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Cuba's Permanent Representative at the U.N., Ambassador Anayansi Rodríguez Camejo. |
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cuba to the United Nations has issued a statement strongly denouncing the unprecedented provocation of the U.S. government in the United Nations. The statement, published in newspaper "Granma", reads:
Today, Tuesday 16 October, 2018, the United States of America has once again sullied the name of the United Nations.
The United States, in another action of contempt for human rights and this Organization, has preferred to create absurd lies about Cuba rather than recognize and promote a campaign to redress its multiple human rights violations, both in its territory and in the rest of the world.
With this action, which included the use of the ECOSOC Chamber and the United Nations WebCast, the name and emblem of the Organization was used in an act against a Member State, on the pretense of international support for its fallacious campaign. All of this contravenes the principles and purposes of the Charter.
It is clear the intention of the United States Government to sustain, with all available resources and without the slightest moral objection, the unilateral policy of economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed against Cuba and universally repudiated by the United Nations General Assembly for its criminal and genocidal nature, and therefore, in violation of international law.
This event is a new chapter in the long list of aggressions against Cuba. It is part of the actions aimed at subverting the legitimately established constitutional order and of the interventionist agenda that has gained renewed momentum under the current Administration, whose fascist, racist and xenophobic ideas are a matter of grave concern in the international community.
Cuba has warned about and denounced this situation by means of a letter of protest to the Secretary-General, requesting the cancellation of this farce of the United States Government within the United Nations premises. We are supported on the Charter of the United Nations and the existing rules concerning the use of conference rooms, approved by this Organization.
The event, as we had foreseen, was a political comedy staged on false arguments and with supporting actors of a dark history at the service of a foreign power, many of them paid by Washington, including the Secretary-General of the puppet Organization of American States.
The sponsors of the alleged campaign were not willing to listen to Cuba's truth. They even tried to prevent Cuban diplomatic officials from entering the room. What happened is the total and absolute responsibility of the United States.
Cuba's voice was heard despite everything. They could not give us valid arguments, they did not have them. The truth is on our side.
Cuba is proud of its human rights record, which denies any manipulation against it. The United States lacks the morals to give lessons, and much less in this matter. That country, with its poor adherence to international human rights instruments, has a pattern of systematic violations of all human rights, including the use of torture, detention and arbitrary deprivation of liberty, as is the case of the Guantánamo Naval Base, an illegally occupied Cuban territory; the murder of African-Americans by police officers; the death of innocent civilians by their intervention and occupation forces; xenophobia and repression; the imprisonment of immigrants, including children who are separated from their families. The latter, the imprisonment of children, would have rightly justified the name "Jailed for What?.
Cuba condemns and rejects in the strongest possible terms this new anti-Cuban action by the United States Government, which constitutes an affront to the sovereignty of the Cuban people and disrespect for their self-determination. This is an attack not only on a sovereign State, but also on the principles of multilateralism and the foundational bases of the United Nations.
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U.S and OAS president L. Almagro lead the provocation against Cuba in the U.N.
Source: Granma International.
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OAS president Luis Almagro, a puppet in the service of U.S. imperialism. |
On Tuesday afternoon, the U.S. government called a press conference to slander Cuba in the UN’s Economic and Social Council hall.
The United States intends to defend, by any means, its unilateral policy of economic blockade, which is the object of universal condemnation, and violates international law.
The U.S. government knows that this conduct is not supported by the U.S. population, or by Cubans residing there. They fabricate unfounded accusations, issuing defamatory statements regarding the safety of diplomats in Cuba.
Far from dialoguing on the basis of respect, as Cuba has done to promote cooperation, as it does with other countries, the U.S. government resorts to fraudulent accusations and slander campaigns.
The U.S. government allocates millions of dollars every year to attack Cuba’s constitutional order, interfere in internal affairs, and finance individuals who act as agents of a foreign power, which is illegal in Cuba, as it is in the United States and other countries.
“Cuba is a country of peace, that conducts foreign relations based on respect and cooperation, that has a long track record of recognized solidarity and friendship, particularly with developing countries,” he said, “It is the U.S. policy toward Cuba that is isolated.”
He recalled that this coming October 31, the UN General Assembly will once again vote for an end to the blockade, “The United Sates government and its State Department should pay attention to this universal demand.”
Cuba reacts to the provocation
Given the situation, her Excellency Anayansi Rodríguez Camejo, Cuban ambassador and permanent representative before the UN, sent a letter of protest to UN General Secretary
António Guterres, reminding him of norms related to the use of conference halls which clearly establish that only events in consonance with UN policies and principles may be held in these areas, and that their relevance to UN work must be presented.
She formally requested that the event planned by the United States in UN facilities be cancelled, and that an internal investigation be conducted to determine how this violation of policy was permitted.
Rodríguez continued in her letter, stating, “This, like so many other actions, is part of Washington’s desperate escalation against Havana to justify its genocidal policy of almost 60 years, which constitutes the principal obstacle to development in Cuba and is a flagrant violation of the human rights of Cubans.”
The issue of human rights has been manipulated many time by the United sates to attack Cuba, but this provocation is of particular concern since it is taking place in UN facilities, shortly before the General Assembly vote to end the U.S. blockade of Cuba that has consistently won overwhelming support.
1:00 pm
The United States is about to begin its press conference to accuse Cuba of human rights violations.
1:15 pm
Ambassador Kelley E. Currie, U.S. representative before the UN Economic and Social Council, will present the central argument attacking Cuba, alleging the existence of 130 political prisoners in the island.
1:45 pm Almagro joins U.S. spokesperson
Ambassador Kelley E. Currie, who appears to be stepping in to take on the role of toughie played by Nikki Haley as U.S. rep in the UN, calls on countries to join the U.S. in its attacks on Cuba using an old pretext, that Cuba does not share its vision of human rights.
Almagro, taking the floor, insults Cuba referring to Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro in disrespectful terms, and ignoring Cuba’s accomplishments in terms of human rights.
In the back of the room filled with U.S. lies, the condemnations of the Cuban delegation can be heard, demanding respect for our nation and the truth.
2:10 pm Cuban Ambassador Anayansi Rodriguez requests to speak and is denied the floor by organizers.
The UN webcast does not broadcast the face of Cuba’s representative. UN Security removes those opposing the U.S. campaign against Cuba from the hall. More protests are heard.
2:45 pm Cuba Sí, Bloqueo No, (Cuba yes, blockade, no) is the demand of #Cuba representatives at the anti-Cuban event in the UN Economic and Social Councilhall, being held in violation of UN prodedures, according the the Cuban Ministry on Twitter.
3:05 pm Meeting ends As the meeting concluded, the teleSUR correspondent stated, “This is the environment. The meeting is over. The hall almost empty. Very few of those invited by the U.S.”