In his question, the MEP of the KKE stated the following:
“The violent suppression of the mass popular demonstrations in Chile up until now has caused the death of 18 demonstrators – among them minors –from shootings by police forces. Hundreds have been injured and thousands arrested. This is the bloody count of the Pinera government who since December 2017 has taken harsh anti-popular measures that have dramatically worsened the life of the working people, resulting in the outbreak of the dynamic mobilizations that are in progress as we speak, sparked by price increases for public transport, fuel and electricity, which reduce popular incomes even more.
The demonstrators defied the thousands of soldiers and riflemen, demanding that they return to their barracks, that the state of emergency and the prohibition on circulation be terminated, and in following; that a dialogue be commenced with labor and social organizations on the real problems: the extremely low salaries and flexible work relations, social insurance that has been handed over to private entities, the demand for free Health and Education. Moreover, they demand that the state repression cease and those who are responsible for the murders of the demonstrators and the wounding of hundreds of people be punished.
It should be noted that Chile is a country that, according to the EU, is a “model country” in its region. It features high rates of capitalist development, it has entered into an Agreement of Association with the EU, which considers Chile to be a country that “promotes human rights, the rule of law, and good governance”. Together Chile and the EU do not miss an opportunity to offer “lessons in democracy” with advice on human rights. The EU intervention is totally hypocritical, calling jointly for the perpetrators and the victims, the government responsible for the barbaric repression and the demonstrators who endure it, to “communicate”.
The Commission is asked what position it has on this violent repression, the murders of demonstrators, the wounding of hundreds of people, the prohibition on circulation and overall, the barbaric suppression of popular mobilizations in Chile, that brings to mind the dark era of the Pinochet dictatorship.
Source: inter.kke.gr.