
Sunday, December 30, 2018

New Year Greetings 2019 - By Communist Parties across the world

Communist and Workers' Parties across the world share their greetings and wishes for a happy, militant and red 2019, full of successful struggles for the emancipation of the working class and the revolutionary change towards socialism-communism:

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Indonesia tsunami- Proletarian solidarity to the workers and the people of Indonesia

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), representing 95 million workers in 130 different countries across the world, expresses its most heartfelt condolences to the people of Indonesia after the tsunami caused by a volcanic eruption on 22 November.
According to official information so far, at least 281 people have died from the tsunami, hundreds more are injured and many more remain missing.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Message from the KKE on the 60 years of the Cuban Revolution

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, the International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) sent the following message to the Communist Party of Cuba (Partido Comunista de Cuba):

Dear Comrades, 

The KKE sends you its warm comradely greetings on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution January 1st 1959. 

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Protests in Sudan - Communist Party cadres have been detained by the authorities!

Yesterday the 25th of December was the day Khartoum became the centre of the mass protest actions. The protest march called by the professional bodies turned into a great mass demonstration which started at 1pm and continued late into the night. The masses were denied reaching their target of presenting their memorandum to Albashir by the heavy presence of armed security forces around the Republican Palace.
The demonstration which started in central Khartoum, soon spread to other residential areas around the capital. The battles between the demonstrators and the security forces moved from the main roads to the streets and lanes of the capital.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

“Comrades, hold the flag high! Hope lies in the people's struggle!”

It was December 26, 1991 when the red flag with the sickle and hammer was lowered from the Kremlin. 

During these cold days of the Russian winter, the first socialist state in the world - the fatherland of every working man and woman- was bending under the weight of the counterrevolution. The imperialists and their allies- opportunists, social democrats, euro-communists, etc- were talking about the ultimate end of Socialism, the "end of history", the "defeat of marxism" and the triumph of the capitalist system. 

Cornelius Castoriadis — The philosopher who preached socialism but sided with barbarity

Cornelius Castoriades (1922-1997)
By Nikos Mottas.

The 26th of December marks the death anniversary of philosopher, economist and psychoanalyst Cornelius Castoriadis. Born in Istanbul in 1922, the writings of Castoriades remain today a reference point for the political spectrum of the so-called “libertarian socialism” and the self-identified as “autonomy movements”. Indeed, being a prolific writter in a vast range of political philosophy issues, Castoriadis was established, especially during the period between 1960 and 1980, as one of the most significant representatives of the radical French and European intelligentsia.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Cuba's new constitution ratifies the goal of advancing towards a "communist society"

The goal of “advancing toward a communist society” has been reinserted into the draft of Cuba's new constitution after its removal from the first version, state-run television said last Thursday.

From August 13 to November 15, Cuba hosted a consultation on the initial version of the document, a process in which more than 133,000 meetings were attended by almost nine million citizens, who issued 783,000 proposals.

The opinions expressed in neighborhoods and centers of work and study, as well as by Cubans living abroad, became, after processing, around 9,600 sample proposals, half of them incorporated in one form or another into the project.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Orban's "slave law" shall not pass- Solidarity with Hungarian workers by WFTU-PAME

New demonstrations took place in Budapest last Friday against the antiworker "slave law", while the defiant far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orban dismissed the protests of the last weeks as "hysterical shouting". According to a poll published by the Publicus company on Friday, more than two-thirds of Hungarians thought the protests were justified and that the overtime law would hurt workers' interests.

Regarding the situation in Hungary, the "slave law" and the mass protests, you can read more in the report of the Hungarian Worker's Party (Munkáspárt). 

Friday, December 21, 2018

Sudan's Communist Party supports popular protests, asks for international solidarity

In a statement issued on December 20th, the Political Bureau of the Sudanese Communist Party refers to the current situation in the country and the continuous protests that are taking place and asking from fraternal parties to express their solidarity towards the struggle of the Sudanese people for democracy, social justice and peace:

Thursday, December 20, 2018

66% of Russians regret the Soviet Union's dissolution - Capitalism has utterly failed

Twenty-seven years since the victory of the counterrevolution in the dissolution of the Soviet Union, seems that the capitalist "heaven" in Russia has been proved nothing more than an illusion. 

Where is the supposed "paradise" of free-market capitalism that the counterrevolutionaries of Gorbachev and Yeltsin- alongside their imperialist allies- were promising to the people of Russia? Apparently it was a blatant lie.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Bolsonaro the fascist: Brazil's new president threatens to target Cuba and Venezuela

Brazil’s fascist new president Jair Bolsonaro said on Tuesday that he would take all action “within the rule of law and democracy” to oppose the governments of Venezuela and Cuba

A fervent anticommunist, praiser of the crimes committed during the 1964-1985 dictatorial military regime in Brazil and loyal ally of U.S. imperialism, Bolsonaro unleashed threats against Cuba and Venezuela during a Facebook live video, without providing further details. 

It is characteristic that the U.S. government has expressed its support towards Bolsonaro, counting on the new Brazilian administration for the implementation of the imperialist plans in Latin America.

Hungary Protests - What is happening?

Several protests have been held in Hungary since December 8, mobilising a few thousands of people. In the parliament, the opposition parties attacked the ruling parties and wanted to paralyse the parliament's work by obstruction. What is happening in Hungary?
  1. On November 2, 2018, three lawmakers of the ruling Fidesz party submitted a draft law in order to amend the labour code. The amendment allows on top of the 40 normal working hours per week 400 extra hours per year, instead of the current 250 hours. But the amount of extra work should be counted not in 12 months as before, but in 36 months.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Truth and lies about Stalin - An exclusive interview with Grover Furr

On the ocassion of the 140th birth anniversary of Joseph Stalin we asked Professor Grover Furr to share with us his thoughts on some issues surrounding Stalin and the period of his leadership. Grover Furr, a Professor of medieval english literature at Montclair State University in New Jersey, is well-known for his research and writings on a vast range of issues about Soviet history. Some of his most famous books include "Khrushchev Lied", "The Moscow Trials as Evidence", Trotsky’s "Amalgams", "The Mystery of the Katyn Massacre: The Evidence, The Solution" and others. The name of Grover Furr is included in the list of the "101 most dangerous academics in America".

Monday, December 17, 2018

Beirut turns red: Large demonstration held by the Lebanese Communist Party

Thousands of Lebanese workers, men and women, took to the streets of Beirut on Sunday to protest against a political stalemate that has prevented the formation of a new government seven months after elections. 

The demonstration was organized by the Lebanese Communist Party and consists the beginning of a series of actions against the ruling class and the pillaging of the country. 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Nikos Sofianos to be the Communist Party's candidate for mayor of Athens

Nikos Sofianos.
Nikos Sofianos, an experienced cadre of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and a member of the Athens' City Council, will be the Party's candidate for the mayoralty of the Greek capital city in May 2019 elections. More specifically, the KKE Party Organisation of Attica announced the candidate mayors for the municipalities of Athens and Piraeus, as well as the candidate governor of Attica. 

For the municipality of Athens, the candidate will be Nikos Sofianos, 53, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the KKE, also member of the Athens City Council since 2010. He was the Secretary of the Central Council of the Communist Youth (KNE) from 1991 to 2001.

Vasily Zaytsev - The legendary Soviet sniper who made the Nazis tremble in fear

It was on December 15, 1991, when a hero of the Soviet Union passed away at the age of 76. He was Vasily Grigoryevich Zaytsev, the legendary sniper of the Red Army whose name became inextricably linked to the Battle of Stalingrad. 
He was the man that made the Nazi soldiers tremble in fear. 

Born in March 1915 in Yeleninskoye, Orenburg Governorate, a member of a peasant family, Vasily learned hunting at a very early age. He became acquainted with marksmanship by his granfather who taught him how to hunt deers, wolves and other animals. At the age of 12, Vasily got his first rifle as a gift.

Friday, December 14, 2018

KKE: Greece-US Strategic Dialogue confirms deeper involvement in imperialist plans

The so-called "Strategic Dialogue" between Greece and the United States began in Washington DC on Thursday, focusing on regional defense, security and energy issues (read the Joint Statement). 

The Greek government is represented by the alternate Foreign Minister Giorgos Katrougalos, while the U.S. delegation includes Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Erdogan and Gülen, former accomplices in CIA anti-communist campaign in Turkey

Fethullah Gülen, the islamic preacher and businessman who resides in Pennsylvania, is today regarded as the number one enemy of Tayyip Erdogan's AKP government which has repeatedly asked for his extradition to Turkey. 

However, it is known that Erdogan and Gülen were once close allies. What is less known is that both men had participated, in one or another way, in the CIA-designed anti-communist campaign in Turkey during the Cold War years. 

KKE MEP Kostas Papadakis in Poland: Stop the persecution of Polish communists!

A delegation of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) group at the European Parliament, headed by Kostas Papadakis, MEP and also member of the Party's Central Committee, visited Poland in order to express solidarity and support with the persecuted members of "Brzask" newspaper. "Brzask" is the official gazette of the Communist Party of Poland and members of its editorial board have been persecuted by the authorities under the unfounded allegations of "public promotion of a totalitarian system".

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Chinese ambassador in Greece meets with members of Golden Dawn's Neo-Nazis!

Nazis invited at the Chinese Embassy in Athens on December
2017 (left) and December 2018 (right).
It seems that the Embassy of China in Greece has developed some kind of relations with the Neo-Nazi party - actually a criminal organization - of Golden Dawn

Since when a country like China is interested in opening dialogue with fascists, fans of Hitler and Mussolini, who are under court investigation for murders, attacks on migrants and workers, as well as other crimes? 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Hungarian Workers’ Party: Gyula Thürmer reelected as president at the 27th Congress

Gyula Thürmer unanimously reelected as president of the Hungarian Workers' Party (Munkáspárt) at the 27th Congress that was held in Budapest. 

Born in 1953, Thürmer has been the chairman of the Party since its formation on December 1989. 

The 27th Congress decided that the Party will participate in May's European Parliament elections and issued a resolution with the major tasks for a "Strong Hungarian Workers' Party":

Monday, December 10, 2018

Secretary Koutsoumbas in Thessaloniki: "A strong KKE means power for the people"

Photo credit: Konstantinos Tsakalidis/SOOC.
In a large political and cultural event at Palais des Sports indoor arena in Greece's second largest city, Thessaloniki, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) honored the 100 years since its foundation. 

Thousands of people of every age, men and women, workers, students, pensioners, attended the event, while the General Secretary of the Party, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, delivered a major speech. 

Among other things, Koutsoumbas mentioned that the KKE celebrated its 100 years in Thessaloniki, the city which fairly has her own contribution to the history of the country's labour movement. 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

KKE expresses solidarity with the French people, condemns police repression

In a statement issued today regarding the massive mobilizations in France and the brutal repression from the side of Emmanuel Macron's government, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) points out the following:

"The KKE expresses its solidarity with the mass mobilizations of workers, students, and other popular forces over the last weeks in France, against the policy of expensive fuels and their heavy taxation.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Hands Off Polish communists: The working class in solidarity with the CP of Poland

Resolution by the European Communist Initiative regarding the anti-communist persecutions in Poland: 

On December 7th 2018 the 3-year anti-communist trial against members and cadres of the CP of Poland will resume. 

The Polish authorities, escalating the anticommunist campaign, encouraged by the fact that the EU recognizes anticommunism as its official ideology, have proceeded to despicable persecutions against the editorial board of Brzask magazine, carrying out even investigations in the houses of cadres of the Party. 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

A pseudo-socialist: Bernie Sanders praises imperialist criminal George HW Bush...

Senator Bernie Sanders- the much publicized supposed "socialist" of the Democratic Party- did it again! In a message published on his personal Twitter account, he praised the recently deceased former U.S. President George H.W. Bush as a man who "served our country honorably", pointing out that he will be remembered for his "humble and devoted service to the country". 

What, we are compelled to ask, is Bernie Sanders, who present himself as a political figure of the left and even socialist, talking about? Did he forget about the crimes that George H.W. Bush committed during his presidential term? Doesn't he know about the imperialist wars in Iraq and Panama? Does Bernie Sanders know how many people were massacred as a result of Bush's decision to invade Iraq in the Gulf War?

Gilets jaunes: French communist parties reflect on "yellow vests" movement

Through written statements, the marxist-leninist Communist Parties in France have expressed their support towards the progressive demands of the "yellow vests" movement, pointing out that the anti-governmental demonstrations must take an anti-capitalist, anti-monopolies shape, against the big capital and the participation of the country in the imperialist alliances of EU and NATO. 

In a statement titled "All together against the policy of Macron, the man of financial capital", the Communist Revolutionary Party of France (PCRF) calls Emmanuel Macron as "the president of the rich" and reaffirms its solidarity with the "yellow vests" movement while calling for vigilance against attempts by fascist groups to take advantage of the protests. The PCRF points out that the best protection against the far-right is the mass participation of the workers, of the labor movement in the ongoing demonstrtaiuons. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Communist Party of Mexico slams Obrador's "left illusion", calls for class struggle

Since the 1st of December, the new President of Mexico is Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the social democrat politician known by the initials AMLO and head of the MORENA coalition. Although López Obrador is promoted by mainstream media as a "left" change in the country's politics, the truth is that he is another alternative choice of Mexico's bourgeois class for the implementation of pro-capitalist, pro-monopolies policy agenda. 

Turkish and Cuban communists honored the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

TKP General Secretary Kemal Okuyan (left) with
Juan Carlos Aguilera of the Communist Party of Cuba.
Together with the José Martí Cuba Friendship Association, a member of ICAP (Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos), the Communist Party of Turkey organized a solidarity week with socialist Cuba and hosted a delegation of five, including representatives of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Cuban Parliament and ICAP. 

Responding to the call of TKP, thousands of friends of Cuba gathered in a series of events organized from the 25th of November to the 1st of December in three major cities of Turkey; Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir.

In Istanbul, under the title "Great Humanity is 60 years old", a large solidarity event was attended by hundreds of people, including representatives from the Communist Parties of Cuba (PCC) and Turkey (TKP). 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

European Communist Initiative: Speech by KKE Politburo member Giorgos Marinos

The plenary meeting of the European Communist Initiative (ECI) was held at the headquarters of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in Athens on Monday 26/11/18. 

Within the framework of the meeting an assessment of the rich action of the previous six months was carried out, that highlighted the significant interventions and initiatives that were held by the ECI: against the imperialist Euro-Atlantic plans and the further dangerous militarization of the EU; against the anti-communism of the EU and of the governments particularly against the Communists in Poland, Ukraine and other countries; against the anti-popular measures that are been generalized: the orchestrated restriction of the right to strike, the measures affecting the right to education in the EU Member States and other countries. 

Monday, December 3, 2018

Gilets jaunes protests in France: Solidarity with the workers and people of France

Regarding the ongoing protests in France- known as the "Gilets jaunes" protests- it is important to highlight and promote internationalist solidarity towards the French working class and the comrades who are fighting against capitalist exploitation and state violence. 
At the same time, the fascist, nationalist elements which might try to politically exploit the justified indignation of the people must be isolated. 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Anticommunist persecutions in Poland bear the stamp of the European Union

In a revealing response to the Communist Party of Greece MEP Kostas Papadakis, the EU Commission actually confirmed that the anticommunist campaign in Poland (and in other EU member-states too) bears the stamp of the Union. 

Responding to a written question submitted by K. Papadakis the EU Commissioner on Justice Věra Jourová defiantly and hypocritically tried to justify the anticommunist strategy of the Polish government.