Saturday, November 17, 2018

45 years since the Polytechnic uprising in Greece: Large anti-imperialist rally to the US embassy in Athens

Under the slogan "No to the plans of the government and imperialists. NATO and its bases, out of Greece", thousands of people of every age participated in the large march, organized by the KKE, the KNE, workers and students' unions, in commemoration of the 45th anniversary of the 1973 Polytechnic uprising

The march began from Stadiou avenue, passed through Syntagma Square and ended at the U.S. embassy where the demonstrators shouted anti-imperialist slogans, raising their voice for Greece's disengagement from the dangerous NATO-USA-EU imperialist plans. 

The rally was attended by the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas who made the following statement: "The aims and slogans of the Polytechnic uprising, against the bases of death, for disengagement from NATO, for social, democratic, labor and people's rights remain today unfulfilled. And for that reason we continue until the final victory, forever". 

Similar rallies took place in Thessaloniki and other major Greek cities.
