Pafilis stressed that the protocol consists the essence of the Tsipras-Zaev Agreement which, as he pointed out, took place in order to accelerate the neighboring country's accesion to the imperialist alliance. During his speech, the KKE MP read an extract from a U.S. State Department report saying that Greece has taken a leading role in the process of Western Balkans' integration in the EU and NATO. "Congratulations, mission accomplished" said Pafilis referring to the deputies of SYRIZA.
The Communist MP explained that NATO was created in order to fight the Soviet Union and the socialist countries, as well as to prevent the tendency of people towards Communism. He underlined that NATO is the armed arm of imperialism, the armed murderer of capitalism all over the world. Pafilis added that after 1990, NATO not only didn't dissolve but became even more aggressive and imposed, with "fire and iron, imperialism's "new order" in the world.
In his intervention during the discussion, KKE MP Giannis Giokas accused SYRIZA government that "strengthens NATO and imprisons another people in the murderous machine". Giokas underlined that the KKE will continue to highlight the dangerous developments in the region and expose the role of Tsipras' government as a "standard-bearer" of the US-NATO interests.
Greek lawmakers are expected to vote today, Friday, on the protocol that paves the way for the accession of FYROM (North Macedonia) to the imperialist alliance of NATO under the new name "Republic of North Macedonia", as it was agreed in the Prespes Agreement.
From the very first time, the KKE had strongly denounced Prespes Agreement as a NATO-inspired deal which was made in order to promote the US-NATO-EU interests in the Balkans.