With political and cultural events the friends of Cuba in Greece will commemorate the 50th anniversary of Ernesto Che Guevara's assasination.
In Athens:
On Monday 9 October, "Alkyonis" cinema will host an event in honor of Che. The major speaker will be the Ambassador of Cuba in Greece Zelmys Maria Dominguez Cortina, while the president of the Hellenic-Cuban Association of Friendship and Solidarity Nikos Karandreas will deliver a greeting message. The event will also include the projection of the film "Donde nunca jamas se lo imaginan" by Manuel Perez.
From 5 to 11 October, "Alkyonis" and "Studio new star art" cinemas will be hosting a documentary festival, with a total of 21 documantaries from all over the world, in honor of Che Guevara.
In Thessaloniki:
The Hellenic-Cuban Association of Friendship and Solidarity of Thessaloniki and the Commission for International Detente and Peace (EDYETH) organize a political and cultural event on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the argentine communist revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara.
The event will take place on Wednesday 18 October, at 7.00 pm, at the Thessaloniki City Hall (Hall "Manolis Anagnostakis"). The event's speakers, who will refer to the life and action of Che Guevara, are: Apostolos Skoufas, president of the Hellenic-Cuban Association; Nikos Mottas, secretary general of the Hellenic-Cuban Association and Nikos Zokas, president of EDYETH.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba in Greece Ms. Zelmys Maria Dominguez Cortina will attend and deliver a greeting message, while the event will also include audiovisual and music tribute to the legendary revolutionary.

El acto tendrá lugar el miércoles 18 de octubre, a las 19.00 horas, en el Ayuntamiento de Salónica (sala "Manolis Anagnostakis"). Los oradores del evento, que se harán referencia a la vida y la acción del Che Guevara, son: Apostolos Skoufas, Presidente de la Asociación Heléno-Cubana; Nikos Mottas, Secretario General de la Asociación Heléno-Cubana y Nikos Zokas, Presidente de EDΙETH.
La Embajadora de la República de Cuba en Grecia Sra. Zelmys Maria Dominguez Cortina asistirá y dirigirá un mensaje de bienvenida, mientras que el evento incluirá también el tributo audiovisual y musical al legendario revolucionario.
In Piraeus:
Event by the Piraeus Sectoral Organisation of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) honoring Che Guevara, on Sunday 8 October at 7.00 pm in "Kremlino", in Piraeus. Speech will be delivered by Manolis Rapanakis, member of the Bureau of the CC of KNE.