
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

USA Protests: Joint Declaration by Communist Parties in solidarity with the people of the U.S.

After an initiative by the Communist Party of Canada (CPC), the Communist Party of Mexico (PCM) and the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA) more than 40 Communist and Workers' Parties from all over the world have signed a joint declaration in solidarity with the workers and the people of the United States, against repression, capitalism and its barbarism. 

The Joint Declaration reads:

We, the Communist and Worker's Parties express our solidarity with the multinational working class of the USA and with the North American people that have taken to the streets mobilizing against racism, repression, unemployment, and other acute problems caused by the capitalist system of exploitation.  

The murder of George Floyd is not an exception, it's a rule racist policy, against African-Americans, Latinos, and immigrants of other nationalities. The system of exploitation confronts, in the same manner, the whole of the working class, as the COVID-19 pandemic proves, that is currently over two million infections and almost 113,000 deaths, where many lives could have been saved, but a privatized health care system turned out to be dangerous because its criteria is capitalist profit.

Poverty, unemployment, the attack on worker's rights, anti-immigrant policies, police brutality, imperialist aggressions towards other Peoples, social decomposition through drugs and crime, prove that capitalism is barbarism and that Socialism is both current and necessary.

We the Communist and Worker's Parties express:

-Our condemnation of the racist murder of George Floyd and protesters, victims of the Trump administration's Repression Policies.

-Our solidarity with the workers and people of the USA, who in all cities protest racism and repression. 

-Our solidarity with the workers and people of the USA affected by COVID-19

-Our condemnation of the Trump Administration, currently responsible for the White House, that employs campaigns that are racist, anti-migrant, xenophobic, and anticommunist. We condemn the curfew and the National Guard, the arrest and murder of those who fight for change.

Which side are you on? The Communist and Worker's Parties together with the workers and people of the USA, against capitalism and its barbarism.

Workers of the world, unite!

Parties signing the Joint Declaration:

  1. Communist Party of Argentina
  2. Communist Party of Australia
  3. Communist Party of Austria
  4. Party of Labour of Austria
  5. Communist Party of Belgium (PCB-CPB)
  6. Communist Party of Bolivia
  7. Brazilian Communist Party
  8. Communist Party of Canada
  9. Communist Party of Bohemia &Moravia
  10. Communist Party of Chile
  11. Popular Vanguard Party (Costa Rica)
  12. Communist Party in Denmark
  13. Force of the Revolution. Dominican Republic
  14. Communist Party of Finland
  15. French Communist Party
  16. Communist Party of El Salvador
  17. Communist Party of Greece
  18. Tudeh Party of Iran
  19. Iraqi Communist Party
  20. Kurdistan Communist Party - Iraq
  21. Communist Party of Ireland
  22. Workers Party of Ireland
  23. Communist Party, Italy
  24. Party of the Communist Refoundation - Italy
  25. Jordanian Communist Party
  26. Communist Party of Luxembourg
  27. Communist Party of Mexico
  28. Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
  29. Popular Socialist Party-National Political Group, Mexico
  30. Palestinian People's Party
  31. Peruvian Communist Party
  32. Paraguayan Communist Party
  33. PKP-1930, Philippine Communist Party
  34. Portuguese Communist Party
  35. Romanian Socialist Party
  36. CP of the Russian Federation
  37. Communists of Catalonia
  38. Communist Party of the Workers of Spain
  39. Sudanese Communist Party
  40. Communist Party of Swaziland
  41. Communist Party of Turkey
  42. Communist Party USA
  43. Communist Party of Venezuela
Other Parties
  1. Galizan People’s Union-UPG
  2. Party of Communists USA
 The Joint Declaration is open for further endorsements

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Declaración de solidaridad con el pueblo de los EEUU
Los partidos comunistas y obreros expresamos nuestra solidaridad con la clase obrera multinacional de los EEUU y con el pueblo norteamericano que se encuentra en las calles movilizado contra el racismo, la represión, el desempleo y otros problemas agudos causados por el sistema capitalista de explotación.
El asesinato de George Floyd no es una excepción, es la regla de la política racista, contra afroamericanos, latinos, y migrantes de otras nacionalidades. De la misma manera se enfrenta el sistema de explotación contra el conjunto de la clase obrera, como lo demuestra la pandemia del Covid-19, que actualmente es de más de dos millones de contagios, y casi 113,000 fallecidos, donde muchas vidas pudieron ser salvadas, pero un sistema de salud privatizado resultó peligroso porque su criterio es la ganancia capitalista.
La pobreza, el desempleo, el ataque a los derechos de los trabajadores, la política antiinmigrante, la brutalidad policial, las agresiones imperialistas a otros pueblos, la descomposición social con drogas, delincuencia, comprueban que el capitalismo es la barbarie, y que es necesario y actual el socialismo.
Los partidos comunistas y obreros expresamos:
-Nuestra condena del asesinato racista de George Floyd y de los manifestantes, víctimas de la política de represión de la administración Trump.
-Nuestra solidaridad con los trabajadores y el pueblo de los EEUU, que en todas las ciudades manifiesta contra el racismo y la represión.
-Nuestra solidaridad con los trabajadores y el pueblo de los EEUU afectados por el COVID-19.
-Nuestra condena a la Administración Trump, responsable en turno de la Casa Blanca, que instrumenta campañas racistas, antimigrantes, xenófobas, anticomunistas. Condenamos el toque de queda y el patrullaje de la Guardia Nacional, la detención y el asesinato de luchadores.
Which side are you on? Los partidos comunistas y obreros junto a los trabajadores y el pueblo norteamericano, contra el capitalismo y la barbarie.
¡Proletarios de todos los países, uníos