstrators were arrested.

The Communist Party of Ukraine strongly condemns the repression against the Greek communists and other politically motivated demonstrators that took place on November 17, 2020 near the American embassy and demands the immediate release of all arrested protesters.

The Communist Party of Ukraine expresses its solidarity and support to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece Dimitris Koutsumbas, to all leaders and members of the Party who were subjected to political repression by the ruling regime of the country and calls on the authorities not to be like the infamous Greek military junta of "black colonel, because in a healthy democracy, which is so preached by Western politicians, political parties should not be prohibited or persecuted, but have the opportunity to participate in political discussion, one of the forms of which are peaceful demonstrations and rallies.

The Communist Party of Ukraine, which is also persecuted by the ruling national - oligarchic regime in on the basis of the anti - constitutional law on "decommunization" adopted by its master, the United States, calls on the international communist and workers' community for strong international solidarity and support by the Communist Party of Greece and the current jointly with her trade union, student and other public organizations.

Due to the fact that global capitalism, especially in the EU and the USA, along with the intensification of the exploitation of the working class and all workers, the growth of unemployment, provoked by them imperialist aggressive military conflicts, "wars for democracy", terrorist acts, the revival of neo-fascism and neo-Nazism in many countries of the world, unfolds anti-communist hysteria, the goal of which is to remove the active communist and workers 'parties from the political arena, the Communist Party of Ukraine calls on the international communist and workers' community for closer international unity and coordination of joint activities in order to prevent the implementation of this criminal plan.Long live the international communist and workers' movement!

Hands off the Greek Communist Party!

Freedom to the arrested protesters near the American Embassy in Athens on November 17, 2020!

Workers of all countries, unite!

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine

First secretary Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Petro Symonenko.

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Hungarian Workers' Party

Центральному Комитету

Коммунистической партии Греции


Дорогие товарищи!

От лица всех венгерских коммунистов выражаем нашу солидарность с Коммунистической партией и Коммунистическим союзом молодежи Греции и возмущенние действиями правительства Греции.

Венгерская Рабочая партия партия решительно осуждает полицейский террор, направленный против
мирных демонстрантов и требует немедленного освобождения арестованных.

Политика правящих классов под предлогом борьбы с пандемией стремится подавить все проявления народного недовольства. Новым доказательством этого стало ни чем не оправданное жесткое силовое подавление выступлений, организованных в память восстания в ноябре 1973 года против военной диктатуры. События 17 ноября 2020 года еще раз продемонстрировали силу и организованность рядов греческих коммунистов и их преданность делу борьбы против капитала, за социалистическое будущее.

Борьба коммунистов Греции дает нам силы и надежду в борьбе с общим врагом.

Дорогие товарищи! Желаем вам стойкости и успехов в вашей борьбе!


18 ноября 2020 года

Центральный комитет

Венгерской Рабочей партии

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Communist Party of Ireland

Repression against the KKE

Dear comrades,

We express our profound solidarity with the Communist Party of Greece as it faces attacks and repression by the Greek government. We salute your courage and determination to mobilise in a safe manner throughout Greece to commemorate the 47th anniversary of the Polytechnic and Athens workers’ uprising against the military junta.

The covid pandemic has exposed the precarious nature of the life experienced by the working class and the poor. It has exposed the real and deep crisis of funding and the gross inequality in public health and private health services, which is driven by greed and corporate profits.

The structural crisis of the system continues to take a heavy toll on the lives and well-being of billions of workers, the poor and peasants throughout the capitalist-organised economies.

We call for an end to the repression of the Communist Party of Greece and trade union activists. We have sent a letter of protest to the Greek Embassy in Dublin and to elected representatives demanding that they raise this matter with the Irish state.   

Yours in solidarity,

Eugene Mc Cartan, General Secretary. 

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Workers' Party of Ireland

The Workers’ Party of Ireland wishes to express its solidarity with theCommunist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) in light of the repressionby the Greek state of its 47th annual commemoration of the uprising against the US backed dictatorship.The uprising constituted a pivotal moment in modern European history, demonstrating that the Greek proletariat and youth were not intimidated by the dictatorship nor overawed by its support from American imperialism.

The revolt is directly responsible for the limited but nevertheless very real democratic space available in Greece today and, as such, the move by the Greek government to repress this year’s commemoration is a worrying development, not least in light of the spread of authoritarian capitalism across the globe in recent years.

The excuse of the Greek government that the current pandemic renders such commemorations unsafe is without foundation given the disciplined and health-conscious nature of the Communist Party which took the necessary precautions to maintain public health.

In light of the shift of so many left parties to being handmaidens of imperialism it is all the more imperative that thesocialist and communist movement remember past struggles against imperialist and authoritarian regimes.

We salute, therefore, the KKE for its steadfast adherence to genuine anti-imperialist principles and call on the Greek government to respect the democratic freedoms won in 1973 rather than erode them.

International Section of the Workers’ Party of Ireland

International Secretary: Gavin Mendel-Gleason
Assistant: James O'Brien

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Jordanian Communist Party

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Lebanese Communist Party

The Lebanese Communist Party denounces the brutality and repression against the KKE and the Greek people 

The Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) has been closely following the developments related to the hostile attack by the Greek police against the rally organized by the Communist Party of Greece in the center of Athens using batons, tear gas, water cannons and stun grenades, which caused several injuries among the demonstrators including leaders and MPs from the party. 

The LCP expresses its full solidarity with the KKE and strongly denounces the repressive practices by the right wing government and the police hostility against the Greek people and the Greek communists. 

Beirut, November 18, 2020

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Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF)

To the Central Committee of the  Communist Party of Greece 

Dear comrades!

The CPRF Central Committee expresses its solidarity to the Communist Party of  Greece, its members, allies and all  participants of protest in  commemoration of  the 47th anniversary of the uprising against the military junta  in the Polytechnic University of Athens.

We  have been closely following the situation  related to the hostile attack by the Greek police against the rally organized by the Communist Party of Greece and sharply condemn violent repressions against protesters as well as groundless arrests. Russian communists denounce the repressive policy of the ND - government in Greece that uses the pandemic as a pretext for implementation of anti-workers and anti-people’s measures.

We consider these actions as a desire of the capitalist class to strike a blow at the workers ' movement in Greece and the KKE as its vanguard. 

Doing this way ND - government  will never avoid its responsibilities for the collapse of Public health system and the lack of necessary measures, leading to thousands of  deaths every day. Instead of terror the government must fulfill its commitments to the people.

CPRF demands an immediate stop of  arbitrary actions undertaken by the authorities. All those arrested must be released immediately. All social commitments must be executed.   NO to political outrage! 


CPRF CC Presidium. 

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Russian Communist Workers' Party

Сползание к фашизму – это и есть новая демократия буржуазной власти в период кризиса

Заявление секретариата ЦК РКРП-КПСС по поводу попытки греческих властей силами полиции запугать, запретить и задавить демонстрацию коммунистов и трудящихся в день восстания студентов Политехнического института в 1973г.

Как нам сообщают товарищи из Коммунистической партии Греции, 17 ноября правительство Греции не только запретило антиимпериалистические мероприятия по всей стране в связи с героической 47-й годовщиной восстания студентов Политехнического института и рабочих Афин против военной хунты, но и приступило к репрессиям против демонстрантов КПГ и рабочих профсоюзов. Полиция напала на активистов КПГ с дубинками и слезоточивым газом, используя полицейские водомёты. Многие товарищи ранены и десятки арестованы.

РКРП выражает гневный протест против подлого нападения правительства правящей партии Новой демократии на трудящихся и расценивает эти действия как явные признаки фашизации режима.

Из теории и практики политической борьбы известно, что в периоды кризисов буржуазия часто отбрасывает маску демократии и применяет меры прямого насилия ради спасения своих капиталов, способа существования и возможностей жить за счет эксплуатации чужого труда. Все тяготы кризисов всегда перекладываются на плечи трудящихся, которым одновременно запрещают даже возмущаться. Именно это наблюдается в Греции, а также во многих странах мира в этот период кризиса и пандемии. В России тоже везде запретили демонстрации и митинги в день 7 ноября - 103-й годовщины Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции. Во многих городах полиция тоже противодействовала и проводила задержания активистов выступлений против капитализма.

Греческие власти применили насилие в святой для народа день -   День восстания студентов Политехнического института в ноябре 1973 года, поддержанного рабочими и народом Афин, которое стало началом борьбы к свержению фашистской хунты черных полковников в Греции (1967–1974г.г.), поддерживаемой США. В этот день каждый год проходят шествия под лозунгами «Вон США» «Вон НАТО!», «Хлеб, образование, свобода!», которые были лозунгами восстания студентов Политехнического института. Эти лозунги и сегодня выражают цели современной борьбы народа против участия Греции в империалистических планах США и НАТО, а также отстаивание трудящимися своих прав в сфере труда, образования, здравоохранения, сохранение личных и профсоюзных свобод. Такое антикапиталистическое содержание боевого празднования годовщины восстания студентов Политехнического института давно раздражает буржуазный класс, правительство и их американо-натовских союзников. В этом году правительство правой партии Новая демократия решилось воспользоваться предлогом мер против пандемии, чтобы скрыть свою ответственность за крах системы общественного здравоохранения, в то время как оно продолжает принимать десятки новых антирабочих и антинародных законов. При этом оно хотело подавить антиимпериалистический посыл восстания студентов политехнического института. Хотело погасить свет символа борьбы против фашизма и порождающего его империализма, за права и свободы для всех!

Но не получилось. Во-первых, КПГ и Всегреческий Рабочий фронт ПАМЕ, рабочее и народное движение показали, что могут адаптировать формы борьбы к условиям пандемии и соблюдать установленные санитарные нормы гораздо лучше, чем это делает правительство. Но главное, товарищи показали, что никакие репрессии и никакая пандемия не могут запретить и остановить народную борьбу за справедливость. Что настоящая зараза и гораздо большая опасность для общества исходит именно от капиталистической системы и её политических защитников.

РКРП решительно осуждает подлые бандитские репрессии властей Новой демократии и требует немедленного освобождения всех арестованных. Мы выражаем пролетарскую солидарность с борьбой трудящихся Греции и всех стран против капитализма, против угнетения и всякой эксплуатации.

Мы все в одном классовом строю!

Фашизм не должен поднять голову!

Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!

18 ноября 2020г

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Syrian Communist Party 

To the Central Committee of the KKE

Dear comrades,

The Central Committee of the Syrian Communist Party expresses its full solidarity with the Communist Party of Greece, which carried out a distinguished mass demonstration, on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the glorious Uprising of the Polytechnic Students, against the black dictatorial rule and the agent of imperialism. The demonstration by the Greek communist comrades on November 17th under the clear and principled slogans against imperialism and for the rights of the toiling people is a continuation of the valiant path of the Communist Party of Greece, which it has followed steadily since its foundation.

We also firmly denounce the repressive police measures that the Greek authorities have followed against the demonstrators, which indicate the fear of the ruling circles in your country from the escalation of the mass movement in light of the cyclic crisis of capitalism that the world is witnessing.

With our comradeship greetings and the unwavering affirmation of our international solidarity with your fraternal party.

Damascus 18-11-2020

The Central Committee of the Syrian Communist Party

The General Secretary,
Ammar Bagdache

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 Philippines Communist Party (PKP-1930)

Ambassador-Designate / Head of Mission
Unit 701, SEDCCO-1 Building
120 Rada Street, Legazpi Village
Makati City, Metro Manila 1229
E-mail: gremb.man@mfa.gr

Dear Ambassador-Designate Alexandridis :

The Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party) is shocked to learn that yesterday's commemoration of the 47th anniversary of the student uprising at the Polytechnic University in Athens in November 1973, with the traditional annual march and rally at the US embassy in Athens, was brutally suppressed. While the rally led by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) was in front of the US embassy in the center of Athens, in an organized way and observing all health protection protocols, the police unleashed an unprovoked attack with batons, tear gas, water cannons and stun grenades. The police did not even hesitate to attack KKE Members of Parliament, while also injuring many rallyists and proceeding to arrest dozens.

It is notable that what was being commemorated yesterday was the bold student uprising at the Polytechnic University in Athens in November 1973, which was one of the decisive events that led to the overthrow of the US-propped military junta that brutally ruled Greece from 1967 to 1974. Considering the recent positive development in Greece with the judicial declaration of the neo-fascist “Golden Dawn” party as an illegal and criminal organization --- a signal development which would have repercussions in other EU states where neo-fascist parties also exist –- the world was expecting a more liberal approach by the Greek government towards anti-fascist and anti-imperialist manifestations.

However, yesterday's barbaric repressive action was unprecedented. This year's escalation of authoritarianism and repression by the Greek government's ruling right-wing “New Democracy” party is directly to blame for yesterday's unprovoked and barbaric attack on the peaceful demonstrators. The decision of police minister Michalis Chrysochoidis to ban yesterday's march and rally, despite the statement of the Union of Judges and Prosecutors characterizing this decision unconstitutional and calling on the government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to quash it, was truly provocative and blood-thirsty, and was denounced by the broad political spectrum in your country.

In the same way that the November 1973 student uprising had the popular support of the workers and people of Athens, the yearly mass anti-imperialist marches every November 17 show the popular support by the people of Greece. The demands of the 1973 Polytechnic Uprising --- “USA out – NATO out”, and “Bread-Education-Freedom” –- are just as relevant in Greece today, as the Greek people struggles against your country's involvement in US-NATO imperialist war plans, and as they demand for rights to work, education, health, and individual and trade union freedoms.

We therefore call on you to bring to the attention of your government our strong condemnation of yesterday's unprovoked and barbaric attack by the police on the KKE rally in Athens, as well as our demand for the immediate release of all those arrested.

Sincerely yours,

General Secretary

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Communist Party of Britain 

Comrade Dimitris Koutsoumpas

The General Secretary

Communist Party of Greece KKE

18 November 2020

Dear Comrade Koutsoumpas

Following the meeting of our Political Committee yesterday, I write in solidarity with the Communist Party of Greece, in face of attacks on your members by government security forces and the widespread arrest of comrades during the suppression of planned demonstrations across Greece to mark the 47th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic rising and workers strike.

This attack on civil liberties and the rights of assembly undermines the rights of working people across Europe.

We will raise these issues within the working class movement here in Britain and assure you of our continuing solidarity.

With our comradely respects and best wishes

General Secretary Communist Party of Britain.

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Brazilian Communist Party

All solidarity with the Communist Party of Greece

The Brazilian Communist Party expresses its unrestricted solidarity with the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and repudiates the aggressions suffered by its militants who demonstrated in the streets in celebration of the 47th anniversary of the uprising of students and workers in Athens, against the military junta that then ruled the country. The police used gas bombs and attacked the demonstrators with batons and water jets. Many peolple got injured and there were dozens of arrests.

The anti-imperialist demonstration was banned by the government, which claimed to be taking “precautions against the Covid-19 pandemic”. The real reasons for the repression were the need for the government to hide its responsibility for the bankruptcy of the public health system, while continuing to adopt measures against workers, and to prevent the denunciation of imperialism.

Greek comrades, count on the support of the PCB!

Long live proletarian internationalism!

Long live Socialism!

Long live KKE!

Brazilian Communist Party

National Political Comission

November 18th 2020.

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Communist Party of Poland

Dear comrades of the Communist Party of Greece,

Communist Party of Poland condemns the police attack on participants of the march commemorating 47th anniversary of the uprising in the Polytechnical University of Athens against the military junta. We express our solidarity with the detained and support for the KKE and PAME cadres organising the protest.

Pandemics cannot be used as a pretext to ban peacefull protests and deprive the people of the right to express their oppinions. Drastic measures were undetaken by the same Greek right-wing government that fails to provide decent healthcare for the population, makes social cuts and endangers health of the population.

Actions taken by the police against the disciplined demonstrators, people wearing masks and keeping distance, were by no means result of the sanitary restrictions, but a show of force and violation of the human rights. Gathering so big police force, encircling and attacking protesters, poses bigger threat to the public health than peaceful march.

We are expressing similar occurences in Poland, where incompetent and arrogant authorities are using the police to suppress anti-government protests. Yesterday, on 18th of November peaceful demonstration of the Womens' Strike in Warsaw, was attacked by the police using gas.

It is clear that capitalism is using double standards. Sanitary restrictions in capitalist system are not sincere. They are directed against the working class and its representatives, and often combined with severe social-cuts and attack on labour rights.

We have every right to protest and express our anger at the anti-social measures taken by the capitalists. We have every right to organise and fight.

No to police violence!

No to political persecution!

Long live international solidarity!

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Poland.

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New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

Dear Comrades of the KKE, dear Comrade Dimitris Koutsoumbas!

The New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ) expresses its solidarity to the Communist Party of  Greece, its members, allies and all  participants of protest in  commemoration of  the 47th anniversary of the uprising against the military junta  in the Polytechnic University of Athens.

We call for an end to the repression of the Communist Party of Greece and trade union activists. All those  who have been arrested  should immediately be released.  

The NKPJ are in solidarity with the communists and anti-fascists of Greece in their struggle against the capitalist system inhuman to humanity.

Long live the Communist Party of Greece!

Long live the internationalist solidarity!

Yours in solidarity,

Aleksandar Banjanac,

General Secretary

Belgrade, 17th November 2020.

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Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE)

On the Repression in Greece: With the KKE With the Greek Working Class.

The Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) strongly condemns the events that took place in the morning of November 17 in Athens, when the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) commemorated, along with thousands of workers and several trade unions, the students who upraised in 1973 in the Polytechnic University against the dictatorship imposed by the military Junta.  

Under the pretext of the pandemic, and even though all the health protocols were observed, the Greek Government led by New Democracy (ND) has not hesitated in repressing all the demonstrators, causing injured people and dozens of arrests. The authoritanianism shown by the ND Government is increasing, as evidenced yesterday with the violence used against a demonstration called under the slogans “bread, education, freedom, work, and health” and “USA out NATO out”.  

The ND Government is directly responsible for the health situation in Greece, as it has attacked the life and labor conditions of the Greek working class. A Government that overcrowds our class in public transports, schools, and workplaces; and that cannot solve the huge lacks of the existing public health system. A Government that at the same time does not hesitate to show its most hypocritical face when it represses the fair claims of the workers and the other people’s strata. 

The PCTE denounces the cowardly attack of the Greek Government to the KKE and the other demonstrators, as well as its repressive mechanisms against workers. We also demand the free release of the detainees in this demonstration and send all our support to the KKE in its struggle for building Socialism-Communism in Greece.

 Press Office of the CC of the PCTE 

November 18, 2020.

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Communist Party of Swaziland

The Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) condemns the Greek government’s attacks on the commemoration of the 47th Polytechnic and Athens workers' uprising against the right-wing US-backed military junta which ruled Greece between 1967-1974. The Greek government’s reasoning that it banned the events due to the pandemic holds no water because it is the workers who have actually been at the forefront of the struggle against the pandemic while the government clutched at straws after allowing the collapse of the healthcare system. It is the people, not the government, who have been exemplary on prevention measures, in all their events observing proper health protection protocols against the pandemic.

The dictatorship of the US-backed military junta led to multiple murders of the people and widespread suppression, against which the people stood up. The annual anniversary rally (17th of November) conveys the messages "USA out - NATO out" and "bread-education-freedom", which were slogans of the Polytechnic uprising.

The CPS also offers unconditional solidarity with the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the entire working class. The CPS is also encouraged by the resilience and fighting spirit that the KKE, students, workers and all anti-imperialist protesters have demonstrated in the wake of these attacks. It has emerged that police forces attacked KKE protesters with batons, tear gas, and water cannons, seriously injuring many people and also overseeing dozens of arrests.

This latest act by the Greek government is aimed at getting rid of the anti-imperialist message of the uprising of 1973, and in this regard wishes to wipe away the history of the Greek working class. The government also wishes to justify the imperialist grip of NATO in Europe and the consequences of such control.

The CPS calls upon the working class of the entire world to unite in the fight against imperialism. The advance of imperialist forces such as NATO and its ally, the USA regime, has led to untold suffering to the people of the world and must be resisted with decisive working-class unity.

Issued by the Communist Party of Swaziland.

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Communist Party of Mexico

Al Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Grecia

Queridos camaradas.

Queremos expresar nuestra solidaridad al KKE, la KNE y las expresiones clasistas del movimiento de masas (PAME, MAS, etc) frente a la represión sufrida este 17 de Noviembre, mientras se movilizaban en ocasión del 47 aniversario del levantamiento estudiantil-popular de la Universidad Politécnica contra la dictadura.

Condenamos los hechos represivos del Gobierno griego, hoy en manos de la Nueva Democracia, pero al igual antes con Syriza (en coalición con ANEL), demuestran que el Estado en manos de la clase burguesa será siempre un adversario de las luchas obreras y populares.

Desde el Primero de Mayo de este año, las fuerzas clasistas con su impresionante demostración, caracterizada por la organización y la combatividad han lanzado un desafío al poder burgués, de mantener la lucha y la movilización, pese a que con el pretexto del Covid-19 se busca restringir el derecho popular a manifestarse, a protestar y a la acción política. A lo largo de esta larga pandemia los trabajadores de Grecia, y el KKE a la vanguardia, han lanzado a los trabajadores del mundo un mensaje de esperanza de que es posible enfrentar al capital en cualquier condición, que la lucha de clases no se confina, ni la actividad revolucionaria se detiene. En estos meses al frente de la clase han sabido propinar una importante derrota a las fuerzas profascistas de Amanecer Dorado.

El curso del gobierno de Mitsotakis se afana sin lograrlo por apaciguar el conflicto de clase, con regulaciones legales y con la utilización de la represión policial. Un intento vano, pues enfrenta a un proletariado consciente, decidido, que cuenta con un Estado mayor templado en un siglo de lucha, en condiciones complejas y de grandes dificultades. El glorioso Partido Comunista de Grecia supo y sabrá estar a la altura de cualquier situación de la lucha de clases, y es sin duda el elemento dinámico e indicador de la ruta de los trabajadores de Grecia en sus objetivos contemporáneos y futuros.

En tanto que Mitsotakis, como ayer Tsipras, serán solo malos recuerdos de las expresiones serviles a la clase dominante, los trabajadores serán los protagonistas de la historia y los constructores de la nueva sociedad en Grecia, y el KKE su indiscutible vanguardia.

Reciban nuestra solidaridad. Nuestro apoyo para los días siguientes y para la huelga general que se prepara en los siguientes días.

¡Libertad a los presos políticos, sindicalistas y estudiantes!

¡Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!

El Comité Central del Partido Comunista de México

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AKEL C.C. Press Office, 18th November 2020, Nicosia

AKEL condemns the senseless and unprovoked attack by the Greek police on MP’s and leading members of the Communist Party of Greece and trade union organisations, during yesterday's anniversary of the Polytechnic popular uprising, a symbol of the struggle against fascism and imperialism. As television footage show, the KKE proceeded to hold a meetingon the heroic anniversary with exemplary observance of public health protection measures, however it was attacked with tear gas and chemicals by police forces who anything but showed any respect for thehealth protection measures.

AKEL expresses its solidarity with the struggle of the KKE and the workers movement in Greece forprotective measures be taken to support the public health system, working people and the popular strata in view of a new crisis.

On the occasion of yesterday's 102nd anniversary since the foundation of the KKE, AKEL addresses a comradely greeting of struggle and solidarity to the members and leadership of the KKE, to the communists of Greece.

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Party of Communists, USA (PCUSA)


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Communist Party of Denmark

Dear comrades in the KKE,

The Communist Party in Denmark, KPiD are well aware of what happened when the Greece military took the power at the coup d’état in 1967.

We really do understand that the KKE, KNE, PAME and other progressive organizations and persons every year mark the anniversary of the coup.

Therefore, it is frightening that the authorities in Greece this year attacked those good people demonstrating for a better Greece and remembering what happened I 1967 and the years after when the fascist military ruled the country.

The KPiD send our most fraternal greetings to the KKE on this occasion. Let there never more be at fascist military coup in Greece!


The Communist Party in Denmark, KPiD

Bo Moeller.

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Communist Party of Canada

Dear Comrade Dimitris Koutsoumpas,

The Communist Party of Canada expresses our deep solidarity with the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), in the face of police attacks and repression by the Greek government during the commemoration of the 47th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising. 

Capitalist governments around the world are using the COVID-19 pandemic as a pretext for implementing anti-worker and anti-people policies which benefit corporations and monopolies. These include deep austerity measures, sweeping privatization of public services and assets, rollbacks in labour and democratic rights, and massive transfers of wealth from the working class to capitalists. 

Capital’s response also includes efforts to criminalize dissent and opposition, under the cover of “protecting public health” and “maintaining the economic recovery.” In Canada, for example, we see increased repression against Indigenous land defenders and their allies, as the state protects and expands the profits and power of oil corporations and land developers. In Greece, we see the attempted ban and then the violent police attack on communists, students and trade unionists who were peacefully marching to commemorate the historic and just uprising against the military junta. 

The global pandemic has exposed the sharpening contradictions within capitalism and triggered a deep economic crisis that is rocking the centres of imperialism. It is sparking increased resistance from the working class and its allies, which has drawn repressive and even violent interventions from the bourgeois state. 

But despite this repression, the struggle of the working class will continue. 

We salute the Greek communists, students and workers who mobilized for the 47th anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising and the struggle against the military junta. 

We demand an end to the anti-communist, anti-worker and anti-people repression in Greece and around the world. 

We call for workers and oppressed peoples of all lands to unite! 


Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada.